c3 kmtfm i05 1 a 55 w o o 03 b p zq o cd et- tzz big excitement warriher is doing the trade whyp eeaushe has bought a big stock at 50 dollar and selling goods at opening all the latest fall and winter styles in hats toques and bonnets full line of fancy gopds and wools dressmaking as usual adair miss darracli house to let applv to s lean- opposition all mad because warriner is fairly giving away goods 1 yd wide factory cotton 2f cts per yd good heavy shirting 4f c per yd a stack of dress goods 4jc per yd serge dress goods worth 50c for 25c yd lots of print cheap shaker flannels below value shirtings tickings g ghamstweed flannels cottonades all bought cheap and sold at startling prices clothing clothing 50c on the dollar see the bargains in boys and mens clothing 30 lbs sugar 1 20 lbs best granulated 1 23 lbs white for 1 6 lbs currants 25c 6 lbsraisins 25c clothes pins lc doz 100 ten lb chests tea worth 45c lb for 25c lb its a dandy stow jlook we have not space to give a full price list but we guaran tee to give you the best and greatest bargains ever offered come and see for yourselves and with every 25 you buy we will present you with your choice of an elegant folding table rocking chair stretcher wardrobe cr step ladder and the best value for your money in the county jk wjjejmmmi olaiaac ice cream ice cream ice cream i steam made ice cream made from our ceebrated bos- con receipt which is the best and which we have the exclus ive right to use in this town therefore if you wish to enjoy a dish of this delishes and cooling cream go with the crowd special accommodation for saturday evenings so come along we also carry a full line cf pineapples bananas oranges lemons c c in candies and nuts we carry the largest stock the greatest variety and the best in quality of any store in town we do not deal in trash the old stand near the g tr track agents forwhaleyroyce- co musiandjmusical in- truments t v dont talk yacht race any more but toll your friends about tho won- dorf ul virtue of mmrds liniment in curing coughs colds bbonchitis vtisaf neuralgi etc and in relieving pains of all kinds read tho testimonies horse blankets robes and lap rugs cheap for cash at j bmnsb8rger the tribune stouffville oct 17 1895 local notices- all advance notices in the local columns of the tbibone of meetings or entertainments at which an admission feo is charged or from which a pecuniary boncfit is derived mum be paid for at the rato of seven cents per line each insertion no charge less than twontynvo cents whon bills aro printed at this oflice or advertisements of en tertainments are inserted a briof local will bo given free local items hart compound a recent discovery by an old physician successfully used monthly by thousands qf ladus u tno only perfectly saf o and reuablo medicine ato- oavercd bewaro of unprincipled druggists wno offer inferior medicines la place of this ask for cooks cotton boot compound toltt no outsit tvte or inclose 81 and 0 cents in postage in letter and wo wlusend scaled by return mall fall soalod particulars in plain envelope to ladles only 3 jrtamps address who cook company 7 r sold by g coixard market dcu store a suffering army borne down by a relentless foe the great army of sufferers from vari ous rheumatic conditions joyfully wel come chases k l pills because the foster parents of their aches and pains are the kidneys which on account of a diseased condition arc unable to relieve the blood of uric acid poison which is deposited in the joints producing on the first provocation irritating aches and pains in the bones joints and muscles the reason that chases pills relieve and cure is their wonderful power in restor ing degenerate kidneys to a perfect and natural condition without which the sys tem is supplied with blood teeming with poison that adds fuel to the fire of rheu matic complaints demoralizing the en tire system and rendering it liable to a complication of diseases terminating in dropsy diabetes or bright disease a pleasant feature cf these pills is that while most kidney remedies encourage constipation chases relieve and cure it in nearly all rheumatic attacks there which y are a perfect cure for constipation this is endorsed by edward garrett editor and proprietor of the bradford ont weekly witness and thousands of othir one pill a dose 2 cents a box the cheapest medicine on earth sold by all dealers edmon son bates co toronto house to rent aply to w p ney a quantity of sugar barrels forsalo g h silvester ringwood mies ahco mcenaney of toronto junction is visiting at mr jos leh mans it you want to see something nice in silverplated goods drop in and see us silvester dougherty to rent firstclass house o furnished or unfurnished particulars apply w j stark we are opening our lamp goods this week thoy aro the best yalue wo ever had silvester dougherty i attain sweeney u s a san dieuo cal soys shilohs catarrh remedy is thefirst medicine i have ever found that would do mo any oo prfco 50 cents g coixord dru fist mr kleisors selections covered tho range of elocutionary effort and in every one ho was oxcellont toronto globo como and hear him in daleys hall on tho evening of thursday plan of hall at mackenzies drug store oinssion in tho historical sketch of tho molvillo