Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 11, 1892, p. 6

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m f smith dentist canada life building toronto will during eihlmtion time make a reduction of 200 in all upper and lower sets of teeth- the best teeth ltrlyvtiy cited and guaranteed gatufactorv in every respect xo jaln io filling or extracting teeth larxe wellventilated waiting room with phonograph and piano ixfc smith dentist graduate of the roy- 1 coiieee of ienul urceons alto ilocor jraduto of toronto inivemty lr smith n to i- ceased bii i n has opened an office in mrrteun mock up main where all branehes ofieimiry are carefully and fkilfullr perform ed kttractioa of teeth psinless by means of anaesthetics- jold work a fecuitv 1 in irder t meet hi ursely increased i mctiee lr- smith will visit stouatrille every vediteday thursday anl friday patterson kenton oisjntists svoffordi block stouflville oeo ojo every thursday and friday- the thisune stoufkville nov 11 1892 the uihtcil states presidential election took plaic iu tuesday ami the result in- tlicatcs that itover cleveland will be the next ivcaultnt tins week is beau observed by the sal vation array in canada as a week of self- iknial and thanksgiving during the week salvationists and friends are asked to pledge thctnselves to give up some article ot food or elntliing or in some way to make a sacrifice that will increase their donation to the army iist year 511 100 was raised in this way the prospects of a profitable hay trade between canada ami england is the subject f a bulletin to the canadian producer wlitvli sir charles tapper is about to issue the views of a liuihuer of british hay deal ers have been gathered by the high com- imssioncr the substance of the dealers views is that there is an opening for our hay in i the british markets if it can be carried there cheaply enough and in a condition and shape that will suit the old country trade the owners of the ten big mills in the dominion manufacturing wrapping papers have all but completed arrangements for the organisation of a combine designed to limit production and keep prices at a pay ing figure some of the wrapping paper makers have recently increased their sales by selling at unprofitable prices and a movement was set on foot to form an organ feat ion which would maintain a uniform scale of prices among the firms in the combine are the k ij kddy co of hull j c wilson t co of montreal taylor bros the canada paper company of toron to and the lincoln paper mills co of merritton x g bigelow q c member for toron to of the legislative assembly died last saturday morning aftcra short illness he bad been ailing only a short time and the announcement of his sudden demise was a surprise to even his nearest friends two weeks ago mr bigelow took an active part in the opening ceremonies of victoria col lege ot which he was a graduate and a member of the board of kcpcnts three weeks since he presided at a reunion of st andrews lodge no 10 a p a m of which he was an old past master he accompanied the toronto party to the dedi catory services of the worlds fair and it was during that trip thut ho contracted a cold the immediate cause of his death by the end of the year it is probable that the old provincial parliament buildings in toronto will at last be deserted and the seat of legislation for the province moved to the handsome buildings in queens park the work is still all under contract but the atone and brick portion will soon be handed over the east wing is already rapidly ap proaching completion and though consid erable finishing work still requires to be done the rooms are now habitable the west wing is not so far advanced but work is being pushed rapidly already the public works department and the in spector have moved in and the other de partments will follow suit as rapidly as possible tn the meantime preparations arc going on at the old buildings lor a speedy removal if we are to believe certified experiments the effect of food in increasing the solids in milk and butter is not so creat us is gener ally supposed that is between a cow fed on a jioor ration and one fed on a rich ration it has been fully shown that no matter what feed you give an animal only a cer tain limit of butterfat can be reached in the animal and this is an inherent pro perty some animals having it tnote fully developed than others for two years now the agricultural college experiment sta tion at guclph has been making several trials oil the effect of food on milk and butter and these experiments should be carefully studied by dairymen and farmers as there is one of the most important and vital principles affecting the dairy interests involvm i iu these same tests drop a line tu the college and get a copy of this bull etin the worst fears of the friends of our all- important canadian cattle trade have been realized last friday a cablegram announc ed that the british government had issued an order prohibiting the iiiiortation of live canadian cattle in other words the priv ilege allowed to canadian cattle of being permitted lo land and to graze on british pastures has been cancelled