Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 30, 1893, p. 7

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7 4 bankrupt s bank stocb sthk greatest b stock sali of the agi having bought the two stocks of dry goods clothing carpets gents furnishing and furs belonging to fred spofford of markham and stouffville at the rate of 65 cents on the dollar we commence d on monday morning november 28th at 9 ocock sharp the greatest sao ever known we were closed in both the markham and stouflvye stores on a afternoon and evening aso a dav for the purpose of checking over and every ino of goods in the great mammoth house ana on tuesday 9 a in we opened both stores with a rush and continue to open each day at the same hour until the whole stock is turned into cash we will close at 8 p m each evening except saturday when we will keep open until 9 p m now you all know that the whole stock is new choice goods well bought and well selected for the winters trade and the numerous customers of mr spofford all well know the low prices and big bargains that his store was noted for still they were nothing in comparison with what you can expect now as we bought the stock cheap and intend selling it likewise as we are anxious to get our money out of it and as the season is getting pretty well on for winter goods we will go in for clearing out at once all winter goods consisting of furs clothing mantlings blankets underwear in fact the whole business must be turned into money before the new year the old staff are nearly all retained and an extra force on as well still if you are not all waited on at once dont be annoyed but exercise a little patience as we will do our best during the rush to have all properly waited on and understand from the word go no second price will be made every artice vibe marked down to rock bottom price in red ink which will satisfy every man woman and child who want to buy and we might just mention that although we have a very large force of clerks they are all here for business and every customer must be treated with civility still we will not allow curiosity seekers and people who do not want to buy to take up valuable time and valu able space we expect to be jammed every day from 9 a m to 12 noon and from 130 pm to 8 pm and to do justice to our customers we want them all properly waited on and any mistake or any complaint must be made either to the manager or cashier who will see that everything is made right our store will not be opened until 9 a m each day during the rush so as to give the clerks a chance to have the goods put in shapewe mean business the goods must go the money is what ve want and to get it quick we have decided to make things hump from the first goof the tribune has worked itself up to such a booming business pajier that they could not give us as large a space as we required so we cannot tell you wh it all we are doing or what we intend doing but we will put a small list of price elow to give you an idea what the whole business will go for dont forget these goods and prices will not last forever they are snaps and the first come first served will have to be the motto as we cant possibly replace the same goods at the prices we intend running them at so dont delay or you will forever regret the opportunity of a lifetime for securing good new dry goods at a small rate on the dollar dress department over 500 yds of odd lines of dress goods at 3jc per yard worth 10c over 1000 yds of 1 0 and 15c dress goods for 5c 5o pieces of 20 and 25c dress goods for 10c all wool double width casbmeies for 20c worth 30c fine all wool double width cashmeres in nearly all colors for 25c worth 40c our fine silk finish very wide henriettas worth 650 for 41c over 7s pieces of plushes for 25 and 35c worth 5oc and i per yd see our 1 velvets for 49c see our 55c velvets for 39c see our 35c velvets for 25c over 10000 yds of trimming- braid at 1 5 and 10c worth 10 40 and 5oc thousands of caicis of dress buttons and llldntio buuons2 tozjwlonmcttrd forceoarfi worth from 25 to 5oc over 1000 cards of dress ornaments at 1c a card worth 15 to 25c each skirt braids all colors jc dress waist steels 5c per set hooks and eyes lc per card 2 dozen on a card twists 2c a spool silk spools 3c each cotton soools the best made 2c each heavy navy blue serge for 10 and 12c sse our zzc double width serge iu nearly all colors for 19c see our fine 45c black and navy serges in the new wide stripe for 25c see our double width tweed