whitchurch fair m s the attendance this year was good and lad u not been for the pro erblally wet weather the exhibition wont d have been one of the nest for years in t he fine arts deeurtment the display was e xcelient in lact all we want is better ace ommodations andmore work on the part of those inter- pd the whitchurch aericultnral fair will always be a success these ours have a stimulating effect on agriculture and every effort should be made to produce a lively interest in this the most noble of the employments of man speeding in ring judges f i t truu single driver any size to bulky style and speed 1st by j g martin queens hotel lucy b 1 1 12nd prize toronto globe 1 yr little john 2 2 2 joker 3 3 3 dandy 4 itoadstoi bullion style and speed prizes by the ontario brewing and malting co tonn- todiver 1 1 1 2nd john rfchardsonm p p- east york axtel 2 2 2 roadster team style and speed 1st prize by w h todd carriage builder carriage pole and whiffletree j g martin 2nd prize by n connor stouffrille w h todd farm ers single driver to be owned and driven by the fanner or his sonstyle and speed considered prizes by p d miller mansion house stouffvillenellie 1211 dandy2 112 lucy 3333 carriage or roadster carriage team f w st wm miluken carnage stallion style speed n connor brood mare tom graham chris stouffer filly 2 years old jas courtney abner summerfeldt filly 1 year a fodder abner summerfeldt spnng filly tom graham spring colt chns stouffer john tervis single drivers in harness single driver to buggy j j kae wm button gents turnout jjj mir avr drawrfe fall table use thos w stevens rolph bruels 12 apples fall cooking edforsytb 1 s holden best collection of apples 10 yarieties 3 of a kind named ed forsyth j s holdcn 12 pears fall jas airless mrs chu wismer 13 pears winter john williams bbl northern spy apples j 4 j trysdin j s holden bbl northern spy apples clctnes bros uriah young 2 bbls baldwin apples spofford co rolph bruels bbl northern spy apples j t davis j b hoover bbl northern spy apples john khiott j b hoover bbl northern spy apples k underbill j b hoover bbl creening apples john monk- house ralph bruels bbl belleflower apples v b sanders ralph brueu2 bbls winter b stev- jl dawson co rolph bruels bbl any size northern spy apples john bray iv j roots and vegetable bus potatoes j sanders prize thos w stevens thos casely 11 tablo carrots ed forsyth unah young 12 field carrots j j bell thos casely 12 beets table use uriah yonog cnas wismer 6 greystoue turnips uriah young wm lee 6 parsnips uriah youne 6 mangolds thos w stevens robt ramsay 2 pumpkins mammoth thoa iv stevens rolph bruels 2 pump kins yellour j j bell uriah young 2 squashes robt ramsay rolph bruels 3 citrons w j haycraft francis lundy3 cabbages thos iv stevens j j bell 12 tomatoes chas wismer thos casely 3 brirmx vs chi8 matters in the land of the cefestm are not in a vcrv satisfactory g far as relates to tritish interests vj roy chang chin tung undaunted h- tbe demonstratioo made lately or th british fleet on the min river mj yang ssekiang curtly refused to he used as a medium to convey to pekn the british demands for a oiler enquiry into the kucheng massawe and repari tion thereof the position recalls a speech that was made by xord salisbury u fj back as ii during a debate in the house of lords on the massacre f missionaries in ticdrsin he then said that the govcrnmeat of china did not have the power even if it had the will to preve the ntive feeling against foreigners culminating in outrages the only way to deter the chinese from committing such outrases was to inspire fear in the places where they occurred it is the conviction in official circles that loti salisbury is inspired by the n now and that he means to i is 4lvixss4s5issssiisisssj ikx5 sauiopioiu v w uira l0 rooteceleryhmciylphraeu i take dec acti llfts bele cauliflowers thos caseiv rolph bruels another ultimatum will be sent deuand- 6 winter radishes uriah youor c wis- ing the summary degradation of chare castoria is dr samuel pitchers proscription for infants and children it on nins neither opium slorpuino nor other narcotic stihstimce