weekender february 18 1995 p21 careers careers careers careers 500 career training 505 careers 510 general help 510 industrial training committee for north york and york region community throuqll human resources development canada parttime business courses effective writing mar 6 jun 195 by ihe end of this course participants will have the necessary business writing skills to compose letters memos reports and minutes to meetings computer skills using microsoft word 6 will also be included as part of this program entrepreneurship mar 2 jun 195 this program will be of special interest to those individuals wanting to start their own business topics to be covered include marketing sales finance human resources and business plan development general help tuition is paid by the industrial tra committee for north york and york region community to be eligible you must be employed or selfemployed and live or work in north york or york region a 5000 administration fee applies to each program programs are offered by diamond management institute suite 303 200 town centre blvd markham 905 9409100 or 416 4107542 running free 708 denison looking for part time cashiers must be friendly athleticallyoriented contact or resume to john posca phone 4779447 fax 4770447 f telemarketers evenings markham location hourly wages bonuses own transportation call brad k 9055139900 j part time office coordinator experienced and reliable person required for small communications firm must have excellent verbal and written skills knowedge of macintosh and willingness to perform a variety of general office duties please send resume to 90551 39499 operatorprogrammer entry level working with wang vs mainframe in team environment and good working knowledge of pcs able to diagnose hardwaresoftware problems place service calls own transportation a must alternating monthly shifts please send fax 9054779179 200500 weekly assemble products at home easy no selling your paid direct fully guaranteed no experience necessary call i 15046417778 ext 213 h07 7 days bridle trail pharmacy part time cashier 34 days per week apply in person 95 wednesday thursday no calls please- wanted boys and girls ages 1216 canvassing for newspaper subscriptions evenings and weekends will pick you up and take you home if interested please contact tracey or dave 43 1 7744 contracting firm located at momingside 401 requires computer literate enthusiastic peopleoriented individual to perform general office duties including communications coordination please apply by phone to 4167248896 or by fax to 41 67240204 employment opportunities factory workers cafeteria staff needed now flexible shifts available in the newmarket richmond hill markham concord and scarborough areas must have workboots call for immediate positions at excellent starling pay rates call for an interview at 905 7374300 a olsten m 1 staffing services all statusnonstatus indians metis inuit people unemployed register with us gtamb is a free native based employment service oflering job listings training opportunitiesjobsontario job search apprenticeship call us 4165912310 eastern university a university degree in one year home study ba bed mba ma med design your own program credit for work experience preregister for a one hour info session sheraton parkway hotel feb 21st 6 or 8 pm 4162366917 operatorprogrammer entry level working with wang vs mainframe in team environment and good working knowledge of pcs able to diagnose hardwaresoftware problems place service calls own transportation a must alternating monthly shifts please send fax 90547791 79 waited person to hand pick vintage and used clothing throughout thetoronto area knowledge of clothing and fab ric helpful must have own car- will train call joseph at 416 2552088 200500 weekly assemble products at home easy no selling your paid direct fully guaranteed no experience necessary call 15046417778 ext 213 h07 7 days 555 domestic help available ere domestic 570 employment wanted p a i n t i n q decorating old fashioned quality and detail call martin 90s 2942073 550 domestic help wanted nannyhousekeeper primarily to care or 18 month old boy salary plus benefits included markham rd 16th ave call 9052943955 ukrainian speaking nanny needed days to care for 2 young girls in my home call after 6 pm 9054728152 computeroffice skills wordperfect excel aecpac lotus 123 word bedford windows harvard dos typing graphics dbase start anytimeflexible schedule day and evening courses academy of learning i markham 9408973 laid off over 45 you may qualify lor training i assistance horn the provincial government 505 careers markhaminsurancebroker looking for ribo registered person with at least 2 years experience as a csr candidates will be service oriented motivated and enjoy dealing with the public salary 39000 and benefits commensurate with experience if you want to advance your career working for one of markhams oldest and largest insurance brokers please forward your resume immediately to carson weeks insurance brokers limited m9sal96 59 main street north mk markham on l3p 1x7 m or fax to 9052941106 attn sales manager please no phone calls your fill your commui wanted mature reliable person for house cleaning permanent part time to work as part of team some experience phone maxine 905- 6860744 brendas cleaning complete home office services weekly biweekly carpets upholstery windows call 416 2820173 experienced cleaning ladies available weekly or bi weekly references available call anytime kelly 41 6391 471 7 jjeju available sales agents at allstate insurance our vision is simple to revolutionize the delivery of insurance and related services by providing the tools and resources necessary to enable our agents and brokers to develop and sustain extraordinary relationships that give our customers peace of mind were looking for sales agents who are strongly focused on their community they need not have insurance industry experience but rather a commitment to superior customer service youre self- motivated entrepreneurial and have strong communications and presentation skills you are able to work a flexible schedule involving some weekends and evenings and ideally have a postsecondary education and previous sales experience if you have the ability then we can offer you a unique opportunity as one of our multiline sales professionals we provide superior insurance products and a comprehensive two year development program that includes a guaranteed income and all combine to start you off on a rewarding career that will lead you to setting up your own neighbourhood office we offer an attractive remuneration package and the opportunity to apply your abilities with an organization that values and rewards success please send your resume in confidence to alex hall or paul gaffney one west pearce suite 207 richmond hill ontario l4b3k3 fax 905 7311508 no agencies please local manufacturer of horizontal wrapping machinery requires experienced electrician technician panel building plc programming design and layout of control systems for packaging machinery expenence with acdc and servo drive an asset suc cessful candidate will be able to com plete an entire project from planning to commissioning with minimal supervision capable of training other staff please send resume to box 2178 co the erabanner 580b steven crt newmarket onl3y4x1 quality house cleaning available for markham unionvillo phone maxine 905- 6860744 will clean thorough bonded afternoons weekends markham area 4162970011 experienced cleaning lady available for markham unionvillo and stouffville thorough reasonable and references call lisa 41 649991 64 get 3 for the price of one house up to 3000 sq ft will be cleaned for only 60 vacuuming dusting floors washed washrooms kitchen window ledges and baseboards call rula 4794945 professional home and business cleaning shays cleaning service call today for special rates 416-431- 9744 7 days a week instate vtech vtsch computer system inc vtech computer systems inc is canadas exclusive distributor for laser laser pal and vtech brands of personal computer products aggressive and systematic growth has created opportunities for a pc service technician candidates should have a thorough knowledge of microcomputers related peripherals lanwan and working knowledge of novell netware strong interpersonal and communications skills a must if you have the qualities and skills we need please submit your resume in confidence to vtech computer systems inc 480 hood road unit 1 markham ontario l3r 9z3 fax 905 4777687 attn service supervisor no telephone calls please 4 lirttttr-