fej ft no 33 ribtttt stoffyille 5 ontario tjrilrsluyktober 17 189 whole number 398 sfipt 1p ship 4 einber the plactf the ofd stand opposite the market where yoa 7 will see the onlysign in town composed of two letters i be beebe start wiilamson daleys bm stoufiville money to loan on goodjsecurity sale and farm notes cashed and taken forjcollcction drafts issued on the imperial bank and its branches and on all points in canada andthe united states savings department interest allowed on deposits kotes collected at lowest bates 4 por cont per annum interests allowed on deposits office hours 10 a m to 3 p m saturdays 10 a m to 1 p m tios wiuiamson con suiting manager v vijvstrrkr business manager -the- tailor zr gents furnishing ijllyhite hour cheap at rfplobrs m ai items- warji- imported overcoatings worsted suitings new shades just arrived moderate prices entire satisfaction sanders buuy s wsaparilja 18 a mothers remedy regulating and strengthening tho maternal functions it purifies tho femalo systom ot ulcerative weaknesses and debilitating humors it expels tho first symptoms of hereditary humors in children and youths that may owo their origin to past generations it searches out and renders tie system freo from diseasebreeding germs the kind that cures pantings thoro arb not many forms of diseaso upon which scotfs sarsaparilla docs not act favor ably becauso puro blood carries to tho diseased porta ronowing and building up properties this medlcino mates puro blood which build up where disease has torn down and carriet away tho impurities upon which it feeds hereditary diseases monkbouse has a great variety of ladies bowtics great reductions in metis bats at rae have yon seen mookhousev range of black s6csdandiesfor2oc t- its all woo tweed made to ordrroms2t5 to 260 special allan b wesleys chieago toilet soaps only 6c per- cake regular 10c goods at j j eaes we are showing the largest assort ment of line- and unlined working glomes and mitts in town all bought before the advance in leathersilvester 45 dougherty horses wasted r a marois of montreal will bo at tho mansion house on thursday oct 24th to purchase see adyt in another col umn tho playing for best boy or girl pianist under 16 yearsvwas on heintz- man cos celebrated transposing piano the youngsters say it is nice to play on markham sun ontario marriage liconses are no good in michigan marriage licenses costs 2 in ontario and 2 in michigan in tbe latter place the names of the parties having licenses are published in the papers tho barrie gazette has changed hands mr n king who hasconduct- ed the paper for several years has rented tho gazette plant to his son and daughter who will continue to conduct the business under the firm name of n- w king co we wish the new firm success in their undertaking english spavin liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses blood spavin curbs splints rini bone sweeney stifles sprains soro and swollen throat coughs etc save 50 by use of one bottle warranted the most won derful blemish cure ever known sold by rowan co briifist the town clerk of orillia refused to certify to the collators roll of that tnwn on the ground that the council had neglected to insert tho debenture rate in the bylaw striking the rates he claimed if hejshould certify to it he would become personally responsible forthe 8500 debenture falling due tills year a meeting of the council wjis called and thk clerk was upheld in iff j jintee the scotts skin soap ktcpsthkskiti so- sold bv j it mackenzie thc01d reliablo drug store twgreatescbajgains in town is alwarrines7v lnon- boofif good booig- good wearing booteafcs jjsvvarrigprsv j mazawatteefeac rimiads you of the choice tbaspfthiity8aiia0 ry it j j raov js snilpksoorb is sold guai ifcures incipient consumpti6nkjl best cough cure only one csnjra d cts 50cts andsloo par bottfe ft ooliard druepist we regret to learn tiackolaivianr was in a critical reports the old go better heintzman piano shown at wm fleming was eck ot our town for tcdj obkat coron cora promptly cures where all others foil couehs croup sore threat hoarseness whoooinf csucb and asthma for consumption it has no rival has cured thousands aril nlll curb tod if taken in time sold by druggists on o guar- jstee for iuno bacs or chmfc tuo shiloh8 bg pkasteriao ilohsv catarrh remedy toed to euro you priccfiocta injcciorfrce sold by ocoixard drubgist stouffville s contention the public does not appreciate the nature of tho request sometimes per- fcrred bv individuals when thev ask the editor to suppress an item of news it is equivalent to saying to the mer chant please take that roll ot cloth from your shuh e and dont sell it eew merchants would be apt to com ply with tne strange request hut tho obliging editor often does out of kindly considerations for the nusiness or per- isonal welfare of citizens it is a good trait to human nature but it costs vioney to remove goods from tho shel ves and destroy them for that is what it amounts to in tho department f newspaper mechandizing there aro cases of consumption so far ad vanced that bickles anticonsumplivo syrup will not cure but none jo had that it will not eivo relief for coughs colds and all affections of tho throat lungs and chest it is n specific which has never been known to tall it promotes a free and easy expec toration thereby removing the phlegm and gives tho diseased parts a chance to heal an exchange says- bo kind to your neighbor and lend him vour paper to read if ho docs not take it dont humiliate him by compelling him to asl for it but lay it down where ho can find it as soon as ho wants it dont bo to uncharitable as to hide it because ho is iust as able to pay for one as you aro undoubtedly he has private reasons for not taking it perhaps he has consciontious scruples againstpaving money for a paper he can read for