weekender may 13 1995 p25 weekender lassifiecl jprkham stouitville uxbridge 2944331 fax 2941538 6402100 fax 6405477 8529741 fax 8524355 we accept for your convenience markham 905 4709751 hwy 7woodbine ave wishing well montessoii school is expanding and is now able to offer spaces for september 95 in the following programs montessori program grades 18 a challenging academic program that enables each student to reach hisher personal potential homework end of term exams and itemized report cards provide students and parents with accurate progress evaluation before school program after school program offering arts and crafts drama gardening club sewing club and sports supervised homework room grades 18 call 905 4709751 to arrange a school visit for children 2a 6 yrs a structured program with high academic standards in a nurturing environment all fully qualified montessoii teachers markham sttrack tigld gfcicamp mm location unionville high school july 1995 ages 8 18 coaching in the basics of track and field offered in an enjoyable atmosphere time 900 am 1200 noon register now for discount for info 4706288 8419560 mjsic wcfiildrpn- free intro lessons today sat may 13 300 pm open house sat may 13 101 pm 4724195 teaching studio 11 a joseph st markham village behind scotia bank 545 d 1 645 deaths yahoo summer time to check out our smash hit july program the young artist club art exploration in a small and friendly peer group ages 7 12 call 4707557 mixed slopitch team needed woodbine7 area league needs one new team for recreational tun one game per week excellent oppor tunity for a company team call don 4757733 allen douglas gar- butt 16 year resident at unionvilla peace fully after a short ill ness on thursday may 111995 in his 96 year douglas beloved husband of the late bertha and loving fa ther of doug and his wife mabel lois boyan and norma and her husband gor don wood dear grandfather of susan brian glenn betty allen bruce janice and nancy lovingly remembered by his great grandchildren and the rest of his family friends will be received at the dixon- gartand funeral home 166 main street north hwy 46 markham from 12 noon monday may 15 until time of serv ice in the chapel mon day at 1pm interment elmwood cemetery in lieu of flowers do nations to the union ville home society would be appreciat ed rafuse dorothy suddenly at her resi dence on thursday may 11 1995 in her 86th year dorothy be loved wife of kemp- ton rafuse and the late melvin small dear mother of irwin small and his wife joan doreen apple- ton and donna mc- master loving grand mother of kevin kim caryl donna joan john charlene ian and brian also sur vived by many great grandchildren friends will be received at the dixongarland funeral home 166 main st n hwy 48 markham on sunday 24pm and 79pm service in the chapel monday at 1100 am interment elmwood cemetery as expressions of sympathy donations to the arthritis foun dation would be ap preciated 660 of thanks jeff the witness of a car accident on tuesday may 9 your kindness was much appreciated thank you liza the york region board of education tender for general contract for various junior kindergarten additions alterations and or renovations sealed tenders plainly marked as to content for the construction of additions alterations and or renova tions to the following projects shall be delivered to the york region board of education not later than the dales and times indicated below school architects for architects location the project telephone wbowrjrookpsthn carruthers shaw and partners 4164825002 9058510616 nobtetonjrpsvgn whitney associates architect vhiamberczypsmkm abward gouinjcck inc 4164457420 glen cedar psnmkt robin tharin architect inc 4165931782 tender close close time may 3095 may 3095 june 195 june 195 300 pm 400pm 300 pm 400 pm two sets of drawings and specifications will be available to approved and prequalified general contractors at the office of the project architect on the deposit of 5000 per set certified cheque payable to the architect the de posit will be returned if drawings and specifications are returned in good condition within seven days of the closing tenders mechanical and electrical subcontractors shall submit their tender directly to the general contractors each tender shall be accompanied by bid bond in the amount noted in the tender documents or a certified cheque in the same amount made payable to the york region board of education an agreement to provide a 50 per formance bond and a 50 payment of labour and materials bond the list of prequalified general contractors is as follows bradscot construction ltd derbtile construction inc hn construction ltd jd stachan construction ltd kara consultants inc maple ridge construction rutherford contracting ltd sandgate construction inc seaforth building group ltd the conarch group torcom construction inc we marshall construction 1986 limited the york region board of education reserves the right to reject all tenders and will not necessarily accept the lowest tender for further information contact the project architect or mike tindale supervisor of construction junior kindergar tens at 905 7273141 exl 442 bcrothers w hogarth chair director of education and secretarytreasurer engagements 690 birthdays o c i a l wattsbogert barrie and angela watts would like to share he joyful news of the engagement of their daughter vicki to steve bogert please join us in wishing them every happiness in their future together david monkey man mackte celebrated his 1st birthday on may 9th 1995 whata charmer love you auntie laurie end lost dd found found puppy ap- prox 56 months old on hwy 48 elgin mills rd on may 695 cau 6425759 happy left birthday taylor fernades you have brought so much happiness to our lives lots of love kisses mom dad if you see vanessa today may 13th wish her a happy wsk birthday love mom dad serena 685 p- 1 691 perils 680 co coming events this is an at your service show at markville shopping centre may 2528 high traffic looking for exhibitors that provide a service to homes for informa tion call 416536- 7469 girls wanted from ontario between 619 to compete in this years 1995 toronto pageant over 15000 in prizes and scholarships call today 18003672125 ext 218 we miss our daily visitor of 11 years wo called him felix- last seen around christmas time large longhaired gray cat with white bib and partially white face area john dext er place markham if you have any informa tion please call 294- 5474 lose weight naturally herbs are amaz ingi they naturally suppress your ap petite ive lost 30 lbs since january callbrendaat 18007130718