dress goods lor 12jc worth 30e see out double width tweed chess goods for 25c worth 65c 75 pieces of 54 inch tweed suitings for 50 60 and 75c all worth double 30 pieces of fine black worsted from s9c to 8135 worth si5o to 225 mantle cloth 54 inches wide 50 to 75c childrens fine jersey mantlings at 40 and 55c worth 60 and 90c double fold curly cloth at 175 worth 250 black curly trimming 3 4 and 5 inches wide for 10c per yd worth 25 fur and hat department 100 sealette caps worth 150 each for 99c 500 odd caps in sealette cloth and imitations ol persian lamb all for toc each worth 40c and 50c ladies muffs from 69c up to s all worth double in fact all furs at half the regular price see om goat robes for 525 worth 750 see our 10 yac robes for 675 see our black all one piece robes for lo99 worth 1750 see our black fur coals all made from one hide for 1950 2250and 25 worth from 30 to4s 5oo christie hats for 25 and 5oc worth 1 and 150 each over 5oo fedora hats at half price big drives in gloves and mitts staple department 3000 yds of heavy shaker flannel at 61 4f 53c and 73c all worth double 5oo yds of fine tennis flannels at 10 and 12jc worth 15 and 20c 20 pieces of shirting and ginghams at 4c per yd worth 7c 10 pieces of zephyr gingham and shirtings for 73c worth ioc 30 pieces of 13 and 15c shirtings all at loc per yard cream shaker at 5ac heavy cottonade at 10 12 and lje 2 yd wide felt at 59c worth 1 heavy twilled and plain wool grey flannel worth 2oe for 14c heavy canton flannel for c 7 and 9c per yard linen tabling at 13 2o and 25c per yd colored turkey tabling 24c 2oc towels for toe each loc towels for 5c each 8c towels for 4c each 50 pieces of loc prints for gc 75 pieces of 13c prints for 8jc wido width factory for 4c our heavy 7c factory for 5c white cotton 445 6 and 8c carpet department tapestry at 20 3oc and 4oc heavy unionat 3040 and 45c hemp 9 12 and 15c table oilcloth best quality 20c per yd floor oilcloth 24c per square yd lace curtains at low prices quilts blankets and comforters very cheap haberdashery department childrens cotton hose from 2jc per pair up ladies 2jc wool hose for 15c gloves hosiery laces embroideries fancy goods handkerchiefs hair pins pins needles corsets comb3 ribbons yams and wools just half the price sold at in other stores 200 dozen chiffon tics and silk handkerchiefs just infor the xnias tradcall to bo slaughtered 3 cases of fancy plush cases c just opened for the holiday season must also go at bank rupt price ladies underwear cheap the 2jc line for i50 the 4jc line for 25c the 75c line for 45c the 1 and 125 lines for 75c gents department sec our 2oc wool sox going 2 pair for 25c see our underwear gloves hats capjtics collars cuffs top shirts and every line a your own prices clothing department this department we intend giving up entirely so everything must go no reserve price all overcoats must be sold all suits must be sold we will not keep rcadymadc clothing so watch for bargains wo have no room for prices but they will more than suit the buyers now remember the great bankrupt stock sale all new goods all must go at bankrupt prices and can t be replaced this big sale will be kept up j both in the markham ami stouffville stores boots shoes rubbers sox trunks valises c h ioufe k go are fully prepaied for the fall and winter trade and will give their customers the advantage of the largest stock from the best makers at the lowest prices possible for fair dealing jfo ffwilion has a lot of mvr goods in this week wei aim to give the newest things at lowest prices a lot of new mantles bought at25 per cent off regu lar prices mantles from 400 large assortment of silk hand kerchiefs from 15 cts each silk veiling 5 cts yard jbabys wool caps 20 cents velvets 25cts yard ladies wool gloves i24 cts children muffs beauties 85c chilbrens boas 3s cts scarceshades in velvets wear for children of all kinds in stock mbs v wklsobt lady headers you are respectfully requested to nuke us a visit at your earliest convenience we have somnbiog new to talk about new hats veilixgs velvets c iu oux dressmaking department you will be able to have your new dress or 3jj mantle made up in tbe latest style at a very moderate price maet e baker mertcos block mala st stouffville christmas christmas your custom work and repairing done as usual yours faithfully stotuffjsr co dont buy presents before you have seen what w l reeve the dweuer has in stock -t- novelties molooes novelties in silverware i dainty designs in rings