church in last weeks tri bune tho namo of william spofford was- vjcdfromtho trustees to thy deed ot tfioc1ich land was granted ijio trustees to whom fftdced was made wore william spollord natbucsl6brion and benjamin bowman pil eld hainor will return to stouflvillo oil- saturday and will tako his regular ap pointments at bloomingtonand ringwood on snnday oct 20th tho revival meet ings conducted by him in drayton aro boing attended with great success bo- tweon 20 and 30 have xeoh converted and many backsliders reclaimed tho con gregations aro reported very largo and tho mcetiug of a dcop spiritual charact er anniversary stouflvillo presbyter- ian church will hold thoir first annivor- say on sunday and monday next oct 20th and 21st sunday services at 1030 a m and 7 p m will bo conducted by rev v g hanna b a of uxbridgo oil monday evening tho rev w patter son of cookes church toronto will give his popular lecture ireland and thp irish thoso who miss it will miss a grand treat a musical and literary entertainment will bo furnished by tho following excellent tal ent miss helena moore a t c m to- itoconscrvtory of music miss t moro toronto conservatory of music vocalist mrs rov patterson toronto miss m stark stonffvillo and smiw laura kakin unionvillc soloists miss a b milne elocutionist doors open at 730 entertainment begins at 8 sharp como and spend a pleasant and profitable evening you are wanting a new 01 goto fp wiltons she has them to siiit tastes and every pocket as she has a large and well assorted stock bought in europe or on im port order mourning goods a specialty ivlng special bargain that we carry jbray jttosay that p d miller i sufferingfrona severe attack of typhoid jas ward nswible cutter in the em ploy of h c widekgan is afflicted with typhoid fever we have a limited quantity of coal oil at 10c a gallon suitable for renovating hen roosts silvester dougherty mrs c zeller east end has contract ed typhoid fever but it is to bo hoped she may soon recover johnnie get your gun our local huntsmen are how talking deer as the hunting season commences friday nov 1st house to rent church st south six rooms detached good cellar will bo vacant fijst of november or before j to suit applicant apply to j bray parties wishing to join the stouff villa association for tho apprehenson and prosecution of felons should leave their names at once with the secret ary a s leaney those wishing to subscribe for the weekly or daily globe should call at once and jjet our rates new subscribers to both tribune and weekly globe get tho re mainder of the year free a proof of his versatility mimetic powers and general talent as a reader the characters were cleverly differentiat ed and altogether mi- kleiser must bo credited with having made a success of a very difficult undertaking toronto mail in daleys hall on thursdayeven- ing nov 7th ringwood mills we beg to notify the public that we have put a grinder in the mill for chopping and hereafter parties can ihve their chop home wth them on all uavs excep thursdays jonas mille to restj tho soutmssamirst 3o in the 4th coucessior pickering new house new bank bam new largo pig pen every convenience apply to jas mccuilough barrister stoaflville or to mrs c reesor locust hill diniel ritz proprietor and publisher of tho hamburg out lndcpendant says i was suffcrinc from dyspepsia andliver trouble i took a few bottles of shilohs vitalizor and it cured me 1 can heartily ecommend it- sold by g collabd druggist for sale by tender two nw houses on obrien avo containing ten rooms each also corner lot this property will be sold each house seper- ately or both together easy terms of payment and no tender necessarily accepted said tenders will bo re ceived by mr bert fleury up to october 21st inst the rev w patterson of toronto lectured in the presbyterian church norval on tuesday evoning week to a good bouse thi lecture was given in mr pattersons own inimitable style and every one pleased and edified the lecture was given under the bible class and teachers association a prosperous organization in connection with the churcti record reform kallva grand libera demonstration under the auspices of tho y m l c wii bo held in the agricultural hall markham on satur day oct lath chair taken at 280 pm addresses will bo given by hon wilfrid laurier hon 0 jiowat hon mr drvden and j d edgar w mulock and j featherstono m p s our new sign the peoples jeweler is about to appear in golden letters over the front of our place of business bear in mind that when we use the term the peoples jewel ler we have good reason for doing so which has been assured us by the people gener ally who have dealt and are dealing with us permits us to think the above term but a fittiag one to append to our name we are here to serve the people w l reeve the spo fiords block a voiibuseck went home to sunder land on monday li johnson purposes removing to his brick residence in the east end fra attend- ed the south york teacher8 and hon last week w our 10c 15c and 25c whips cant be beaten for quality silvester dough erty john hare captured quite a number of prizes with bis poultry at wood- bridge fair yesterday wo aro pleased that mrs rev shan- ton is now convalescent from her recent severo attack of typhoid