consolidated statement of operations year ended december 31 1994 budget actual actual 1224 1994 1993 sources of financing taxation and user charges residential and farm taxation 21 379289 21358749 20643306 commercial industrial and business taxation 5344822 v 5585053 5387052 taxation from other governments 170787 172499 170085 user charges 1913537 2102945 1748855 28808435 29219246 27949298 deduct regional and school boards share note 2 21832582 22066524 21224841 6975853 7152722 6724457 grants government of canada 2870 3083 2856 province of ontario 1217612 1015164 1084917 other j contributions from developers 868908 575449 debenture proceeds 1827850 357465 investment income 242200 507233 403643 sale of land 1500 481841 133546 other 749570 1211980 619520 appropriations from reserves and reserve funds 1776363 1523938 1378945 municipal fund balances at the beginning of the year note 6 to be used to offset to be recovered from taxation or user charges 315410 315410 128331 unexpended capital financing capital operations not yet permanently finance 553360 553360 11853 total financing available during the year 13662588 13991104 11039811 applied to current operations general government protection to persons and property transportation services environmental services health services recreation and cultural services planning and development capital general government protection to persons and property transportation services environmental services health services recreation and cultural services planning and development appropriations to reserves and reserve funds municipal fund balances at the end of the year note 6 to be used to offset to be recovered from taxation or user charges unexpended capital financing capital operations not yet permanently financed budget actual w actual 1994 1224 1993 1475598 1479933 1452980 1304706 1405182 1314802 1495123 1440117 1406151 1203104 1193345 1160652 50753 v46664 51754 2205627 2207105 2115207 970655 892052 345452 8705566 8664398 7i846998 44380 53484 83681 681393 884123 741356 370653 2736875 282724 170633 4495 432713 262778 169769 23876 1992127 4181772 769034 761051 2794362 1555009 14199 305314 234903 315410 553360 total applications during the year 13662588 13991104 11039811 amounts requisitioned 18180517 3933419 22113936 21159296 underlevies overievies for the year 6386 41026 47412 65545 underlevies overievies beginning of year 5572 10359 4787 70332 underlevies overievies end of year 814 51385 52199 4787 3 trust funds trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to 265433 1993 321586 have not been included in the consolidated balance sheet nor have their operations been included in the consolidated statement of operations 4 pension agreement the municipality makes contributions to the ontario municipal employees retirement fund omers which is a multiemployer plan on behalf of the members of its staff the plan is a defined benefit plan which specifies the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of service and rates of pay the amount contributed to omers for 1994 was 190278 1993 192656 for current service and is included as an expenditure on the consolidated statement of operations 5 net longterm liabilities a the balance of the net longterm liabilities reported on the i consolidated balance sheet is made up of the following 1994 1222 the municipality has assumed responsibility for the payment of principal arid interest charges on certain longterm liabilities issued by the region of york at the end of the year the principal amount of this liability is 849111 729571 of the longterm liabilities shown above the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges for tile drainage has been assumed by individuals at the end of the year the outstanding principal amount of this liability is net longterm liabilities at the end of the year 7111 8571 842000 721000 bj of the net longterm liabilities reported in a of this note principal payments are payable as follows from reserve funds from benefitting landowners 1995 2pjjq to to r 1222 2004 504000 219000 723000 119000 119000 623000 219000 842000 c the municipality is contingently liable for longterm liabilities with w respect to tile drainage and for those for which the responsibility for the payment of principal and interest has been assumed by other municipalities school boards and unconsolidated local boards municipal enterprises and utilities the total amount outstanding as at december 31 1 994 is 71 1 1 1 993 8571 and is not recorded on the consolidated balance sheet 6 municipal fund balances at the end of the year a the balances on the consolidated statement of operations of the municipal equity of 540217 1993 868770 at the end of the year are comprised of the following 1994 1993 for general reduction of taxation for general reduction of user charges for benefitting landowners relating to special charges and special areas acquisition of fixed assets to be recovered from sale of niches acquisition of fixed assets to be recovered from proceeds of long term liabilities funds available for the acquisition of fixed assets b approval of the ontario municipal board has been obtained for the pending issues of longterm liabilities and for those commitments to be fti financed from revenues beyond the term of council 218709 20363 213227 44632 66242 57551 305314 315410 3500 16682 32216 251585 589076 234903 553360 540217 868770 obtain reasonable assurance whether material misstatement an audit evidence supporting the amounts statements an audit also includes used and significant estimates evaluating the overall financial in our opinion these financial respects the financial position of the the town of whitchurchstouffville as continuity of trust funds for the year accounting principles disclosed in note markham canada march 17 1995 licence number 1251 trust statement of year ended total stouffvllle cemetery perpetual care balance beginning of year 321586 174363 revenues sale of plots and burial fees 10374 10374 donations 8661 interest earned 20553 15085 361174 199822 expenditures transfer to operations 15037 14846 charity payments 9778 other additional campaig expenses repayments n 70832 94 95741 14846 265433 184976 balance end of the year balance december 31 stouffvllle cemetery perpetual total care assets cash term deposits 17308 8376 252022 176600 liabilities- due to town 269330 184976 3897 balance 265433 184976 the accompanying notes are an trust notes to the december accounting policies a basis of presentation these financial statements operations of the trust fund these assets liabilities and municipalitys own have been reported upon b basis of accounting source of financing and basis of accounting txiatmhtml ddjlmmsmtitam ii