i18 7mumqglqwmw5 160 bussnesss opportunities 325 auctions lfi 315 for sale pink flamingo disposal we known company serving greater to area- excellent opportunity business in cludes 21988 mercedes benz trucks 42 disposal containers annual sales in ex cess ol s20000000 askfrig 70000x0 oao contact richanl hawkins 4165375318 300 market basket chepacks country market pumpkins galore were still picking sweet corn apples squash frozen berries christmas gunnerside crafts great gifts for teachers perennial mums 300 free smiles 11471 9th line at 19th avenue i 9056401819 u garage yard sales garage sale 118thicketwood blvd saturday october 21 st canadian tire coupons accepted rain next day garage sale open every saturday sunday 95 22 hillcroft west of mccowan steeles i bargains galore baby items clothing boots and much much more garage sale sat oct 21 9am noon 19 walkerton drive markham featuring almlra fireplace insert plus lots more garage sale sat oct 21 93 pm rain or shine oldnew furniture glassware tools etc 4th concession north of pickering uxbridge townline 1st house on left garage sale sat oct 21 103 pm 12758 warden nofstouffvilleune garage sale moving sale 61 squire bakers lane sat oct 21 30ara to 1 pm grace church rummage sale 19 parkway avenue markham saturday october 21 st 900 am until noon bargains treasures and more double day auction wed oct 18 thurs oct 19 both sales at 600 pm pollards auction barn 254 utiles east ol keswick 24190 kennedy rd 15 mins n of newmarket off woodbine ave watch for signs property of a predominant newmarket home 4 uxbridge estate wed oct 18 4 floor safe hot chocolate maker xerox photocopier 4 wheel garden cart pine captains- beds misc household effects new tools chain saws ladders plus qty of smaller household furnishings box lots etc thurs oct 19 almond refrigerator 30 range under counter dishwasher 6 pc pine bedroom suite 2 pc leatherette sofa emerson 32 colour tv 2 pc country kitchen hutch pine drysink new walnut babys spool bed ant oak entertainment unit portable tv modern dinette suite casio water cooler unusual copper fire screen le petit gooin parlour stove 30s stylo sofa dressers oil lamps older pes of glassware qty of hockey cards signed rookie cards plus a large qty of above average household effects too numerous to mention note both sales are of exceptional quality plan to attend something for everyone terms cash or cheque w ld pollards auctions sutton 7223112 4763601 over 30 years experience certified appraisers friday oct 20 630 pm at the good wood community centre 6 kms east of hwy 48 via bloomington sd rd cont ents from toronto estate include antiques modem furniture also large qty of old wood furniture for refinishing good sale of de pression glass in various colours patterns many other good glass and china items qty of jewellery in sherman garbo sterling some antiques window air conditions re frigerator kitchen stoves small freezer ail appliances white and ex cond several an tique collectable pieces clean sale good selection terms cash good cheque only preview 5 pm clarkson auctions 905- 6406411 sat oct 21 10 am large antique sale at orval mclean auction centre lindsay complete estate of late bethel bolton bobcaygeon others large assortment of quality antique furniture crafts 18 royal doulton figurines 2 royal doulton lamps 2 moorecraft lamps 12 place set no ri take dinnerware 12 place service of royal crown derby blue mikado dinnerware antique glass china many col- lectables dining suites settee sets unusual carved oak sideboard with lions heads chesterfield sets fancy tables etc also selling 1991 buick lesabre ltd dont miss this interesting sale from long established homemclean auctions orval barry mclean auctioneer 7053242783 call 1 800461 6499 to list your sale kahn country auctions every wednesday al 630 pjn located 2699 brock rd n pickering 3 rrfles north ol highway 40t lake exit 399 featuring every wed an excellent selection ol antiques fine furnishings glass china resectables primitives and other unususals so join us every wed and participate in one of ontarios true auctions with no buybacks or reserves terms cash cheque