fever a o u vv meet monday evening next every member is requested to be present tribune not except ed peoples jeweller stouffville we are sorry to sav that philip bartholomew is not at all well at pre sent but hope that he may again be restored to heal th the turkish foreign office has ac cepted the proposals of the powers in regard to the reforms in arraeuiaa nd the sultans signature is awaited miss mabel robinson whom john lavng attempted to murder at den ton vllasre is now in a critical condi tion bloodpoisoning is feared the name of miss todd of goodwood a delegate was omitted in the report of the branch meeting of the womans missionary society in last weeks is sue heartdisease jkelieved in 30 min utes a cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured by dr agnews cure ior tho heart one dose convinces sold by rowan co druggists of grcnville p kleiser tho toronto world says wonderful powers as a delineator of character mr kleiser will bo in daleys hall under the auspices of the stouffville cornet band on thurs day evening nov 7th the rumor goinsr the rounds tbat h johnson has sold out his business to m- abbie of sutton is not true b ifjgamft rnmnr nows of a mr thomas ballard syracuse n y writes i have been afflicted for nearly a jear with that most ttfbedreaded disease dyspepsia and at tiros worn out with pain lysgepsia an at tiroes worn out with pain imiwinx ofmcepi a almost overythir5nim nn oox parmcleesyegcwjow im now near ly well andbejkeye hoy i wouldricitdov thom on good man with plenty of cash in his pocket and wants a good business johnson is ready to dorl with him heed the warning the common and ever present warning of kidney trouble backache and weakness in back are quickly relieved by dr chases pills tho original and only 25 cent kidneyliver pills when all other remed ies fail they cure hot roast tho bloomington methodist church intend to hold an entertainment on thursday evening oct 24th at which a hot roast will he seryed addresses aro expected from kevs haincr and stewart and aliss ada barkey elocutionist and other talent will assist iu the programme music will bo furnished by the stouffer quartette the christian congrega- have kindly consented to allow the use of thoir shedf for the occasion pro ceeds in aid of tho church funds all welcome admission 25c and 15o the effect of the breaking the water conduit at toronto is nowshowing in the returns to the local board ot health for the fifteen days of the present month there were soventy- seyon cases of typhoid fever recorded against twentynine in tho wholo month of october of last year and twentysoven cases in october 1893 there are a large number of cases of rvphoid in the hospitals at grace hospital there are 8g st michaels 22 and forty in the general hospital 25 cents vs kidney trouble for 2 years i was dosed pilled and pastcred for weakback scalding urine and constipation withont benefit one box of chases kidneyliver pills re lieved 3 boxes cured- r j smith to ronto 3ijjjjsj clubbino rates tribune and weokly globe or weekly i mail and tt empire for 8125 cash in advance orpwma lbmonville jrae took bw wj start at woodbndge fair yesterday mrs j r mann of bay cityviitcn ana her two daughters visited rela tives in town this week high constable jones of toronto was at ballantrae this weok making investiga tions in connection with tho death of tho late james burtch with tho view of hold ing an inquest dout forget the presbvterian services on sunday and entertainment on mon day evening rev w patterson of toronto is sure to interest and please his audience fok sale i have decided to offor for sale my grocery flour feed and seed business at the central telephono office situated opposite tho markot and one of the best located stands in town in fact it is a livo business if taken jifc onco a bargain is offered as i havo other in ducements which i must accept at once or not at all a g brown glasgow mr latchams children have had the chickenpox george reid was quite ill for a couple of days but he is able to be out again mr reynolds and miss stjohn from sunderland were the guests of mr rey nolds last weok w baston has moved upon the dunn farm and mr madill from scott is mov ing upon the farm mr baston left a stover will sell his farm stock and implements next tuesday as he intends to engage in the milk business in stouff ville mrs lewis left for hor homo in cleve land last saturday she prolonged her stay in order to be with mrs forsyth through tho worst of her illness we ar5 glad to hear that mrs forsyth is gradually recovering from tho fever almira rov mr hanna of uxbridgo is announced to conduct service hero next sabbath miss annio summerfomfc of sutton is spending a fewdays with hor cousin miss m bowman master tommy ratcliff is still very ill but wo aro glad to bo ablo to stato thac he is in a fair way to recover tho many friends of s b lehman will regret to hear that he is down with typhoid fever his speedy recovory is hoped for mr jno miller has been appointed delegate from molvillo s s to tho pro vincial convention to bo hold in toronto next week mr and mrs r farloy have returned from the wedding trip and will remain in the neighborhood a while before mov ing to their new homo in markham tho social at