it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers castoria is tho childrens panacea -the- mothers friend mer peck onions thos wstevens geo thompson grain and seeds best 6 roots steele briggs cos white carrot thos casely thos iv stevens best 6 roots steel briggs cos swede turnips uriah younjr john will iams 2 bus fall wheat white w hay- o7 billy 55 yrs jas uiwrr draught horsescanadian bred stall ion aged john grills span draught hors es qf boynton sons l hoover brood mare alex waddell gelding r filly 2 yrs old francis ward spring colt or fil ly alex waddell general purpose horses- brood mare abner summerfeldt eelding or filly 2 yrs old j i balsdon geldingor filly 1 yr old robert ramsay cattle durham bull aged d h rusnell bull 2 yrs r ramsay bull 1 yr john miller jos steel bull calf john mill er 1st and 2nd milch cow john miller 1st and 2nd heifer 2 yrs john miller 1st and 2nd heifer 1 yr john miller 1st and 2nd heifer calf john miller 1st and 2nd jerseys aid alderuevs- bull aged w rolph bull 2 years w d reesor bull 1 yr w rolph bull calf w d reescr iv rolph milch cow w rolph iv d reesor boiler 2 yrs iv rolph lst and 2nd heifer 1 yr w rolph iv d reesor heifer calf iv rolph 1st and 2nd grade cattle milch cow jas lawrie 1st and 2nd heifer 2 years lawrie heifer 1 yr jas lawrie 1st aud 2nd hei fer calf jas lawrie holsteins bull 2 yrs a spans heifer calf w rusauell sheep and swine cotswola sheep ram 2 shears and over c t garbutt 1st and 2nd ram 1 shear and over c t garbutt 1st nnd 2nd rain lamb 0 t garbutt 1st and 2nd pen of 2 ewes aged o t gar- lutt 1st and 2nd pen 2 ewes 1 yr c t garbut 1st and 2np pen of2 ewe lambs t c garbutt 1st and 2od leicester sheep- ram 2 shears aud over t f boynton ram 1 shear and over t f boynton 1st and 2od ram lumb t boynton 1st and 2nd pen 2 ewes aged t f boynton 1st and 2nd pen 2 ewes 1 yr t f boynton pen 2 ewe lambs t f boynton 1st and 2nd southdown sheep ram 2 shears and over john miller 1st and 2nd ram lambs john miller 1st and 2nd pen 2 ewes aged john miller 1st and 2nd pen 2 ewes 1 y r john miller 1st and 2nd pen 2 ewe lambs john miller 1st aud 2nd shropsbiredown sheep ram 2 shears and over thos puqh rain 1 shear and over iv d reesor ram lamb thos pugh 1st and 2nd pen 2 owes aged w jl ree sor thos pugh pen 2 twes 1 yr thus pugh sons iv d reesor pen 2 ewe lambs thos pugh sons swine large ebreed boar aged jos barkey boar for 1895 jos barkey geo thompson brood sow t f boynton 1st and 2nd sow pig lor 1895 jos barkey t f boynton smull breed boar aired t f boynton sons boar for 1895 d h russnell t f boynton sons brood sow d h russ nell t f boynton sons sow pig for 1895 t f boynton sons d h russ nell poultry judges d reesor john burkholder pair gamefowl john hare pair dark brahmas john hare john hare pair light brahmas w j haycraft john bare pair cochins john hare w j hay craft pair houdans w j haycraft pair plymouth rocks w j haycraft jas law rie pair dorkings w j haycraft ft j haycraft pair leghorns john hare john hare pair silver spangled hamburgsjohn hare john hare pair blaekjjminorcas xv j haycraft john haropairjvvyandottcs w j baycratt john hare pair bantams john hare w j haycraft pair geese w j haycraft w j haycraft pair ducks w jhrycraft iv j haycraft pair turkeys v j hoycraf t pair pigeons geo thomp son implements judw jonas byer straw cutter for power or hand a fleury sons w coxworth turnip slicer levi hoover a floury sons washing ma chine d forsyth covered carriagcdouble or single seated w h todd open buggy iv h todd cutter for one or more horses wh todd lumber waggon w h todd d forsyth plough wrought iron beam wooden handles fleury sons levi hoover gang plough w coxworth levi hoover cultivator wood or iron n k bith levi hoover harrows iron n e roller w coxworth turnin turnip scuffler w ps tho lightning chih tung if h pekiu govern ment hesitates in conceding the british demands startling regrisals will benade within the region accessible to the squa dron on the expiration of the period fix ed by the ultimatum as chang thih craft thos wtsteven 2 bfall wes ilt 3 sf 2f thos manderson iv j haycraft 2 bus most p map spring wheat thos manderson jos thjfijjmmimmf