and in future canadian cattle immediately on arrival will be hlaughtercd in the lairs at the seaports as arc all cattle imported into britain from the united statesand other countries tho announcement caused considerable constern ation iu toronto it was particularly un welcome to those dealers who have largo shipments of stockcrs now on tho ocean and which if slaughtered on their arrival its will now iks necessary will become a tul low to the pwnerijiero were some who imped that an cfsteiw statement would have some effect yet with tho imperial authorities but the general feeling was one of indignation at the british government there was a wide difference of opinion as to the probable effect upon the trade of tho country which the exclusion of live cattle from british markets would have but there uas a variety of opinions as to tho immediate effect wing injurious that the effect on dealers lartely interested in store cattle will lc disastrous in tho extreme was admitted by all and some went so far as to commend that the stoppage of this branch of the trade would seriously affect the pros- 1 verity of tho country generally and tho alter urge that because of alleged inability to produce cow in sufficient quantities in this country tin canadian farmers cannot profitably compete with american farmers in the dead meat business in england so that they are therefore compelled to din- poto of their stock before it is fattened for the market the majority of dealers are however very outspoken in the condemna tion of tho practice of sending leari cattlo to great britain to iw fed and mado ready for slaughter vessels arc constantly leaving montreal having on board immense cargoes f eat tie and at tho samo time carrying from canada feed wherewith to convert these stockcrs into leef a few dealers an- so optimiitic at to declare it is tho best thing that could happen to canada though it may be a blow for tho present sjh i carrn 8fipprelon of tho me rues mr j a campbell st sixte que write my wifo wis unwell four years from irregaurj criod brought about by a severe cold tried many remedies without relief two boxes of lr williams pink imu rmuli in a permanent cure beware of imitations by mail post paid at 50c a lot or six boxes for 70 dr williams med co brockvihc onu miwrls lininwt cores ditteapa iriistrcto usk freeman worm powd ers as they act only on the worms and do not injure the child oysters i oysters the best brands always in stock and screed by the dish or m bulk cbo q fancy goods c la endless variety at s c fteury 5lcos m agtnufor whalcy roycc ds co- music and musical instruments municipal qualifications as the season is near when this and surrounding- municl patties are begin ning- to discuss the abilities of their fellow ratepayers as to fitness for mun icipal office a few remarks in bis direction will be in order one would suppose that all who are interested in the financial success and general prosperity of the municipality would do their utmost to see that the best qualified men are elected but many men who would make good officers do not receive nomination pn account of local jealousies prejuldice political differences or even denoml- nationalism there are not a few sterling men who havo excellent abilities for tho administration of municipal matters who object to nomination men possess ed of a sensitive nature who shrink from tho somewhat murky atraoapbere of municipal politics as subjecting them perhaps to tho personal invective and bitter recrimination incident loan election campaign the paltry remuneration and the socalled honors of the position are not regarded by them as a fair equival ent for the comforts of their own home the following are some of what should be the constituent elements in tho makeup of an efficient muni cipal councillor i he should bo a man who commands the respect of his fellow- citizens for his irreproachable moral character hoth as regards bis business dealings and habits of life 2 without the sternest integrity a man is unfit for this position no matter what his other qualifications are 3 good common sense in connec tion with a fair amount of tact aid in making a man an efficient councillor 4 sound judgment broad viuws and an absence of sectionalism aro essentials and should bo coupled with a sacred regard for the trust committ ed to his charge- 5 a fair knowledge of municipal law would be a valuable aid in the per formanco of municipal duties especial ly in the case of the aspirant for reeve other qualifications might be enumer ated such as promptness decision firmness not stubbornness economy not parsimony c perhaps some will say that this standard is too high no man can at tain to it the standard which man cannot attain to is not of this world and it is his bounden duly both to himself his fcllowman and bis maker to aim at the full stature of the perfect man iu the discharge of publicduty the head surgeon or the luboa medical company is now at toronto canada and may be consulted either tn person or by fetter on alt chronic diieaiei peculiar to nan men yirtir old or middleaged wbo isojuacmicirt nervous weak and exhausted who are broken down ram excess