st vrinwi library news science project time for young readers if youre curious about sharks this would not be the time to go hunting in the library its animal project time at the schools and the young students are interested in a wide range of critters of course we are also see ing the first signs of that annual favorite the science project a few students have begun by doing a bit of research at the library the electricity books have started to circu late so if youd like to do a project on electricity visit us soon if you dont have ideas yet you might like to browse the science books in the j500s we can certainly appreciate how difficult it is to think of ideas for a science project which is why we also recommend many of the magazines you just never know where you might find an idea scientific american popu lar science and discover are obvious magazines to browse through what about model rail roader or canadian work shop what about harrow- smith or psychology today these are great sources for information and with a little creative thinking there is potential for a sicence project the september 1993 issue of model railroader has a great article on tfas ii the throttle for all seasons revisited this is an upgrad ed memory walkaround throttle you can build farewell to old paint in the august 1994 issue of canadian workshop is an article about toxic finishes this would make a great start for an environmental project following along the envi ronmental idea harrow- smith is another great source for ideas the june 1993 weekend escapes jql greailoodxctfihotiub 86 fireplaces rcilll beeplfw 10ii 1719 fto s1 to 209 mar 158 10 195 fteawtora ihdkmk 7590 jy 1800567337 lurch break 1 child free 7053252256 rr5onial3v6h5 do you injeed advice on personal bankruptcy personal bankruptcy can be a trying experience but you dont have to face it alone to discuss your financial situation in confidence contact murray hkideckel trustee in bankruptcy 41sy682-2436- issue has a place in the sun which discusses solar power and this has definitely proven to be a topic of interest from our patrons over the years psychology today is a won derful resource for the soft sciences where the project may involve more in the line of surveys than splicing wires once youve checked out the many sources and come up with a dozen ideas for pro jects there is a good book to help you formulate an actual project science fare a prac tical guide for parents and students this book helps to get you started gives tips on researching and provides caring education for more than a century and a half pickering college newmarket ontario scholarship examinations pickering college cordially invites interested boys and girls preparing for grades 7 through grade 12 programs to its annual scholarship examinations on saturday february 11th 1995 at 900 am if you are looking for a healthy safe secure and traditional school environment to maximize educational success scholarship assistance could help make hat possible at pickering college please arrive at 830 am you may be picked up to return home at 1 130 am to participate in the scholarship examinations please contact admissions office pickering college i694s liayview avenue south newmarket ontario canada l3yjx2 phone 90ss9si700 fromtoronto j16213s649 fax 9qb959q76 markham location only gjkil mwm vanities medicine cabinets a basins faucets shower stalls tubs tub surrounds toilets itlhome pe ns h0me 1j hardware ul j 8650 woodbine ave 4778810 just north of hwy 7 quantities while supplies last helpful sheets to photocopy and get ahead of that science so come into the library now project is your child ready for endofterm examinations we offer a full range of pre- examination comprehensive reviews and study strategies in all subjects for grades 9 to 13 individual and group instruction for more information call us today 1 rmkv m ll 5293 highway 7 suite 203 pji i markham ontario l3p1b8 centre for learning skilis telephone 2948757 m region the regional municipality ofyork road improvements the council of the regional municipality of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing 1 woodbine avenue yr 8 town of markham a the widening of woodbine avenue yr 8 from approximately 300 metres north of john street to approximately 75 metres south of burncrest roadmiller avenue including widening of the bridge over the cn ryork subdivision line to a basic width of 45 metres and from approximately 200 metres south of lanark roadyorktech road to highway no 7 to a basic width of 40 metres with additional widenings at cut fills and intersections to provide a basic seven 7 lane roadway the centre lane being a left turn lane b the provision of traffic control signals and illumination at the intersections of woodbine avenue yr 8 and 14th avenue shields court and lanark roadyorktech road c the carryingout of all related works and undertakings in connection with the above and d the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands for the works described above pursuant to section 300 of the municipal act the transportation and environmental services committee of the regional council will at its meeting to be held at 900 am on the 31st day of january 1995 in committee room a at the regional administrative building located at 17250 yonge street newmarket hear any person who claims that hisher lands will be prejudicially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard anyone wishing to be heard is requested to advise the office of the regional clerk telephone 8951231 or 7310201 extension 1303 if any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed in hisher absence and heshe will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings the proposed bylaw and plans showing the proposed works may be inspected at the office of brian harrison director planning and design branch at the transportation department located at the regional administrative building at 17250 yonge street newmarket telephone 8951200 or 7646345 dated at newmarket this 14th day of january 1995 dennis hearse regional clerk 17250 yonge street newmarket ontario l3y 6z1