nothing perhaps he is mad at tho editor for saying too much about him or tho mean thing may havo shown his ingratitude for a long unpaid subscription in which caso the paper dont amount to anv thing and ho wont havo tho dirtv thing in the house but he wants to read it all the moro on that account clthiagsile thisnmrith at wirri hers monkhouse has tho greatest variety pr hats in town morses twin bar eclipse soap c for 25 cts at warriners collars cuffs and neckwear in great variety at moiikhpuses queen coffee put up in coffee pots arid 1quart milk pals something new at kaes barrels yof alexander apple atcliff co stduff curling clubs aro beginning to organize fruit jars at the very lowest figures at j j kaes try warrinor for teas tho cheapest place in town gus german of markham was in town over sunday try warrinor for suit furnishings- he has all new goods white and negligo shirts in great variety at mbnkhouses cos transpojmg larkham fairby rchasd bymr thettmn tposlng is a wouderfur invention markham sun j a boon to hobsemex one bottlej of english spavin liniment completely re moved a curb from my horse li uke pleasure in recommending the remedy ae t acts with mysterious promptness in th removal from horses of hard soft or call ouscd lumps b ood spavin splints curls sweeny stifles and sprains george robs farmer- markham ont sold bj rowan co druttrista ij farms forsaie posters are being issued asking for renders for the purchase of parts of lots 1 and 2 in the 2nd concession of uxbndge contain ing 143 acres more or less and also for lot g in the rear of the 4th con of scarboro township containing 100 acres more or less tenders to bo re- ceived up to tuesday ocr 22nd 1895 by jacob stouffer altona p o ont the man who penned the following knew exactly what he was talking about a newspaperis always print ed in a rush there is always some thing in it that should be left out something lelt our that should haye teen put in it is something too quick to act but with all its faults and shorccomings there is more education in a bright newsy paper than there is in a novel you will find the brightest boy on practical sensible overv day questions is the boy who reads the newspaper instead of cutting down the trees to cbtam gutta percha as lias formerly been dono the leaves aronow plucked dried and shipped to foreign pans wheretbe gutta percha fc extracted and prepared for use aftteelrequlnis aboiif 25 or 30 years of jmxjatecoto buruu ing ofjfc itch on human and horses and allammais fcured in 30 minutes by woolford sanitary lotion this never fails sold by rowan co- driippjsts hi s remov- ofthe artkng yjrm s ed from trees amsucnrlier age and tho destruction bfthoiroes is prevent ed the price ot guljta percha will therefore in a short tmeshow a mark ed decline i the conimcn people as abraham lincoln called them do not carejto argue about their ailment what they want is a medicine that will cure them tho simple honest statement i know that hoods sarsaparilla cured me is the best argument in favor of this mcdicino and this is what many thousands volun tarily say hoods pills aro the best afterdinner pills assist digestion euro headache 25c according to recent en papers an old criminal has yicted by means of the anthropomej svrtrtm of ilirtntifientinn tlio rtriantllr system of identification the prisoner had carefully disguised himself and had got rid of any hirsute adornment to his face and generally succeeded in biding his idontity to such an extent that it was only by taking tho imprint of his hand and comparing it with that of a criminal who had been in custody some time before tho idontity was established and conviction followed in paris tho berlillion system is in voguo it is i brief a system of measuring tho bones of criminals and is a never falling means ot identity tho svstcm as practised bv tho gendarmerie at paris is an unqualified success oven when photography has failed aud is said to have a most deterront effet upon criminals having a tendency to driyo aw y the professional thieves from paris jam as fol- all prize tickets markham fair miss boak on the new williams took the special s5 prize for best footstool orna mented with sewing machine work the rfinger being opposition mark ham sun high school inspector seath reports the attendance at richmond hill high school as too largo for two teacners and a committee of the board has been appointed to make enquires relative to theprobable cost of running another department rheomatism cured in a day boutn american rheumatic cure for rheumitism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days its action upon the system is remark able and mysterious it removes ut once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears the first dose greatly benefits 75cts wold bv rowan co druggist j a good joke is told on a markham dergyman a nice looking voung cvuple went to him to get married lately add alter the ceremony the groom handed the clergyman an envelope the envelope was opened aodthe clergyman swooned as he read on aslip enclosed strapped will mcetvouat prayer meeting wednes day tight god bless you the east york plowmens associa tion nvt at webbers hotel unionville- on mptday andafter hering the report of the veld committee decided to hold the ploying match on the firm of john lawrielj miles east of malyeru 3rd con scjrboro on thursday the 31st of october committee of manage mem and judges were jappointcd and the prize list was left in the hands of a commiteo to arrange afiimv at the moment of the atlacloftrftvrapidlv tho back of the patientv chl of methvl from wnwjrd anv up- fatl of7nvcliest be ovcr tho parts with a t of iind niako the strength of tho sniipp the strength at iiationt and tho violence of the attack burmesechinese frontier trouble has arisen between britain and franco over tho burmesechinese frontier