or overwork resulting in many of the following symptoms mental depression premature old age loisol vitality loss of memory bad dream dimness of sight palpitation of the heart emissions lack of energy pain in the kidneys headache pimple on the face or body itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotuai wasting of the organs diiisneis specks before the eyes twitching of the mutclcs eye lids and elsewhere bashfulneu deposits in the urine lots of will power tenderness of the scalp and spine weak and flabby muscles desire to sleep failure to be rested by sleep constipation dulnessof hearing loss of voice desire for solitude excitability of tern per sunken eyes surrounded with jlbadbn cia cue oily looking skin etc are all symptoms of nervous debility that leads to insanity and death un less cured the spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man books sent free sealed heart disease the symptoms of whiuh are faint spells purple lips numbness palpitation skin beats hot lushes rush of blood to the head dull pain in the heart with beats strong rapid and irregular the second heartbeat quicker than the first pain aht the breastbone etc can positively be enrol no cure no pay send for book address m v luuon 34 macdonell ave toronto canada painful burns bruises scalds and cuts are quickly soothed and healed by victoria carbolic salve hk quit the doctok gentlemen i was troubled with dyspepsia for about four years and tried several remedies but found them of iittlo use i noticed an advertise ment of burdock blood bitters so i quit the doctor and started to use b b b and soon found that there was nothing to equal it it took just threo bottles to effect a perfect euro in my case and i can highly recommend this excellent remedy to all bert j rkid wingham out chi7kcu dkmcatxox the new methodist church an account of which appeared in our last weeks issue watt dedicated last sab bath the sermons being preached according to announcement by kev dr carman general superintendent ot the methodist church and kev j young chairman of the district dr carman on whom the heavy responsi bilities of his office are beginning to tell as much as advancing years took for bis text dent chap- viii v 8 from which he preached with a vigor both physical and mental such as is seldom found io a man at three score years mr young in the afternoon announced as the embodiment of his theme the words in kebemlah chap iv v 6 iroua which he preached a iexy practical and impressive sermon i at cash of these services the congrega tions were large extra seating being required to accommodate the numbers present in the evening dr carman was again the preacher taking for his subject the words give an account of the stewardship for thou mayest be no longer stewart luke chap xvi v 2 from which he preached a sermon of great power indicating that for pro fundity of thought and amplitude of mental grasp be has probably no superiors and few equals at this serylce the capacious church had every available space occupied it being estimated that not less than eight hundred persons were within its walls during the whole service which lasted for more than two hours many patient ly remained standing at the close of the evening sermon the trustees of the church came forward and throughtheir secretary john starry formally pre sented the church to dr carman for dedication which was done according to the prescribed form in the methodist disci pu ue after which the very success ful services of the day were brought to a close the offerings of the day amounted to about 100 the service of song was a notable feature of the days exercises the choir ot the church supported by an orchestra led in the service to the delight and pro fit of the largo audiences on monday evening a supper was given in the commodious basement of tho church when about 500 persons sat down to the tabled and assisted in relieving them of tho rich viands with which they were laden and they can bear testimony to the ability of the ladles of stouffville to tempt the most fastidious appetite after ample justice was done to the cuisine iu the basement the audience repaired to the body of the church where after the opening exercises e j davis mpp was called to the chair tho duties of which be performed with grace and ability addresses were delivered by rey geo brown a former and much respected pastor and riv e roberts president of the conference music was furnished by tho choir and or chestra assisted by miss brimson of toronto a financial statement was made by the treasurer of the trustee board d stouffer which showed that the church had cost 6500 exclusive of the old church to meet this there were in subscriptions and cash about 3200 thus leaving about 3300 to be provid ed for during his address mr rob erts appealed to the congregation for pledges to meet this amount he commenced with 100 subscriptions of which he asked that eight should bo given this request was complied with some of the promises being on condition that tho whole amount be provided for the congregation vigorously took tho matter in hand and names for various amounts were sentup so rapidly that the secretary