avricjj2juij gpbwntjttm rbshiyt thos evade the demands cas james law- castoria castorialsso well adapted tocmmrei that i reornmend it as superior to any prescription kaowntomc xl a aacrrit h j ill so oxford st eroddyn v theusoof castoria is so traversal and lta merits so well known tact it seems a work of supererogation to endorso it few aro tho inteuhent families who do not keep castoria jjoeost reach vi jluctxx d d bm kg castoria castorim cures colic constipation sour stomach diarrhoea eructation kills worms gives sleep ami rrozootes di gestion without injurious medication always to the front gass jars at lowest price quart at 90c per doz pints at 75c per doz and while we always quol the bottom price we always try 1 give you the best article we are selling jars made from glass of the highest possible test best made best granulated and yellows at rock bottom prices the one great place for all kinds of fruit order- early and avoid disappointment for several years i havo recommended your castoria end shall always continue to o bo os it lias invariably produced beneficial resulia eoniii f pxomx 31 d itfslhstroet and 7th ave kerr york city j h- ratcliff co jurisdiction overinland fish eries an important case pendintr before tlio supreme court hinges upon the letter s it involves the jurisdiction of the federal and provincial authorities in connection with the ownership of fishing riehts in inland waters which involves the quenion of the ownership of the beds and shores of all the lakes rivers and streams in the province of ontario the mowat govern ment started the question in 1886 when it was reported that t dominion govern ment had withdrawn their fishery inspec tors from ibe rivers streams and inland lakes upon the frontier the department st ottawa declared that their officers had not been withdrawn but expressed no opinion on the legal question until 1889 when the question acain come up on a letter from toronto to ottawa with -eter- encc to the position taken by the dominion government as regards the control of these inland fisheries an orderincouneil was passed in 1890 in which it was declared the miuister of marine and fisheries has been advised by the minister of justice that under the british north america act authority is vested in the dominion parlia ment to legislate regarding the sea coast and inland fisheries and that parliament may enact laws with respect to the fisheries without reference to either federal pro vincial or private ownership of the bed of the lake or river itself with the right of control including the issue of licensfs for fishing purposes in all thejwaters of cana da this position was resisted both by the provinces of ontario and quebec the point came up in one or two law suits the one hundred and ninth section ot the brit ish north america act declares that all lanis shall belong to the several provinces within which they are situated and sir oliver mowat could see nothing in the act to give property in navigable or other streams and their beds to the dominion in reply to a letter of te late minister of justice sir oliver mowat pointed but that parapraph 5 of schedule 3 of ths b n a act in which rivers and lake improve ments were placed should read according to the original resolution of tho quebec conference river and lako improvements the letter s being added by mistake to the word river in the act as sir oliver pointed out nobody for twenty years ever tried to found an argument on what was to his view a clerical error canaaia2v lumber barrov the nations in whiob food fuel metal and timber may be produced at thehighest relative rate of wages and the lowest money cost per unit of pro duct will be thereby enabled to apply labor saving machines to other branch es of productive industry in the most effeetive manner is one of the dogmas of political economy canada has these conditions it is rich in food products in metal it pos sesses an aggregate of riches that people know little ol and fuel wbetherwobd or ooal is found in the dominion of all theso products lumber is at present the king the canadian lumber exports hae made the land known the world otcr