under tho chinese convonticn franco acquired a largo area of territory in tho stato of kaing hung grat britain denies tho right of china to cede this territory which is part of tho buffer stato between the french and british possessions in that part of the world if franco declines to giyn up tho tarritory in question british troops will occupy that portion of- it which is claimed to bo part of burmah lish nowgjwhich is to all intents and purposes been cgbritish territory lho best pills mr wm viindervoort fine gd tho latest pfo lows priyajj sydney crossing out writes wo been using pajmelccs lills and find havo using iajmelccs nils and hurt them by far the beat pills wo over used for delicate and debilitated cohstitutionsthcse lills act like a charm taken in small dos es tho effect u both a tonic and a stimul ant mildly exciting tho secretions of the body givinp tono and vigor a simple test for the sowago conta mination of water recommended bv the iowa board of health is to aad 4 drops of permanganate of potash solu tion to a glass of tho water after standing two hours tho rose color imparted by tho permanganate will have changed to a dull yellow if de composing organic matter is present in a dangerous amount and complete ly disappear in timo if tho decomposed orgauic matter is in very large quan tity if the proportion of impurity is small tho roso color may fade only slightly a good method of quickly determining the quality of drinking e end moved on nlohhrauna arc valuable but m thcyarcnot in it z with di keys kidney pi lis where you j t are troubled with illhealth ona box will rte 2 convince you of their worth law lone to loan w g- smith macdonhld- c bussel fitcjul b- phib- barristers- no commission will jlikelyi appointed to investigatetihejmanit6ba school difficulty hoods sarsaparilla taken at this season will make you feel strong and vigorous and keep you from sickness later on asteady and successtul exhibitor wm fleming dealer in dominion organs and pianos heintzman cos pianos and the new williams sewing machine has been an exhibitor at markham fair evmrv year since 1874 21 successive years and has seldom if ever failed to carry off the first prize handling only the best has its reward markham sun relief in six hours distressing kid ney and bladder diseasca relieved in six hours bv the new great south american kidney cure this new remedy is great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder kidneys back and every part of the urinary passages in male or iemale it relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately if you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy sold by rowan co drueeisfcs we understand that application is to bo made to the legislature to build an electric eailwav from port perry to kincardine by wav of nerfmarket and kchomberg promoters are also talking up a scheme to run an electric road from newmarket to sutton bv wav of sharon qneensville keswick roachs point and morton park our opinion is that the heavy snows of winter in these northern climes would materially reduce tho profits aud ronedr unsatisfactory tho services of these roads p h 2nd inst the famous moun tain of mogote cuba was tho scone of a heavy battle tho mogote is 45 miles northeast ofot fantiago do cuba the rebels learning that the spanish generals garcia navarro sind linares were on thiirway thither placed themselves in a good position for the attack tho combined span ish column 26oo strong openo i tho attack from their vanguard antonio macio with 800 men returned the firo and after a severe jbattle of five hours ho conquered the spaniards who were obliged to retire leaving live officers killed ten ofiijers wounded and 380 soldiers killed and wounded tho rebels have isolated tho towns of san luis and palm soriana situatod 24 and 80 miles respectively from santiaj go by setting fire to a bridge between the towns monroe doctrine tho london spectator prints a striking article on tho monroe doctrine it saysthat englishmen havo no sort of objection to the monroe doctrino thov want no extension of territory on tho american continent but rather desiro that the anglo saxon race bo left to develop unmolested this the monroe doctrine secures tho doctrino might bo tho foundation stono of an alliance be tween tho two peoples from britain and tho united states agreeing to guarantee their possessions in america a thing tho monroe doctrino does only one serious danger to tho doc trino exists if great britain over lost command of the sea that command passing to franco or russia tho united states would find that v doctrino was waste paper and would bo obliged to conquer tho sea from the victor or abandon tho doctrine the school law provides that all children botweon eight and fourteen years ot age shall attend school for tho full term during which tho school of tbo section or tho municipality in which they reside is open each year unless excused for tho reasons herein after mentioned and if the parents or guardians havingjlegal jimess ifflporm if you want a fine set of either single or double harness j w turner- can satisfy vou both as toprice and quality he has also in stock a complete assortment of trunks satchels val ises jap rugs dusters ilynets iialters swaps whips curryeomafos brushes quarterboots shin and ankle boots knee boots and scalping boots bandages axle grease hoif ointment c no shoddy harness kept all hand made jw turarssr main st east of telephone store 39a xiiaw 3a 30 lbs sugar 100 20abs granulated 100 ii 5 barscentiiiysoap and large cromo for 25c try that japan tea at 25c our fiotored black knocks them all out the highest price paid for alsiko red clover and timothy a g brown telephone store opposite the station st oxtininsri ttj3 is proparod to purchase all kinds of- grain seeds potato hides fool m k and ho keens on hand for salo