at tiroes found it difficult to record tbem as quickly as they came in a little pleasant sensation waa created that two brock torlos had sent up their names for very respectable amounts the methodists of stouff ville will not complain of the frequent visits of these lories if they always leave behind them such mementoes before the exercises closed it was an nounced that promises bad been given for over 2000 of the required amount the proceeds of the tea was 110 we understand that since the meet ing cloved there has been added to the subscription list about 200 which leaves the amount still to be provided for less than 1000 it is expected that this amount will be raised and the church left clear of debt which will be greasily to the credit ot the methodists and the village we can but wish that the new church will be a great centre of moral influence aud spiritual power may its membership be characterized by consecrated lives and holy service and within its walls may many souls be born into christs kingdom a barefaced fraud the following clipped from the columns of the toronto olobe oct- 29th is of sum- dent importance to newspaper readers to warrant its production in bese columns to the editor of the globe sir lam sorejou will agree with me when i say socnethiug ought to be done to stop the barefaced swindling no milder name will do which is going on in certain directions in our midst and i have no reas on to doubt that my experience in this city is the experience of others in many parts of canada i have read so much of the great success of dr williams pink pils for pale people that i determined to vivo tbem a trial for nervous troubles i accordingly went to a drug store to produca a supply on asking the druggist for the pills be took down a glass jar and proceeded to take out the quantity but said i dr will- iams pink pills are not sold in bulk and that cannot be tbem- o yes it is said the dealer we always get them in bulk and sell tbem that way i had raid the caution of the proprietors to the effect that these pills are not sold in bulk and think ing they should know best i declined taking tbem and left the store my next experi ence was no more fortunate again pills pink in color to imitate the genuine were ofiered me when i remonstrated this dealer admitted the pills were not supplied him by the dr williams co but declared that they were ere just the same and yet for the sake of a little more profit ho would have imposed them on me for the genuine pink pills had i been less cautious as i left the store i thought the repeated warn ing against imitations given by the dr wtlliamsco inuitbe the result of bitter experience on their part but i did not expect i would meet with three dishonest dealers do yqu think the term is too strong in succession my next experience proved the third dealer little better than the other two when leaked for dr williams pink pills he said he bad tbem and then produc ed a package which i saw at a glance bore another name and which ho insisted were just as rood i declined takimr them and turned to ieae the store when the druggist offered to give me the genuine pills but i did not feel that i ought to patronize a man who would have imposed something else on me had i been less guarded and declin ed buying i almost despaired getting tho genuine pink pills unless i sent to head quarters but on my ytsit to the fourth drug store i was more successful and was at ence handed the genuine dr williams pink pills no doubt mr editor my experi ence is that of many others and no doubt hundreds lew cautious are constantly being deceived- i think the newspapers ought to do something towards protecting their read- ers from frauds of this kind we frequent ly read of reporters doing clever detective work etc visiting churches in the carb of the lowly and then writing up their re ception here is a new field for them let some clever reporter travel the length and breadth of this city in humble guise and see how many dealers are honest enough to give him what he asks for without try ing to impose a substitute upon him i trust mr editor you will give this a place in your columns as it may serve to prevent some one else from being cheated a lady r toronto oct 27 bader mr editor allow mo through the columns of your paper to exorcas for rayself and on behalf of the trustees of the methodist church ourgratitude to the ministers and congregations of tbe sister churches of the village lor their withdrawal of their services for our dedication but sabbath we very much appreciate the kindly spirit that prompted this act and trust that the christian unity now existing between us as churches may long continue yours sincerely j w stewart clikitbywood john aikcna of stmarys ont a orcat sufferer from rerccujr cured by hoods sarsaparilla the best stomach tonics known to medical science arc so happily com bined in hoods sarsapanlu that it cures indigestion and dyspepsia in its severest forms when other medicines fail in many cases hoods sarsapa rilla seems to possess a magical touch so quick and so gratifying the relief head the following from an aged and rcsncctcd citizen of st marys ont i