and jewellery 1 everything new and up to the times the best goods the lowest prices presents suitable for everybody ini tials names ax engraved on any article while you wait burkholders blockstouffville the tribune stouffville nov 23 1893 local notices- all advance notices in the local columns of the tkirunk of meeting or entertain merits at which an admission fee is chanced or from which a pecuniary benefit it derived must be raid for at the rate of seven cents ter tine each insertion no charge less than twentyfive cents when bills are printed at this office or advertisement of en tertainments aro inserted a brief local will be riven free local items- pofford fc co mninj monffvllle 31 nin st markham sec johnsons dclf and glassware never be without kseljays liver lozen ges for a firstclass cook store go to t e trulls a new discoyery of great value kseljoys liycr lozenges johnsons for 3 lbs royal mixed can dies for a 5c the proof of the pudding- is in the eating- of it those who have used silver package tea sold by j ii itatciit spent very tils my of it wtfrciammfm buiid- lug anyone looking for a nice line of business right on the market can hear something to their advantage by apply lug to it j dalkv die woods norway vine syrup dr woods xorway pine syrup curea coughs colds asthma bronchitis hoarse ness croup and all diseases of the throat and hints price 25c and 50c at all druggists to make a good cup of tea take iresh water bring quickly to boiling point pour on tbe tea and let steep for about four minutes even j ii rutcliff gos teas aro better when drawn in this manner the great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as kickles auti- consutnptivo syrup it soothes and diminishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs colds hoarseness pain or soreness in the chest bronchitis etc it has cured many when supposed to he far advanced in consump tion w a piper who run a clover thresher met with an unfortunate accident to their machine at the barn of c j brodio bcthesda on tuesday forenoon by some means tho steel tooth of a hayrake was gathered up with the clover and put into tho barn and in threshing no one noticed it tilt it was fed into the separator and tho concave was badly broken abram pipher passed through town in tho afternoon of tuesday to oshawa to get the necessary repairs made which will cost about 825 a business man who does not adver tise is very much ii ko a man who goes fishing without bait and dangles the naked hook in tho water and trusts that some fish will actually run uuti- st it and be caught not infrequently men will enter some business put up a little sign and then wait for fome- body to accidentally find out that hn wants customers the people of the present day carefully read tho ads of business men so that thoy may know where to go for what they want mon oy is very stringent this season aid purchasers will tako care to expend it to what they consider tho best advant age and they will take tho newspaper largely as their guide in tho matter on friday evening nov 24th 1893 tho members and friends of tho altona christian church showed in a very tangible way their appreciation of the faithful labours of their pastor rev c ii hainer by turning out in a body to tho number of fifty and taking lull possession of tho parsonage tho pastor and his wlfo were inyited to the parlor while the ladies ran the kitchen dining roin and cellar many hands made light work the tables woresoon spread with tho rich luxuries of earth and tho friends invited to be seated around their rich repast jacobstoultor invoked tho divine blessing on tho provisions prepared after which ell seemed to do their part nobly supper being over tho evening was spent in singing and social diat at about 10 oclock jacob burkholdcr called tho company to order then martin hoover read an address in behalf ol tho church expressing their loyo and interest for their pastor and his wife then j burk holdcr presented the pastor with a purse of 918 in money and goods equally valuable consisting of dressed fowls meat butter egg flour sausages groceries c noforgetling the horse in tho stable but leaving good supply of oats in all to tho value of 45 to the above address the pastor made a very soltableand feeling reply refcrringto the strong ties that bind pastor and people together truly this is the most tangible way for fngrsgation to say they appreciate tbe labours of their pastor lath and lumber at hartnevs a few second hand stoves