stux weekender july 1 1995 p 19 lets get growing pack your bags knowing garden is taken care of during summer vacation by marjorie mason hogue correspondent now that your garden has survived the trauma of a severe drought another hurdle must be faced this is the time of year when many garden ers take vacations obviously the best way to care for your garden while you are away is to hire someone a teenager or senior cit izen perhaps and leave written instructions if this is not possible then here are some important steps to prevent your garden from becoming a jungle while youre gone lets begin with your lawn the temptation is to cut the grass very short before leaving but this is unwise grass should hot be cut short er than two and a half inches during the summer if the clippings are fine leave them on to act as a moisture- retaining mulch when you return your grass may be very high cut it once with your mower set as high as possible and then cut again several days later with the mower set at two and a half inches 6bam in the vegetable gardens harves produce which is readsffsyjotiwaca- tion at the same time eyeryyealsplan that no crops peaki away for several years m missed out on the best of jtterj beans because ter tie up the larger outer leaves to keep the sun from discoloring these heads remove closelyspaced seedlings to allow room for maximum development check your fruit trees there are often several tiny apples in a cluster remove all but one per group to allow growing room and to prevent a heavy load from breaking the branch in the flower bed remove all blooms and large buds to prevent seed forma tion stake and tie tall plants to pre vent wind damage this is a good time to cut back straggly annuals to half their size no one will see their shorn appearance and by the time you return they will be bushy and almost ready to bloom again hanging baskets simply cannot go more than a day or two without watering if you cant arrange this take them down and plunge the pot into the soil in a shady spot of course you will water everything deeply before you leave if you have not already applied a mulch consider doing so choose from cocoa beans bark mulch or bark chips susceptible plants zinnia lila phlox nionarda can be averted by a spray of baking soda dis solve one teaspoon of baking soda in one quart of warm water add one teaspoon of insecticidal soap this helps the solution cling to leaves for a longer period spray susceptible plants being sure to cover the undersides of the leaves then pack your bags and bon voyage le conditions so before matter whai i go remove all the weeds even the ions she was on noiiday then she realized that if she planted an inspection tour picking her beans in mid june rather than destroying any obvious pests the end of may they would be just infestations should be insecticidal soap or pyret ftjsgdiseases are concerned p opiack spot o powdery mildew on ros producer beginning to returned tie any s as high as possible all flower heads reach thlf mm diseases never take before leaving make jakhs tut thaia 202 main st union ville 905 4706955 jakfs ptthfflflji free flight training seminar wednesday july 5 700 pm space limited call now if youve ever fantasized about becoming a pilot this is your chance come and learn about the brand new recreational pilot permit this new permit will require less training than the private pilot licence and will be less expensive approximately 350000 easier and faster to obtain space is limited for this free seminar so call now tbra rvttr ain urcu toronto buttonville municipal airport 905 47781 00 or 41 6 3242898 and ask for flight dispatch er3 mcnbcf