am very glad to give this testimonial as t what hoods sarsaparilla has dooofor me 1 stifird very much with dyspepsia i have been taking medicine for 25 years and i never lad anyudug do me as much good as hoods sarsaparilla every symp tom of tho dyspepsia has entirely dlsap- jearcd and i feel tbt 1 cannot praise the medicine too hlsmy t eat bottor sloop bottor and fttl stronger than t haw for many ftart i have taken six bottles of hoods karsapartlla bought of ir sanderson the dructfst jonx anckxs cordial kkdorszuent tram 3ir sanderson the ihrugglat i now mr alkeni to be a strictly honest straightforward man and ak much pleasure in esufylnz to the troth of the tesumonlal be gltes shore f o juwxaao prug- m queen street sl marys otttsrto hoods pllltmbmlrir4lmrnn ttlt itgt rtts ft cmatifu miss m irwin of this place is reenvaged at cedar grove for the coming year a couple of our young men seem very sad and lonely since the girls from the south returned home catarrh not local lutt convtuutloual dr dio lewis the eminent boston phy sician in a magazine article says a radical error underlies nearly all medical treatment of catarrh it is not a disease of the mans nose it is a disease of tho man showing itself in tho nose a local exhibition of a constitutional trouble therefore he argues the uso of snuff and other local applications is wronir and while they seem to give temporary relief they really do more harm than good other leading authorities agree with dr lewis hence the only proper method of cure for catarrh is by taking a constitutional remedy like hoods sarsaparilla which reaching every part ot the body through the blood does eliminate all impurities and makes tbe whole healthier it removes the cause of the trouble and restores the diseased mem brane to proper condition that this is the practical result is proved by thousands of people who have been cured of catarrh by taking hoods sarsaparilla a chemical success and medical tri umph so speaks an eminent physician in reference to aycrs cherry pectoral and the eulogy was nono too strong no other medicine is so safe and efficacious in all diseases of the throat and lungs a gouhhcrn preacher who lectured in boston tho other night advised women to beware of men with small ears small noses small eyes and small hands and feet as they would be apt to turn out small potatoes but the question as to how small is small girls must settle for themselves it is the testimony of all men who have tried it that myrtle navy tobacco has the most delicious flavor of any tobacco in tho market and that it leaves none ot the unpleasant effects in the mouth that most tobaccos do the reason for this is the high and pure quality of the leaf which is the finest known in v irginia and the ab sence of all delcturious matter in the manu facture the great lung healer is found in thatcx- ql lent medicine sold as sickles and con sumptive syrup it soothes and diminishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages and is a soverign remedy for all coughs colds hoarseness pain or soreness in the chest bronchitis etc it has cured many when supposed to bo far advanced in consumption tlie adivrtuuag ofhoods sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason because it is true it al ways appeals to the sober common sense of thinking people because it is true and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements which in the financial world would be ac cepted without a tuoournt s hesitation for a general family cathartic we con fidently recommend hoods pills john hays credit p o says his shoulder was so lame for nine months that he could not raise his hand to his bead but by the use of dr thomas eclectric oil tbe pain and lameness disappeared aud al though three mouths have elapsed he has not had an attack of it since sales to be held on tuesday nov 15th at isoclock noon at lot 89 vonge st one mile north of aurora farm stock implements c of r soules x e smith auctioneer on saturday nov 19th at one p m at lot 26 9th eon markbam farm stock im plements c the property of abram s barkey sale without reserve terms twelve mos credit on sums over s ne smith auctioneer at lot 16 con 1 uxbridge on wednes day nov 16th at 1 p iu the farm stock implements 4c of joseph hare terms eleven months credit for all sums over 10 or h per cent per annum off for ash n e smith auctioneer on friday nov isthat one pm at lot 6 rear otsth con whitchurch 1j inilesnorthof stouffville about 10 acres of standing hard wood timber chiefly beech and maple in and acre lots credjy to 1st april 1893 w j stark proprietor n e smith auctioneer on thursday nov 24th at 1 p m at lot 3 con 6 u hitcburcb about 65 head of stock steers heifers cows and yearlings also about 40 sheep the property of john cooney terms ten months credit or 6 er cent per annum discount for cash n smith auctioueer on saturday nov 19th at ono p m at lot 13 7th con whitchurch about 7 acres of standiug hardwood in half acre lots also about 40 or 50 pine trees tennsphic and all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount credit will be given to 1st april 1893 james obrien auc tioneer indioestios cured gentlemen i