cheap at t e trulls dont fail to see johnson before you buy elsewhere i if you are tusk take eseljaya liver loz enges and get well special value in a line of pea jack- ts at five dollars at brays see thorn tea labelled silver package is a guarantee of splendid value for the money painful burn bruises scalds and cuts are quickly soothed and healed by vic toria carbolic salve for sale coal or wood ranjro no 9 with water front bureau aud bed stead with springs cheap for cash if bought right away apply toe b fleijuy constipation cured gentlem en 1 suffered for a long time with constipation and tried many medicines without success i then tried burdock blood bittera and verv soon had great relief so i continued its use and am now completely cured joseph phillion quebec que bibles bibles bibles r p coulson has just received direct from england at tho old corner drug store a beautiful line of oxford bibles which he is selling at less than toron to wholesale price call and be convinced 3t well adapted the effective action on the glandular syatcimand the blood and the general rceulating tonic and purify inir action of b b it especially adapt it for the bilious nervous costive or scrofulous from three lo six bottles wiiur nil blood discasoii from afcom p spofford co having purchased the stock of f spoflbrof contained in both the markham and stouffville stores at the rate of j5 cents on tbe dollar aro now determined as they want to realize tho cash as soon as possible to soil tho goods at a wonder ful reduction just read their advt- in another column for the thorough and speedy cure of all blood diseases and eruptions of the skin take northrop lymans vegetable dis covery mrs b forbes detroit hart a run ning sore on her leg for a long time com menced using northrop lymans veget able discovery and she is now completely cure her husband think there is nothing e pud to it for ague or any low fever robert annan and his sixyear old nephew drove up to the 2nd con on monday tor tho purpose of bringing home romu cattle from pasture while mr annan was getting tho cattle in to tho road his horse started for homo with tho child in tho vehicle the beast kept to the road and was not stopped until it reached the village when the vehicle came to a standstill the little tellow was found on his knees in tho buggy holding fast to to tho the dashboard tho turnout escaped injury of any kind news another of those happy ovcots which como to render pleasant tho checkered pathway of llfo took placo at markham oi tuesday ffhen ourcstlmablecitizcu dr i a- freel was united in marri 820 to miss jennie barnes daughter of mr wm barnes of green river the ceremony was performed in tho anglican church by rev otto crott tho bride being supported by her sister miss minnie barnes and tho groom by mr w j stark banker of stouffville tho happy cnuplo left by evening train for kingston and ot tawa and intend to return to stouff ville on saturday tho tribune lo tret her with their manyfriends hero wish them tho largest measure of happiness tho kcttloby postoffice was burg laricd ot thursday night of last weok tho safe was blown open and stamps three watches and 53 in money taken yesterday charles jacobsland charles king alias baker woro arreted charged with the crime p o walkor arrosted tho formor at 03 chesnut street and had rather a hard struggle to induce him to visit no 2 station in his company jacobs strenuously objected to going but was finally compelled to givo in king was taken by dotectivo harrison and cuddy ho was sleeping tho ilcep of tho just and on awaking found tho two officers waiting to escort him to tho station both of tho accused ap- pearcd before magistrate donlson of toronto monday morning a further sitting of tho arbitrators in the case of vanzant vs markham village is necessary in order to hear more evidence it seems almost in credible that a council of which g it vanseant himself was reovo should put a waterworks plant on private property that of mrs o- it vanxant without first purchasing the premises or at least having come definite un derstanding as to what remuneration would have to be made in case of its boing called for would anv member of that council havo transacted his private business in such a iooo man ner all public business should bo oven more scrupulously transacted by an individual tban his own private business tho public never put too favorable a construction on tho official acts of their municipal or other officers honco it becomes