with proper id or visa previews from 1pm consignment estate settng our specialty call us today kahn auction service 9056830041 farmhouse near hwy 484 9 davis dt to share available immediately 305-715- 9318 artft campers ldlj trailers wanted white working or not fridge stoves wash ers dryers 905-427- 2713 also for sale re conditioned washers dryers stoves 250 up to 3 months war ranty 9054272713 reduced si 5000 to message s12900 35 ft glen- q74 horses 4 y r j prvjte rj yj r- cccre o i livestock fa ou homes is io wanted dett deluxe cottager park model 2 tips mint condition load ed 4164936503 oaf hobbie jjj crafts vendors wanted for the everyday craft show great rates on going advertising for info call scarborough 4162840972 or new 9058958831 wanted softub hot tub new or used cd9052v4 leave message beep farm fresh purebred black angus 25 lb sides cut to order 905 8525961 04f articles olu for sale 5 hp chipper shred der 8523457 chimney clean ing reduce the risk of costly chimney fires from only 50 call anytime 705-786- 1145 dining room 9pc antique mahogany durican phyfe 3600 modern bedroom set lacquered birds eye maple 3500 905- 4794295 or 416-209- 1522 9058871586 1 i dirt bike trailer s450 parts bike pistonning it175 yamaha bike s200 utility yx80 needs 200 parts modem firewood sale buy for next year 10 logs 9 bush cords to a truckload cut and split yourself save 50 also season cut and split call 905- 8527586 firewood sea soned hardwood cut n split 12 face cord 69 free local deliv ery 9054719712 9056428059 tired of buying wet wood give terry smith a call 12 16 delivered or picked up mccowan fire wood 9054723724 markham 1993 sunbird le only 24000 km 4 door auto pwr locks trunk amfm cass red ac excellent condition 10800 9052943616 1986 firebird blue pullout stereo new tires air automatic power steering brakes 1250 or best offer stacy 905-649- 3302 fuo wanted cars trucks wanted for scrap same day pick up 4164020278 nh wednesday october 25th 445 pm auction sale of furniture antiques and col- lectables for an uxbridge estate selling at neil bacon auctions ltd comer of hwy 47 and 12 to include harvest table beehive double bed pine blanket box sin gle board washstand dressers chest of drawers 3 pc walnut bedroom suite nee dlepoint side chair windsor arm chair plant table pressback rocker dehumidifier ex freezer french ivory pes 1955 sears cata logue jewellery tins buttons dolls tea set puran 36 doll woriginal clothes 3 1930 reliable doll heads toy cars and trucks large quantity of glassware royalty pes homeftghts chainsaw plus many other inter esting items sale managed and sold by neil bacon auctions ltd 9059851068 replying to a pox number be sure to include the appropriate box num- berand the complete malting address the classified boxes wffl be held open for 30 days from the last insertion of the ad man received iter this time wtt not be hew or returned white enamel triple bunkbed like new 300 mattresses inch 8526341 dog crate largest size new condition s100 toshiba cdrom drive 100 call kurt 9055139214 envirotec com and wood pellet stoves sales service parts and fuel brian wilson 705 2772754 fireplace insert harrowsmith cast brass doors ceramic glass elegant r old fashioned look great heat source s375 2142x2117 852- 9842 for sale white table 4 brown chairs suit office or kitchen 100 obo also su per single water bed black 200 obo call 9058375072 halloween cos- tumes for sale 5 to 10 range 905-852- 3756 hot tub 2000 used only 2 seasons storage for 3 years lawn furniture large resin table with um brella 4 stacking chairs with cushions 4 chaise lounges 2 with cushions cush ions umbrella irt white grey pink 200 after 6 852- 3668 king size waterbed new mattress heater finer good condition asking 175 471- 4199 rowing machine york glider good condi tion 65 416-293- 3178 sofa love seat neu tral color for sale 90 each 4714700 sony floor projector tv 72 diagonal viewing screen built- in converter and 99 channels 750 or best offer 905-852- 7771 stove 30 beige excellent condition asking 200 or best oftec 6403611 woodys firewood by bush cord all hardwood cut sprit delivered 9054762203 ofir