was thoroughly cured of indigestion by using only three bottles of b b b and truthful ly rccommeud it to all suffering from the same malady mrs davidson winnipeg man drwilu arenotapur- jjcine they aro a biiood builder i tonio and itecom- the blood curing wall diseases coming i- trora poor and wat- kht blood or from vitiated hcifons in tho blood and also invigorate- and boild up the blooi and ststem whon broken down by overwork mental worry disease excesses and indiscre tions thoy have a sprcitio acnox on itho kkthaj ststem of both men and women restoring lost vigor and correcting all iwiikoutabitiks and suppressions cifcdv sslall wnoandsws mental fac- cvcnl fflflu ultles dull or failing or hl physical powers flagging should take these fimb thoy will reatoro his lost energies boti physical and mental cuedv ufnilau ohould tsjco them tutni wurailll thoy euro all sup pressions and irregularities which inavitablv entail sickness when neglected ale egpli c c riciiaius4 co my son george has suffered with nuiral- gta round the heart bine 1882 but by the application f minaros liniment in 1892 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him since j as mckxe liuwood out doubly commksped sirs i had a very bad cold and was cured by two bottles of hstfyards pectoral balsam i cannot do without it mks w c xl piatkvseacuu ont always the cheapest grey flannels nt 10c canton flannels at he shaker flannel at 5c isc 23c 23c 35c 10c 12jc isc fc 8c 10c 12jc vnlllie uctl sliltvotbeoi luunu fflcn thoy ill i lb to- snlu ol youttifnl bad habit vid strongthon tho system young women sssssftft nwjcu them xugulr or sale bflldtnslsta or will wnt upon receipt of price soc- per box by addressing xujsjor williams med co xrockviu ont for sale by rowan co the old reliabe drue store cor main and church sts dear sirs i can highly recommend hagyards pectoral balsam as the best remedy for coughs and colds i have ever used miss e stepiibnson oakland ont died williamson at galesboro mich on monday nov 7th 1802 rev joseph wulamson aged 48 years and 6 mos cut this out enclose 10c and misses patterson and thompson of agin- court spent a few days last week with mi macpherson of this place we are sorry to have to record the death of master john cartar the eldest son of w cartar of this place the lcrcaved family hare tbe sympathy of the entire neighbor hood a large number of our residents attended zion church anniversary services and were well pleased with tho addresses delivered by each of the revd gentlemen the en tertainment on monday evening was a de cided success notwithstanding the inclem ency of the weather ilakeitllllx tom and fred spent sunday at stouff ville mrs jonathan baker was the guest of mrs j if lemon last thursday i baker has i perkins engaged in build ing a first class henhouse it pays to keep fowls warm abner baker returned home on sunday after spending a short time visiting friends in palestine mr and mrs peter steel our merchant who is taking the place of jos canning spent sunday at joseph irwin v miss minnie helrokey returned to her home in church hill after spending a few enjoyable days in our little hamlet we are sorry to hear that mrs sylvonus baker is suffering severely in her serious illness we wish her speedy recovery on of our young men harry spang has opened a harness shop in rlngwocd dont neglect to give him a call for you can not do better for the same money omit what keeps the boys out to late on sunday nights whocarried the boys game on thanks giving day who carried off the boys cat on satur day night t who is the boy who lost bis fork in the threshing machine t both sir and water abound in microbes or germs of dive ready to infect the de bilitated system to impart that strength and vigor recesary to resist the effect of these pernicious atoms no tonfe mood pari- cr equals ayers sarsaparilla this la thft boot city wookly kowapaper in ontario sondtho above in with namo and ad dress to ise news printing co toronto cut this out this coupon is good for 50 cents pn each sitting of one dozen of the best cab inet photos from now till the 17th of de cember at mertens studio ar save moarje y fancy flannel at 23c 15c 40c grey cotton at 5c cc 7c 8c 10c ladies all wool hoso at 15c 20c 25c 35c 50c mens all wool half hose at 12jc 20c 25c 35c mantle cloths at 00c 75c 80c si mens shirts and drawers at 35c 50c c5c 75c s5c ladies waterproofs at si s250350 tabic lineu at 30c 40c 50c shirting at 10c 12jc 15c floor oil cloth at 25c 30c 40c stair oil clotli at 12jc yd hemp carpets at 121c 15c 20c 25c 30c all lines in drk3s goods at loivest prices also full assortment of groceries farmers produce taken in exchange j urifcuhaitt ij ouseto let two dofrs east of tin consrceotional darsodseo appiv 10 pa si u fheel w n a bargain a demablo piece uf land for market fmrdeo- ink- about 6 or 7 acres uod orchard and variety of small fruit oood buiminjr near stenflvllle imley a stark- jursery stock mr fiiineon stouffer has seenred tho okcncy from messrs stono fc wellington 0 fontbilt ont- to sell their wellknown stock instouffvillo and surrounding country persons desiring- good and rcjluble stock will do well to wait for