p2aweekenp5bqecemb5b2rt84 st bruins are making progress as season unfolds by bruce stapley correspondent the uxbridge bruins faith ful who are just happy to have some real live hockey to watch this season with the drying up of the big league product might be alarmed to hear the central ontairo junior c hockey league reg ular season is a full two thirds done and with the bruins perse vering to finally get back over the 500 mark after enduring a crippling rash of injuries to key players to date its understandable that team gm bruce colwell is optimistic as his team sets to prepare for the home stretch and then the playoffs colwell said he was looking forward to the bruins next big test another showdown with the runaway league leading bowmanville eagles which was played on friday hes still smarting from the outcome of the last game between the two teams dec 4 in bowmanville when the eagles parlayed a phantom goal and a trio of power play markers into a 64 victory chatting with eagles man agement people after the game colwell was told the bowmanville bunch werent anxious to get in the rink with the uxbridge club once the last of the walking wounded have healed colwell who said hes never seen such an exhaus tive injury list in the seasons first half in all his years in junior hockey feels the rook ieladen bruins have come together he said at least the injuries came in the first half of the season allowing the team to get back to full strength in time for the playoffs our boys are starting to jell now said colwell were a rookie team with no score board stouffville bowling alley family twosome tournament results dec 10 peewees 1st melissa brooksfather 2nd michael jeffreyfather bantam 1st justin snowfather 2nd paul surgefather 1st scott macken ziemother senior 1st ryan couperthwaitefather 2nd katny taitmother juniors 1st matthew dartmother 1st adma deweyfather 2nd jason lind saymother 2nd nicholas smimov father 1st holley smirnovmother 1st crystal snowaather 2nd alaina couperthwaitemother 2nd lisa dyball father whitchurchstouffville girls hockey results dec 11 14 senior houseleague angles eatery 1 stouffville vips 7 angies kari sandiford assists kate robson stouffville kristen james 6 krista dudley assists gillian apps 2 francesa milliscamp 2 dudley lori ann haraldsen melissa theorel pteza pizza 1 stouffville photographic 9 pizza maggie treacy assists jen nifer knight katie sandiford stouffville jennifer strype 5 candies miller 2 jennifer deacon holly vear assists lynne torterelli 3 vear deacon blair wilkinson michelle norton strype ali son edward junior houseleague smalles xmas trees 4 moller smalleys sarah smalley jiltian morri son jen shaban melanie patterson assists smalley 2 shaban nicole d patterson moller stephanie quill assists christine upton beaver gas 0 ptayltagain sports 2 play it jaymelyn gledart unassist ed undsey ftockhart assists lisa robinson melanie rooney vr large influx of veterans so it takes time colwell points to the affilia tion with the pickering pan thers jr a outfit as the rea son why the bruins are sit ting pretty going into the most important part of the season with so many quality play ers having been dispatched to uxbridge for a year of sea soning before moving up to the panthers its just a mat ter of giving these players time to get to know each other add to the pickering con nection some pleasant sur prises like oshawas paul charbonneau rob cox and stuart vandergeest who were scouted by the bruins when they were with the central ontario wolves aaa midgets last year and goal keeper chris carter peffer- law and you understand why colwell is smiling colwell said many junior c teams are going the affilia tion route which has advan tages for the junior a team as well next year pickering will almost have a ready made team with the kids coming up from the bruins in a nutshell the panthers will call the loaned players back and give the bruins another batch for the 1995- 96 season colwell praised this years bruins calling them a young eager gung ho bunch with good attitudes many are top oac students who he thinks will be in the running for hockey scholar ships in the united states as they pursue their education colwell related that at the central league managers meeting last thursday in peterborough the other gms were all talking to him as if the bruins were the team to be afraid of after the eagles looking ahead to next year the uxbridge gm said the eagles will have to endure the loss of 14 overaged play ers as this years veteran crew breaks up as for the 199495 bruins colwell is looking to give his goaltending tandem of mike moscariello and chris carter a boost by having new york rangers goalie and old buddy glen healy drop in at a bru ins practice to give the pair some pointers colwell concluded by expressing his delight in the size of the crowds who are regularly coming out to watch the bruins in uxbridge families are com ing together to see the games and fans who have been staying away in recent years are returning as the brand of hockey goes from the old goon style to a more sensible approach to the game and if things go colwells way those fans will be com ing to watch the bruins well after the central league reg ular season ends jan 28 don valley north lexus toyota athlete of the week sportseffect exercise equipment dp bikes steppers ski machines se3tt treadmills home gyms great deals on used refurbished equipment 16 sims crescent unit 3 richmond hill off east beaver creek with warranty 8862144 jennifer exaltacion jennifer had a golden day at the recent elite canada gymnastics meet in montreal the wlnstonettes gymnastic association performer topped the 80 plus performer field by winning the gold medal in the overall portion of the event in individual events exaltaclon 15 won gold on the bars and floor exercise and was second t the vault and beam don valley north lexus toyota 3120 steeles ave e east of the mwm aqar 404 pkwy 4750722 markham bedding 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