so much is this tho case that canada was known to use the language of a oertain class of eng lishmen as a blawetcd wooden coun try there is invested in tho lumbering industry a capital of about 20o000- 000 with an annual wage list of oyer 300000 0 and an output valued at almost 110000000 there are g- 000 saw mils and wood working estab lishments employing 15000 men during the season of tho provinces ontario is known as the greafrwhite pine districto trsonslr i the world the pine cut of ontario is estimated to bo 70000q00o feet of this 400q00 000 feet wero ezpoitcd last year from the shores of georgian bay in log rafts to michigan in quebec tho chief lumber riches consist of spruce and the shipments aro chiefly to great britain there are also pine and birch timber the product of spruce and pine logs was 6170000 feet equalling 683000000 feet beard measure new brunswick produced of spruce and pine logs 87000000 ft b m of hemlock logs 7000000 ft b m of cedar 14000000 ft b m british columbia is noted for its gigantio fir tho douglas fire having been known to reach the height of 300 feet with a base circumference of 50 feet the average height is 150 feet clear of limbs and the average diameter 5 to 6 feet the red cedar of british colum bia runs up to 200 feet with a diameter of 20 feet the cut of tho jwwnce ian year amounted to 65000100 and was exported to great britain austral ia sfcmh africa south amerin and california flcuiy dainy and domestic judges baker j urqubart akinsoy john l 10 lbs bnttr in crock e m morpnv sonsmu a pugh 10 lbs butter in 1 lb rolls ii h dewart j s holden 10 lbs butter in i lb rolls warren bros boomer mrs j b raymar 10 lbs butter in crock eby blain co mrs burk 10 lbs butter in 1 lb roll spofford co j s holden 10 lbs butter in i lb rolls a g brownmrs burk 5 lbs butter in 1 lb bolls s m yvarrincr j s holden 10 lbs butter in crock t e perkins j s holden 6 lbs butter in 1 lb rolls w j mcrtcns mrs a pugh 10 butter in crock h lvanzant mrs burk 10 lbs honey in comb ryrie bros j f davidson 20 lbs honey in comb w j stark j f davidson 8 lbst strained honey cook bros mrsc wismer canned i fruit not less than 5 kinds jacob b hoover mrs c wisracrcauup 1 quart mr ed forsyth robt curtis jelly not lets than 5 kinds jas lawrie mrs c wismer home made wine 2 bottles uriah young francis lundy best assortment pickles mccormack a boolton w dree- or maple molasses i quart jacob b hoo ver james lawrie 2 loarea hoyricmadj bread uriah yonnff mrs c wismer 2 owes bakers bread b johnson best assortment bakers pastry hjohnson fruit judges w mikr j ctohorn 12 apples winter table use geo thomp- jsb hoover 12 apples winter cook ing i r hoover w j morden 12 apple ssoawt 77 ml hameswill ih to hors wa alfred marois montreal who purchases hevy draught and carriage horses weigh ing from 1200 to 1600 lbssound andingood condition will be at tho mansion house stouffville on thursday oct 24th brorg- hani tuesday oct 22ud palmer house kichmond hill wednesday oct 23rd mansion house uxbridge friday oct 25thv farm to rent being lot 2 in the rear of tho 7th con cession of the township of whitchurch mile north of ringwood and containing 100 acres on the premises are a good frame house frame barn plenty of water a living stream runs through the farm school church and postoffice are con venient good orchard of fruit and land in a good state of cultivation for further particulars apply to benj brown- sberger rinawoodp 0ont cidercider the undersigned will bo prepared to make cider on thursday sept 5th prox for that week and the following week on monday wednesday and friday and alter that will make every day except saturday afternoon till the season closes lot 81 con 8 markham joseph ramer for sale by tender- tho north quartroftwswcst ot lot 9 in the 6th concession of whit church containing 25 acres more or less 10 acres of which is bush con- sisting of pine and hardwood tenders will be received up to oct 19th 1s95 bv geo macklem ringwood w lemon betbesda or macklem cook stouff ville executors the lowest or any tender not neces rily accepted your teeth atslime preserve them i with clean them i beautify them i all