hjw to oll on them stov we are just getting in a very large stock of coal and wood cooks double heating coal and wood heaters and ordinary wood heaters stove boards coal hods and other lines of goods suitable for fall and winter weather silvester dougherty i mm mmmmm ton -for- and gents furnishings owing to the increased demands of thctailoring deparfmentthe undersigned has decided to close but thek readymade olothing and gents furnishing lines of his business and devote his whole attention to the ordered clothing branch and as he has already received a large quantity of his fall importations in these lines there will be new and seasonable goods to chose from prices greatlyreduced in order to clear out the stock we cordially- invite you to take stock of our show windows call and inspect our goods and prices and be convinced that this advertisement is no humbug and that the goods are better value than you can buy elsewhere the palace furnishing house south side of main st stouffvhle toronto street market from thursdays globe wheat white bushel s 0 70 to s 0 wheat spring bushel 0 02 to wheat red winter bushel 08 to wheat jjoosc bushel 58 to oats bushel 32 to barley bushel 40 to peas bushel 01 to hav tilii ton 10 00 to straw ton 10 50 to dressed hois 0 50 to ljeef forequarters 4 50 to beef hindquarters i 00 to mutton 5 00 to lamb spring 7 00 to veal carcass 7 00 to 0 02 08 00 33 50 02 12 00 12 00 0 50 5 00 8 00 0 00 7 50 8 50 f or sale or to rent id the villageof lcraonvillc a rood houso and halfacre of land small orchard and every con- tenieneo close to school storo aid postoffice poecsaion given at once if required apply to jo c cook it lctnoarllle p 0 carriage builder has removed to the shop lately occupied by mr ferguson one door east of the cfcueeisps hotel of a postal card fponbeeeipt with your name mil address we will forward you agents outfit and ourgreat premium list has new on band a good stock of light and heavy harness collars halters bridles whips blankets lap robes combs brushe8 c- ilnrnesa made to order on aliortcst notice test ot material used and work- mansblp guaranteed repairing promptly attended to remember the place market building stouffville ihardwarit stoves and tinware for sale blacksmith shop to- nether with house and lot at oormlcy will be sold at bargain on er terms apply at oncolo daij5 4sta11k jor sale iirstclatss brick house and 1 acres of innd good ou tout id- tijt variety of very ohoice frjit all bearing- the property is in a very desirable situation in tbe town of newmarket for sale at low price or will exchange for stood farm property and iiav difference in cash for particulars apply to daley stark tl stouffville stouffville markets tho market was held this wenfe on tuesday but many failed to grot here as the changh of date was not announced in our columns there was a fair amount of produce offered and in somu lines thu prices were very firm and on the rise especially in the case of onions aud potatoes both of which will not lose in price by holding butter 18c to 20 eggtt 18c to 21c onions 100 bush chickens 30c to 50e a pair eabbago 3 for 10e calves 1 to g pork 550 to 600 lard 12e lb beef 650 lambs3 wool 14ic to 17c alsike 6 to 7 cauliflowers 5c to 15c geese ce to 7c turkeys 10c full wheat soottosooo spring wheat 60 to co goose wheat 53 to 53 black eye pease 70 to 71 sin h pease 53 to 55 barley 36 to 44 oats 20 to 27 flirt r ier bu 4 oot 5 25 potatoes per bag 50 to 60 hay per ton 7 00 to 9 00 the new w si h 1 i rn o 33 r h o n n 0 minards lioimeot cares garget in cows societies a qn xx w stouffvile lodge no 109 meets first and third monday evening in each month in the mechanics reading room james hand m v a g brown recorder i o ip court stouffville no 329 f it hoover sons choice lily white family flonr always on sale at mr m yakot east end and at mr a zq brown telephone store stouffville kviryok should six this ut of handsome piuzxs wnich abe orvkh ik many cabio delow cost wewant agents im xvkry vocxurr white kabiy tw u duuic for tlw youoz folk the 3lobetoronto wbsklyoloms fefea frm happy thought range and a full stock of cook stoves and heaters coal or wood call and sec my stock a few second hand stoves for sale cheap tiios e tbuiju notice tojcreditors in the estate of mary boyles late of the township of marhliam in the county of zork sjinsterdeceased tn pursuance of chap- x ter 110 section 36 r s0- 1837 notice is hereby g wen that all creditors snd others htrinc claims hfsfnst tho estate of msry iloyles lata of tho towpsmd of markbsm in tho county of york splditer deceased who died on or about tha twentyfifth day of so tt ember a d 18w araroquented to send br post prepaid or deliver to james douiherly of the villaxeof stouflvhu uentleman ad minis i rat or of tho estate ot the said mary boyles deceafodi on or before ffao lath day of november 1892 their nsmes addresses and description and full particulars of llielr claim duly verified and the nature of the iccuriiy if any held by tbem and further take notice tbst after the said fifteenth day of november 1602 the said ad- mlrtintrator may proceed to distribute the assets ofth said deceased anions the