letters tribune june 28 1995 p 5 coverage of sexual abuse trial educates community dear editor i would like to take this opportu nity to commend your paper on its thorough and frank coverage of the don macnaughton sexual abuse trial the tribune has played a vital role in educating our communiuty of the reality of sexual abuse this crime is not exclusive to impover ished inner city areas or committed solely by strangers lurking behind bushes the department of justice cana da has reported that in up to 80 per cent of sexual abuse cases as in the current example the abuser is someone the child knows and trusts such as a coach teacher family member friend of the fami ly or neighbor through extensive education training workshops and working with survivors of sexual abuse i have firsthand knowledge of how devastating such a violation can be the incredible courage of the boys involved and the support of the parents must be acknowledged hopefully other children will not be at risk of suffering abuse at the hands of this man because these two families came forward and bravely endured the court system and the scrutiny of people who refuse to believe that this crime exists maybe this court decision is an indication that our society is finally accepting the responsibility of honoring and protecting childrens rights jennie ormson hearing centre registered ministry of health adp professional hearing services including audiometry testing impedance audiometry real ear measurement electronic hearing aid analysis r prescription and fitting of hearing aids all make repairs and service portperryb2pilonstrccll9lll9 905 9853166 lindsay jj 4 lindsay sttttj north k9v 1t4 705 3280145 schell lumber all your lumber needs for fences pressure treated lumber 1 x65 189 each 1 x66 229 each random length up to 1 6 ft priced per ft 39 2xio 154 48 2x12 215 69 4x4 99 96 6x6 235 2x48 grooved for lattice 51 9 e 1 x 8 regular lattice 229 ea 2x8 regular lattice 449 ea 4x8 regular lattice 779 e 1 x6 2x4 2x6 2x8 western red cedar random length up to 16 priced per ft 1 x6 59 2x4 56 54x6 decking 93 2x68 12 109 2x610 14 105 2x616 18 20 116 2x8 141 2x10 172 2x12 225 4x4 137 1 x 8 regular lattice 4 x 8 regular latice deck and fence accessories 4 way deck blocks 580 e steel fence post 995 ea steel deck post 1445 ea jiffy concrete mix 40 kg 480 ea 30 kg 395 ea sonotubes 6x12 575 ea 8x12 799 e 495 ea 1645 ea columbia skylites 2 x 4 skylite includes flashing windows h8 entrance nco systems less off mfg list of windows less off mfg list stain piintsandstnss it inula up m jiimiis ss olympic all olympic stains less sikkens all sikkens stains less steel entrance doors qd dd es01 effl n es04 es01 28x686panel12695 210x68 6 panel 12995 30 x68 6 panel 13495 es04 28 x 68 9 lite 1 z 210x689lite 995 30 x 68 9 lite 18295 quality ashphalt shingles m 20 yr armour plus 32ftvbundle schell lumber limited est 1922 9056403440 building centre