melvillo church on wed nesday evening was well attended and an enjoyable timo spent tho programmo was rendered to a particularly apprecia tive audience quito a largo audionco assembled in jonkins hall on sunday evoning to lis ten to a religious discourso by mr ham mond of markham wo understand ho intends speaking again next sunday evening relatives he miss synthia cook called on friends in town last saturday miss nellie lemon is visiting hor brother at lindsay this weok jos sanders of evcrsley visited his brothor p sanders this weok w j mahon of toronto paid a brief visit to his brother on monday miss pool of markham was a guest of mrs abram ramer last mr and mrs r johnson of amber visited his sister mrs p p steel on monday mr noblo of gormloy filled the pulpit of the church horo sunday evoning last vory acceptably goo piphqr is slowly recovering fiorrr the sovore hurt ho got in tho runaway near stouffville a couple of weeks ago bokn hopkins at bloomington on wed nesday oct 16th the wifo of geo hopkins of a daughter lehman on 8th lino markham on thursday oct 17th tho wifo of elias lehman of a son che reason v good health cannot bo enjoyed whon the nerves aro in a deranged condition is because- other organs ot tho body do not rcccivo their natural supply of norvo fluid tho nerve centre is situated near tho baso of tho bralnrand when ncrvo food is cut off tho isolated part loses its functional power 2 inmemoriam in loving remombranco of mrs matthew mckuon who was called to rest oct 10th 1895 our dear loved friend has passed away and gone where theres no night or day to thoso heavenly realms of light tho genilo spirit took its flight she heard her saviors yoicosaycomo up higher to this heavonly home m sporting ti3fc english sports men as to whatt tbey shoot at the daily telegraph having spoken inac- curatoly of atjfvoy of pheasants received the ftflowing list of correct names for asssuiblages of birds a covey of partifdgcs a nye nide or nest of pheasajnts a herd of swans an exalting of iafs a watching of uight- iugale a teav t ducks a muster of peacocks a btvy of quails a flight of doves a flocuor gaggle of geese a spring of teafe fall of woodcocks a packof gronja sedge of herons a shoal of rooki t- ot widgeon a wisp or walh or snipe the tontworth presbyterian churchs fi new sunday school building wj opened recently by a lecture dehfewd by ro wm patter- son of tor-fito- postponed from tues day of thoifrovious week owing to the big storm itho spacious building was again croiped rov mr patterson lectured ojf what we can do his address wv illumined with bright scintiilatiw of wit and humorous sallies yeiljt was pregnant with deep thought ad sound ad y ice for both old and yonr record i utj bune january 1st 189v torvr vanco tho tribune keeps abreast with tho times as a newsy paper and as an advertising medium wo leavo its columns to decide dont bo de ceived by false representations as to circulation tho tribuno is a house hold word in the town and surround ing country send for sample copy wo will bo pleased to sond samples to any address market tho attendance today was not up to tho average owing to the showery nature ot tho weathoiy but thoro was a gooa supply of produce offorcd for sale- the jlow prices of certain classes of agricultural products causes farmers to hold for a bettor market the probabilities are that when the present rush at potato digging and housing of roots is over the market will assume its usual largo proportions prices ranged as follows- eggs 14c to 15c butter 17c to 19c chickens 80c to 40 ducks 40c to 50c turkevs alive 5c to 6c lb apples fall 76c bbl potatoes 15c to 20c basr wheat 60c oats 24c barley 35c to 40c pease blackoye 53c pease small 48c alsiko so 1 120 acts like magic in restoring shattered nerves bocauso 16 possesses such marvollous powerfor strengthening and rebuilding tho nerve centres nervous headache nervous dyspopsia and all ncrvo de rangement wear on tho system on tho brain scotts sarsaparilla feeds tho brain tissue fills ho brain cells makes new blood and muscles makes strong nerves scotts skin soap freshen the skin 1 to see ourptall arid win7 ter stock of clothing we are confident we are invit ing you to see as truly real value as we have ever been able to show you sho was young anov beautiful here but an angel sho will bo there and though in person sho is gono her lifo will spoak to ovoryono day after day in spirit meek to do her fathorswill shod seok when ho called hor from earth away sho went though loved ones wishes hor stay o husband dear and father kind sisters and brothor left behind you cant sco hor hero any more but you can meet hor on that shore where thoro is ncithor death nor pain but meeting neer to part again wcop not for her but think how sweet twill bo in heaven with her to meet jessie saoe vhcn ruby ms ck wo gavo her ostorl when ulio waa a child be cried for cutorl when bo beeamo mim ho clone to castor 3thenaiiajcblwrtnabosmciiejncoiia is more your best interests and give you more- satisfaction to buy clothing that is high grade in style and make and modr erate in price as we are sure our prices are than to buy goods that are said to be cheap in price for they are sure to be poor in quality join bray merm tailor stouffville i