stouffvnxe 6402100 uxbl8 8529741 raspberries pick your own or already picked m m m m m m m m m m 651 scugog line 2 call 9852096 k for conditions or to place orders j m bring w this ad ib3i fora m el bvkm tosh m discount m tiggf whittamores f berry farm pi your own raspberries excellent supply available also picking greensnow peas redbuck currants gooseberries greenyellow beans 9052943275 for more information o l pfckyourown raspberries v7 peas snow peas ready for picking more vegetables until october iourr ml ro phone for crop update 9056403854 pick your own raspberries ctatnbink at the mairs scugog township 1 10th line phone 9858295 chepacks raspberries fresh picked daily frozen strawberries wild blueberries runny butter tarts kawartha ice cream 360 2l pioneer bonnets and crafts monfrl 830 700 sat sun 830 530 red barn on southeast comer 9th line 1 9th ave 9056401819 lusteds you pick or fresh picked raspberries sideline 1 6 just east of brock rd off regional rd 5 claremont hours monday saturday 8 am 8 pm sunday 8 am 4 pm 9056492320 please check your ads notice of error in your advertisement must be given following the first day the ad appears the economist sun tribune and weekender assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy omissions other than the cost of space occupied by the error call 2944331 or 2942200 615 births alessio george and julie nee ireland welcome with love v melissa jeanv born june 19th 1994 weighing 6 lbs 4 oz first grandchild for mrs roy ireland of stouffville sixth grandchild for mr mrs sergio alessio of guelph social announcements 625 engagements 690 birthdays jeff sylvia are thrilled to announce the arrival of their second son wincent harris bom at home on june 28th 1 994 at 904 pm a little brother for vaughan proud grandparents are herman gsela usling of markham special thanks to midwives jane kilthei larry lenske and student midwife ann pennington your expert professional and genuine loving care before during and alter the birth is very much appreciated thank you p v v v v v v a and x j mike powell are pleased to announce the engagement of their parents lana black and- richard powell the wedding will take place at stouffville missionary church on october 22nd 1994 t picture perfect cake yes have a lifelike portrait on your next special occassion cake just supply us with your favorite picture and well reproduce it on our custom baked 1 vt jm phone for more gourmet cake 7parneuate scarborough m graduations andrew robert patrick wish 1 to announce the arrival of their i baby sister vmlchelle brenda dubreuil born june 2th i99t at 1013 pm at markham stouffville hospital many thanks to the ever patient dr chris i peters and dr arnold thanks also to st philips onthehill for all their prayers proud parents are brenda and mike 1 2 dr gordon harrison wong oj bsc honours recently graduated from university of waterloo with doctor of optometry and honours science degrees m vsr p gordon is an ontario j scholar graduate of richmond hifl high school and the second son of uruonvflle residents carol edward wong he has completed his internship in atlanta usa and plans to practise in british columbia canada congratulations good luck looe mom dad brian jason relatives friends i i i i j juki- kids unlimited 0 clowns musicians balloons prizes food loot bags tacepainting puppets o creative movement drama 0 even a day at the farm o theme parties aladdin flmtstones etc 696 l 696 found found on foothill blvd mens eyeglasses brown frames in a brown bell case call 4774139 reward for lost iguana light green great climber likes high warm spots harmless raymervae area call after 5 pm 4711813 lost found ring found at howards gentlemans clothing when shelves were emptied could have been tost anytime during past 5 years describe to claim 4729298 evenings angelas aquatics red cross program private instruction in your pool angela white 6428175 600 tenders request for proposals sealed bids clearly marked as to contents for the contract listed below will be received by the town clerk at the town of markham 101 town centre boulevard markham ontario l3r9w3 cqntractf bescrlpnqn ftpslngpnte rfp1244 concession august 3 1994 operations at 1000 un vsrious locations facility tour will be held from july 25th to july 29th 1994 all tender and request for proposal documents may be obtained at the purchasing department 101 town centre boulevard markham ontario lowest or any tender or request for propposal or any part of any tender or request for proposal not necessarily accepted the town reserves the right to award to other than the lowest bidder i alison bryden manager administrative services 660 cards of thanks a big thanks to everyone for your expressions of sympathy your thoughts and prayers for us the memoriam donations and all the practical help given during and since the time of alberts death annie drudge family 640 the family of the late gordon reaman wish to thank family friends and neighbours for their prayers flowers cards and condolences dora reaman family anniversaries i john june hill celebrated their r 25th wedding anniversary tuesday july 12th and his mother mary from edinburgh scotland will celebrate her wedding to fred steward of uxbridge on saturday july 16th a congratulations to both couples 40 wedding anniversary open house for glen jean wideman on july 24 1994 130- 400 pan at aurora highlands golf club 605 legal notices 655 in memoriams notifying mike stoikopoulas and lou andy that the innkeepers act has been started on 3 yearlings standardbred fillies 2 3 year old standardbred fillies at barfceys auction august 1 1994 at 7 pm for amount owning of 770 m stoikopoulas and 370 lou andy for 3 months in arrears of board owing on ail horses jarvis les in loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away july 26th 1984 nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond memories linger every day remembrance keeps you near sadly missed by wife jean daughter joanne and son mark