st tribune march 15 1995 p5 letters kudos to town on quick action in water crisis dear editor i all too often we hear com plaints about the municipality and its staff well this time we would like to compliment them on their prompt efficient and friendly service we own the tim hortons in stouffville and last week a iwater main burst on the road outside of our store we did have to close our busi ness down for a few hours but ihe town staff were absolutely wonderful before 9 am they coordinat ed bell hydro consumers gas and a contractor to repair the water main they also directed traffic and informed our customers about the problem they enabled us to deal with what we considered a minor dis aster with the least amount of grief we would like to applaud them and thank them for a job well done the kings owners tim hortons stouffville helpforlbday hope forlbmorrow this weeks specials lawn mowers including toro save 25 all barbeques on sale up to 80 off all power tools any item save 20 garden furniture chairs tables save 25 last week for rca tv sale on instock merchandise appliances 5758 main st stouffville 64036223623 cmauer you should know this licence taxes arid insurance not included dealer may lease or sel fa less limited time offer other lease terms avaiable some mieage conations apply oac see dealer tor delate