all such ii they wish to maintain a reputation for uprightness to strive to maintain a conscience void of onvneo in regard to tho duties of their office look for oysters salmon sardines iiemons oranges candies o go to cfle0ry kos for the next 60 days to every 25th person who purchases goods to the value of 25 cents we will give a pound of firstclass baking powder and a beautiful japanese screen worth 400 a g brown telephone store s drain tilo for sale at hartneys dr kseljay dont ask you to take pills ii johnson beats tho world for cheap groceries keep the system rctrular with eseljaya liver lozenges johnsons for cheap confectionery fruits c wanted spring wheat at bruce s mill no goose wheat 2t wanted a boy to learn the print ing business apply at this office it is safe to use freeman worm powders as thoy act only on the worms and do not injure tbe child alsikeked cloyerand white dutch clover seed bought at highest prices by a g- brown telephone store mrs t tinkler who has been suffering much from erysipelas for the past few weeksis now improving wanted a middleaged woman who would like a home with an aged couple and bo wining to do general house work euquiro at this office f b wjck foftapato hayess he bought h a toon whoso worfc and ovoryiime he bitched his span his harness atwaivs busted s- c flouryco are this week opening up their christmas stock of fancy goods which is tho largest and best selected ever shown in this town see their special christmas adv next week albums plush goods toilet cases of all kinds cups and saucers and everything has to go nothing kept over call at tho old corner drug store and get something cheap in xmas goods st joen hays credit p o says his shoulder was so inm for nine months that he coum nob mue inn imn4 to nil nbtnrimt by tho um of dr thomas kclrctrlo oh the pain and lameness disappeared and al though three months had elapsed he has not had an attack of it sinew headache is generally the result of a con stipated or deranged condition of the diges tive organs to cure the headache it is n sary to get at the root of the evil and for this a toning laxative is much better than a violent purgative a doctor says i know of no better medicine for this purpose than eseljaya liver lozenges what a wonderful discovery is perry davis painkiller it not on y cures the ills of tho human family but is also the sure remedy for horses and cattle it has only been known to fail in a euro of he worst cases of bowel complaint and for sprains galls etc it never fails try it once dir cetions accompany each bottle sold by druggists for 25c a bottle large size s m- warnner is always to the front with good goods and as ho has purchased a consignment at 50c on tho dollar ho is bound to plate his goods on the market at a price that cannot no beaten dont fail to read hisadvt in another column and after that call at his shop to compare quality as well as prices of goads a formor resident of altona who now resides in a far distant clime desires to know what has happened tho altona correspondent and suggests i that perhaps ho does not think that a former resident is looking anxiously for news from home oor old homo has llfo long charms for us all and wo hope our altona correspondent will forward us tho news of that burg for next issue cukro sick hkaoacue mrs d a cam pbell north scgrum ont write i can not praise dr williams pink pills too highly my daughter was a terrible sufferer with sick headache for twelve months and no medical aid could relievo her but by the use of two boxes of your pill she is com pletely cured from all dealers or by mail atsoc a box or six boxes for 2 so bo war of imitations dr wllliamv med co ifrockvilk ont they seem to understand how to outdo the bailiff in pickering town ship as tho following from the news would indicate the spiritlngaway of those goods and chattels under sefiuro at farmer hustons placo a low weeks ago romalns as much of a mltery as ever since tho things woro stolen the barn containing tho grain and tho rest of tho tho seized articles has been burned tho origin of tee lire is also an astonlsher it a man steals a horse or a cow ho is almost sure of arrest but here is a case where 1g cattle and c horses busides other articles disappear ed without leaving n clue as to tho direction thoy went at tho suggestion of the siloam society for tho prosocutlon of felons a meeting of tho managing committee ot tho stouffville society has oeon called for tomorrow friday evening at 730 