musical ooo instruments alto tenor saxo rphone clarinet flute violin trumpet all in excellent condition priced to sell 985- 8967 pets supplies auto parts supplies repair 1988 mustang gt cobra tires rims all 4 15 225r15 450- or best offer steve 4733070 qjegfj transportation mother available for rides before af ter school sat ex cellent driving record references available for unionville sur rounding area 905- 4779388 700 all breed dog grooming clipping bath ing now offering all breed cat grooming 8523027 improvements need a change painting decorating improves your nest call martin for a free estimate 905 294- 2073 705 hand handyman with van call john 905-472- 6246 odd jobs tree re moval patios paint- ing baseboards trim light carpentry fences decks land scaping rubbish re moval best prices in town 9054729430 boarding required from time to time in cluding winter holi days of 2 weeks and 1 month for small ma ture gentle cock-a- poo 12 per dayfood provided 905-294- 2333 husky puppies 8 week old purebred steve 4733070 kittenscats all destined to die when rescued litter trained shots and spayed or neutered age permit ting better value than free 19058523814 malamute beauti ful purebred 14 months 300 852- 6341 horses livestock riding lessons and boarding available 180 x 80 indoor pro fessional cared coaching uxbridge 9853669 moving truck 2 men houses apart ments and condos jsinatl or large local of r distance short notice negoti able rates ken 416 6585307 79fi dra mj upholstery daisys window decor custom drapes venetians verticals roll up blinds balloons swags bedspreads headboards call dai sy 9052948944 window treatments soft furnishings quality workmanship and free consultation can vicki taylor- scott 8529643 lets learn inc professional tutoring foe attention deficit disorder learning disabilities acade mic upgrading learning strategies all ages subjects grades summer pro gram free consulta tion 6423222 tutor for math science certified high school teacher specialist in mathe matics physics chemistry and biolo gy please contact keith hah 8523709 we care tutorial services inc since 1977 individualized inhome tutoring all ages levels profes sional qualified tu tors 6918554 yyf childcare i fj available babysitting in my home loving experi enced mom non- smoker lunch snacks reasonable rates r references and receipts brimley steeles 4791738 daycare available in my home with good care any age wel comed full and part- time for more infor- mation call maria 4716190 770 babysitter part time for 4 year okj buttonvoe school area can 905-474- 0534 caregiver required before and after school in our stouff- vfllo home 2 children 11 7 references re quired 9056424466 immediately child care for nine year old attending jo seph gould ps bo- fore and after school 8521106 full time babysitter required monday fri day for 6 month old in your home starting in november markham stouffville area call 9056428319 uveout nanny wanted for 2 girls aged 3 8 unionvioe genuine interest in children essential car an asset references required please leave message at 905-946- 9706 uveout nanny want ed for 312 year old and 8 month old ref erences required 9056426622 childcare available home daycare when only the bett it good enough contact gabrielic poster 905 2945049 a kubul sfxtk mninj marmum initimllr niimffuiv 1 choice of parents in canada dependable home day care for children 6 weeks older you can put your trust in the wee watch system supervised private day care full or part time unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child fully trained providers receive ongoing agency support reliable local back up covers provider illness or holidays- complete insurance coverage income tax receipts 1 5w markham unionville stouffville uxbridge 4795789 wm da m mm 0jm 1x1 i9at feldstein associates chartered accountants accounting audit bookkeeping personal business income tax free initial consultations evening weekend appts avail bus 4154913 mark feldstein warren feldstein re 7314673 res 7316203 charged with a traffic offence former police omicer vill assist you m court couii vjtli tjit 1r impjirrd dyirv call 9054773284