druggists gjkasgvtffrlviga iz00m0 weak men cured startling facts for diseased victims 8c5lhs guaranteed or no payi idc vflll 9 nervous and dospondont weak or debilitated tired mornings noam- i aul luu i uitlon jifeltss meiuorypoor easily fatigued excitable and irritablo 1 osos eunkon red and blurred pimples on face dreams and night i aossos restless hngjpird looking weak back bono pains hair loose nlcora sorothroat i varicocele deposit in nrino and drains at stool distruatfu want of conndonco lack or energy and strength we can cure you i restored to manhood by drs k k john a maklin john a maslin chas powers chas powebs 1 1jefobe tkeat31ext avteh tkkat11ent before thkatilext ajtteh xreathekt no names or testimonials used without written consent varicocele emissions amtj impotency cured john a manlin says i was ono of tho count loss tic tiijas ot early ignorunoo commencod at 15 years of ago x tried seven medical firms and spent 900 without avail i gave np in despair the drains on my system were weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical lifo my brother advised mo as a last resort to consult drs kennody korean i commenced their new method treatment and in a few weeks was a now man with now life and ambition this was four years ago and now 1 am married and happy x recommend thoso reliable specialists to all my afflicted fellowmcn cures guaranteed or no payconfidental th vices of early boyhood laid tho foundation of my ruin later on a gay life and exposnro to hlood di seases completed the wreck i had all tho symptoms of nervous dobility sunken eyes emissions drain in urino nervousness weak back etc syphilis caused my hair to fall out bono pains ulcers in mouth and on tongue blotches on body etc i thank god i tried drs kennedy korean they restored me to health vigor and happiness syphilis emissions varicocele cured chas powetts tji tkmvem xfreat arid y-s- urc va seminal cfilrc iiypkilis unnatural discharges self abuse tsodoroma the perfeot tooth powder for the finest of photos and latest style in finish call at mertens studio family groups a specialty wj4mertens mb street stouffville uosittvzlyonbesllwetvneualiitpalnkbeu- j7 uiatsim hctucft prtkis st vltui pance lou of power pemalo weskneu and irregularity and all diaealcs canted bj bad stood and ubattarad nerve skin beauufler una trial provea it in lanr boxea he 6 for 5m tlio dr howard medicine co brockviue onl and morrlatown xy babys own tablets ctr fever ivorwa teoudne durrucca ktc j5c notaata tb f years inlpetro 20000 cured no risk rjpiirprji aro youv victim havo you lost kopo aro you contemplating mor- ri- rrleri i riago has your blood b on diseased havo you any weakness our i new method treatment vrilucuro yon what it has done for others it will do for too consultation free no mattorwho hostreated yon writo fornn honest opinion froo of charge charges reasonable books fsee tho golden monitor illustrated on diseases of mon incloso posuuro 2 cents fcealcd rarno names used without written consent pri- i vate no medicine 8nt c o d no names on boxes or envel- i ope3 everything confidential question list and cost of treat ment free drs kennedy kerga no 148 shelby st f detroit mich caution owing to tho enormous sale of our famous somfthihu good cigar other manufacturers aro putting on the market inferior goods under this namo a poor article is never imitated there fore the fact that something good i being counterfeited is a guarantee to smok ers that it is the bst5 cent cigar on the market- in purchasing sco that our trade mark tho snovv8hoc and firm name are on each box no other is genuine our something good brand is registered and any one sell ing other cigars under this namo will bo prosecuted empire tobteco co montreal llen1sikauemgi crpenenco m mo jwonvv ttona srtrietly conodentlw formation eonmnilbjr 1ate tln them sent free alo ft leal and adcntlso book ltenta taken through pedal notice lo tho hclcr thni aro brought oat cot totba luuoa wcpurj largest circulation balldlilff bdlmoov a copies 25 cent btu tlful plates in colors houses with plana enab latest designs and secu uvuh go njew carriaae works photoffrapha ot new