at the residence of a s luaney secy tho object of this meeting j to tako stops towards memorializing the government to grant letter of incorporation or such legislation us will enable tho associa tion to better carry out tho objects for which it was organized as under present legislation its rules and regu lations are not sufficiently workable the stouffville organization since its inception has given excellent satis faction and isno doubta great aid for tho prevention of those felonious acts which como within jts jurisdiction freh white lime at llartuevs escljays liycr lozenges invigorate the weak for xcuts saws and axes go to t e trulls house to rent on church st south apply to j bray ii johnson the cheapest grocer in town bead his ad a terrible jam at spofford cos bankrupt sale dont miss it 144 tencent and 12 dozen 15c curry combs at silvester doughertys for salk 2000 cedar rails at lot 8 cou 9 whitchurch john stable- ton 2t quantity of brick white aud red also drain tile for sale cheap r j dalov sicx headache caused by excess of bile or a disordered stomach is promptly reliev ed by using national pills john a lehman intends learning the harboring business with j w shankol during the coming winter miss mary smith of flesherton and miss sago smith of toronto spmt sunday at the homo of k rrimson hoods sarsaparilla has cured many afflicted with rheumatism and we urge all who suffer from this disease to give this medicine a trial to now subscribers tho tribune will be sent from now till jannary 1st 1895 for one dollar payable in advance itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by woolfords sanitary lotion this sever fails sold by r p coul son druggist inspector ferguson with his aide de camp calverly explored the pickering hotels a few days ago but failed to lo- catc any speerits those imported bibles at conisons drug store are going faster than a bankrupt stock call and get one before they arc all gone st a sample of jersey cow milk brought to tho creamery for test by d moyer 8th markham indicated one pound of butter to ten lbs of milk no fake about it spofford co sells papers of pins 200 pins all sizes for 1 cent a paper just halt the price some people charge for half papers but we cant help some people being fakirs to those who arc or may become subscribers to tho tribune wc will furnish the toronto dailies or weeklies at tho lowest cost quotations fur- diseases and should therefore be promptly remedied by the use of avers cathartic pdls these pills do not gripe are perfectly new stock new stock tbe greatest slaughter of new goads of tie age at s m warmners having bought out several clearing lines direct from the manufac turers and wholesale houses at 50 cents on the dollar we will commence on tuesday at noon nov 28 the greatest sale ever kaown of good goods whtn iubt was ikk w gt kr caatoru wlwn li was x chlm lr cried for castorta wlwn tm became muw clang to caatoru tombsim ha4caiuren bgt them cai tort miainfs liaiocat is tbe hiir restorer sfc to take and remove all tendency liver and bowel complaints it is strange that some people will suffer for years from rheumatism rather than try such an approved standard remedy as aycr s sarsaparilla and that too in spite of the assurance that it has cured so many others who were similarly afllicted give it a trial spofford co cant advertise shop worn motheaten faded and out of date stuff like some merchants do for thoy donc keep tho lino but they advertise a good new stock at bank- rupt prices come on boys youre next a prompt cure gestlem ex having suffered over two years with constipation and tho doctors not having helped me i concluded to try b b ik and before i used one bottle i was cured i can aso recommend it for sick headache ethel 1 haines lakevicw ont ii johnsons was so crowded today that one of bis large panes of glass was broken by his customer- crowd ing to get iu aud out of his store he is doing tho trade in his lines of business a call on him will satisfy you that his store is the place for cheap groceries i to subscribers wo will club the tri bune with thft daily globe mail or empire for g 50 per annum with the toronto world daily for s2g0 with the weekly globe or weokly empire 175 c just call and see us before ronewlng your subscriptions for other periodicals rheumatism cured in a dav south american rheumatic cure for kheumuism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days its action upon the system is remark able and mysterious it removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears the first dose greatly benefits 76cts sold by it 1 coulson druggist levi hoover of the 10th line mark- ham has this week taken over tho im plement business of henry oliver stouflyulo and will be glad of a con tlnuanco of the patroimgo accorded to mr oliver his best endeav w bo used to givo thorough satisfaction to customers givo him a c when you rfant anything in his line dont forget to call at tho big bank rupt stock sale now going on at spoflord gos tho proprietors of tho old mammoth tho original bargain house which somo small merchants covet yos even try to copy tho ad but have not tho head to back it up oyonifthoy have a surplus of chine and motheaten shopworn goods but keep cool brother lor you have heard tho storv of tho curvature of tho spine caused by envy and covct- ousucrs blessed aro thoy who mind their own business ouk friends amtoao to myriads ol peoplo ft will ik good news that ihcro is to be a christmas number of tho montreal star this year ah over the world the santa clans spirit gets into tho air at tho beginning ot december no matter whether times are good or bad friends away across thusoas over tho broad prairies or oven at nearer distances look for a message ami glad will thousands bo that we are to have n glorious christ mas number of tho montreal star laden down with fascinating gems of art the alvrtulnc of hoods sarmparilu is always within the lounds of reason because it is tnte it always appeals to the sober common aenso of thinking people because it is siwats fuly nbsunliated by endorsements which in the financial world wonhl b accepted with out a moments hcaituion hood imlls cure liver ills constlpvion biliousness jaundice kick headache indi gestion kititfslfteil for rbcaculaa now you all know that new goods bought direst from the manu facturers are worth more than old shopworn motheaten faded and outofdate stuff but never mind we are prepared to put our good goods on the market as cheap as some merchants can trash we have the money to pay spot cash and thats what will bring the bar gains and we have the to offer them at such pricesin fact you would have to steal them to be cheaper now we do not mean to cut our papers of pins in two or play any- fake game but what we put in print we will carry out to the letter so look out for bargains wecan- fer3aiit3ssroxila ask the public to compare quality and we are sure they will be con vinced we lead in prices dbess department sevoral lines of dress goods at 3c worth 9c 2000 yds tweed dress goods at 5c worth 15c a yard 5 phces black cashmerette 12 worth 25c 25 pieces black henrietta from 20 to 90c great yaluo 25 pieces colored henrietta all shades 25 worth 50c 10 pieces whipcord all wool 85 worth 65c 12 pieces nuns veiling 12i worth 25c a fine cheek tweed 5 worth 10c 10 pieces hue plaid dress goods 5 worth 12c iu fact all our dress goods are marked below bankrupt prices staple department shaker flannel from 4 up to 14c shirting 4 g 8 so 12jc y1- worth double heavy plain flannel 10e heavy all wool flannel 15c heavy cottonado 10c extra heavy cottonado 20 and 25c good towels for 2jc each 50 plces wido prints 6 worth 12jc white factory cotton 4c up to 10 factory cotton 4c up to 10c hats caps and furs soalotto caps 95c 12 doz caps from 10 to 76c jl kinds of sets very cheap goat robes si 75 to s7 60 black kobeve7 worth 12 fur coats at low ligures wo inako tho fur fly cheap carpets tapmtry 22 to c5c llomps 6 to 25c unions 80 to 60c floor oilcloth 21c por yd wo will lead in carpets for quality and prices clothing department this department wo do not intend to givo tip as tho manufacturer wc buy from is ready at any time to givo tho goods to us rather than see us under sold ko uso trying to compete with warn nor in that hue b cases now clothing just opened at less than go cents on tho dollir and all the old stock marked down to clcarit less than cost groceries c lbs good tea for 8100 25 lb good snftnr for 100 8 lbs granulated sugar lor 100 2 cans llorso shoo salmon for 25c 2 drooms for 25 4 lbs now liaising lor 25c crockery and grlaswvvoro very clioap just nrrived 60 now and stylish mautlos for lidios groat value aw10 tweed circulars some slightly damagedsclllng for tho price of freight come early como often ami secure tho bargains kvory at ton t on p ltd to uttlo or dig young or old uich or poor everybody waited npvi with politeness s m warrjner

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