parties entitled thereto bavin rcard only to the claims of which the said administrator hss then notice and that the said administrator will not be lis bio for the said ascfs or any part thereof so dis tributed to any person or reron of whose claim or claims notice has not been received by him at the time of such distribution jamk3 dounileittv administrator fred w hill solicitor for tbe adminis trator bated 19lh dsy of october h92 meets second and fourth thursday of each month in the masonic hall at 8 p m the best society lor cheap insurance and social benefits v a rae rec sec tonsorial artists cehtenhial shaving parlor fashionable hair prcsilnir shampooinr seafoamins jte istdles and childrens hair dressing a specialty all work attended to promptly and done in the latest style stand uurkholders block alain btrcet stouflville john hook proprietor wm fleming x ajriciijivm agent vavti at the paris toksorial parlor forfirstelass hair drcsinf ondsbavins- at- siacllon guaranteed mvstockofshavinb soap cosmetique mat- nesia lather brushes strop jto u complete also firstclati raiors for aie and guaranteed razor honing and shears sharpening speci- j w- s1iankel proprietor voice culture violin mr a stouffer ts prepared to give in- x atructlon in vccel and violin moiic for partlcuuri communicate with a stouffer rintwood m0nrh0use the tiuioft a full rangeof carefully selected tweeds worsteds overcoatings suitings and trouserings just opened for fall trade and which will be found to bo the cheapest and best quality in town perfect fit and good workmanship guaranteed gents furnishings full range of hats ip all the newest styles caps underclothing socks braces shirts collars cuffs gents gloves tc yours j momiiouse merchant tailor j x baker issuer of marriage licenses residence corner of main and albert st west ofotk stouffville ont the dorenwent electric belt with compound electric suspensory positively cares all weakness of men it is a complete bat tf tf as nsed br leading physicians put intoa pra ileal belt form o that it can be used without in convenience takti in mr u sin- mr the re- salts of drained nerve force and vitauiva form of electricity replace the ion by electricity and lmmedie reitoration will follow health happiness and the duties of life demand lsam-td- ule attention electricity m applied br the dorenreod electric dell and compound else- trie suspensory restores nerve force develope aft parts of the body and restores brain notrer- it is also sncceesfol in urinary tromfjs kidv amot jwfi- vfnunspimml wttt1nnadrvna tw ftanm9tim scimticn jfewatai irwme vf onutlptlinm jmint in tfitk 4 tesiimonuu by the score frms all classes effected by luf famous belt hook and titl- esociettfreeby menjontng this paper uorea- wen4 fa aoo 7 po4in jke tone gaftaey for stoaffrlll tb liarivt d5 s alesme wanted iu the chatham fanning mill to sell our unextcltel nurserr stock steady employment and control of territory flavc- done buj ines s in canada 30 yrnr liberal par to tbe right man- bond for terms chash i1uothkk3 co colborne ont salesmen wanted wc want both travelling and local salesmen to represent the old established kontbill nurseries sulary paid from ttm start to salesmen ex perlenoed in cur line liberal terms to beg inner and a permanent situation assured we have too ncrra under cultivation and are the only firm furnishing strictly flratclnaa cnnartun jrw mnrk outfit fre hard varieties or northern ontario and manitoba a specialty we guarantee our stock apply for terms at once we wmnt you now stone a wellington toronto onu bagging attachment for the chatham mill just received a cnrloml of those fam mi mills which fitrmera can secure at reason m prices this macliino is complclo in every respect anil will givo hie hot sallifac- llot i u those who uso it tho manner olilrlvfnj the liiejtlng mwcbment was recently mi ich improved it is now driven by n chain licit ihnl will not slip nor corao o9 tbe pr lllcs anyono who hai once used it would on no consideration go back to the old alyloofmill itdlsunccs nnjtthlng of lis kind on the rnnrkct a few points in iu t vor aro these 1st it runs very easily 2nd it lakes up very little extra room on be floor srd fourteen inches square spaco on tho floor will hold the machine and any farmer can spare that from his barn or granary 4th will bat any kind of grain from the finest seed such as timothy or clover nold tbe coarsest grain such as beans or corn 6tb will ban from 60 to 80 bushels of wheat ptr hour and 100 bushels of oats per hour cth your grain does not go to the floor thereby saving considerable waste 7tb two men with tho bagger will do as much work as three men without it 8th it can beatuched to acy chatham mill manufae lured during tnc last ave years special outfit for cleanlnz alsike this machine is worthy the inspection of farmers for price and full particulars apply to ii omvjer htonffville p some secondhand urantford mills received in exchange for chatham come and see the bargains offered j mills will be m very cheap has just received a large stock of wall paper oi all patterns and prices m1lusery material

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