duilders to ahow tho itracta address 301 bttoadwat- persons titravel wanted setal faithful gentlemen and lrb 10 travel for established lie salary 78000 position permanehb situcd also increase statemcrence and enclose sclfawresscd stamped envelope the nation a 310417318 onuhajlwg ibeg leave to inform the public that i have purchased the old jcrman property east of tho queens hotel where i intend to carry on the car riage business in all its branches i manufacture jparm waggons jbng- sleighs and v cutters of all discriptions i keep none bu firstclass men in all the dilliwgnt branches having selected fliystock rom the best houses fn the do iniobj anof having had 25 years experience in tho trade myself i am 6on- fident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor mo with their pat ronage i havo just received a consignment of varnish direct from w 27arland sons of england come and get your bufjgy painted by a bsinby one cf tho best carriage painters in this pro- vincc call and sec my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere all work warranted repairing doncjon the shortest notice no so called prtd gears or factory work remember the stand east of queens ho te l wht0dd starting but not startling we take this opportunity of thanking our patrons and friends for their kind and liberal support durinsc the years we have been in business wc have endeavored to merit success and propose mak ing a greater effort in the future and as one means to that end we have decided to close our store three nights each week monday wednesday ondfridayat 63 oclock commencing november 1st this will enable us to look more closely after the details of our business and hence serve you better without we trust inconveniencing you any now we ask your kind considera tion and assistance to carry to success a change that we anti cipate will result in mutual benefit please remember that nov 1st is the date that the early closing will commence silvester dougherty binder twine awd machine t b trull new a perfect tea the flmcot tea n thc world from the tea pirtjt to the tea cup in its native purity monsoon tea is put up by the indian te growers as a samp of the best qunlites of indian teas therefore they use the greatest care in tho flection of the tea and its blend that is why they put it up thcnuclve ind sell it only in the original anckaee thereby securing its purity and excellence put up in lb i lb and s lb- packages and never sold in bulk all good grocers keep it if your grocer docs not keep it tell him to write to steel hayter co 11 and 13 front street east toronto n e smith licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario also agent for the lowdown ilfccor- mick bindlocbihe the binder of the future also aoest for the little righthanded ilaxwe binder tho lightektand simplest elevaor binder made mowers rakes hay tedders hay loaders and agent for the colthardt scott firm combined drills seeders cultivators har rows and scuftlers j parlies wishing to buy anything in this line have a chat with me before purchasing elsewhere show room a the market 3v e smith xate ot cjorniley has opened up in beebes block stouffville opposite the market where he is prepared todo all kinds of carriage building and all kinds of carriage repairs all work entrusted to him mil be done promptly and at reasonable rates a share of the public patron age is hereby solicited r b duncan the provincial building reisuredfrs british columbia fwmvjthm lutflorizif capital 5000000 subscjribeo 1018500 stonffvilto and dislrict locaf board president wj a siltester e harawaro mordant vicopresideat wm mairyvu s kron jribnne j- solicitor ji mccullouph esq scctrcas ificalagty stouffer esqy valuator ialey esq agt s mwarrilrfer esq general mch r j george esq manufacturer 7 board meets for the consideration of meets for the loans at call of secretarytreasurer all if- paymenta on instalment stock are due and pavable on or before the first monday in each month at v scar5 fc wiguai33m3 binc st d stooffer special agent sbonff vill oatarj from whom all information may bo obtained w munns general aghnt eastfrm onrj 1 iioai onwcarjfro trt