st tibune june 23 19931 dancecentres 10th anniversary recital helped by many dear editor ly nice for the students to be opportunity to thank the many who made sure their childwas enthusiasm for each dancei i would like to thank the tri- recognized people who helped to make the in the right place at the right lastly i wish to thank th dear editor i would like to thank the tri bune for the fantastic publicity and review of the dancecen tres 10th anniversary recital which was held june 7 and 8 as this was a special year for the dancecentre it is especial- library says thanks to all dear editor re booksale fundraiser may 1416 on behalf of the whitchurch- stouffville public library i would like to express our sin cere appreciation to the tri bune for your coverage of the 1993 booksale fundraiser the response again this year was wonderful with the result that a net profit of more than 3200 was realized this is due to the supportive coverage in your newspaper the dona tion of prizes for the raffle the donation of time by many town folk the assistance of the stouffville lions club and the stouffville boy scout troup and the dedication of a hardwork ing committee who have worked on this event since early january to you all a very sincere thank you marilyn e ferguson ceo whitchurchstouffville public library ly nice for the students to be recognized i would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who helped to make the recital a success the parents thanks for barbecue dear editor on june 12 our branchbene- fitted from summer barbecue project of the stouffville iga all hot dogs buns condiments drinks as well as all the tools needed were donated by iga in these times when one often laments the callous business it is refreshing to know there are caring businesses as well donating generously to various causes come to think of it the employees of iga were our good customers as well i wonder whether mr barker the friendly manager encour aged them it was also refreshing to see two stouffville teenagers giving up their saturday morning to help a good cause thank you chris and luke chris acted as our very able salesman and got people to buy hot dogs who probably had not eaten one in years a warm thank you to all our customers gitta gamm president canadian diabetes association markham stoufrvillebranch uxbridgescott historical society benefit concert an evening of music old and new featuring the music of is t amy peck trio jlp leslie barrjoosten norman tucker the brandon trio uxbridge youth choir jg jazz band al sat june 26 at 8 pm uxbridge music hall admission 1000 adults 600 seniorsstudents tickets available at radio shack presents presents tiers ida evans jewellers hair stop 77 after 13 years with williamson richard bartley is still waiting to hear if he got the job back in 1980 richard bartley was having trouble finding work as a car salesman just 18 no one was willing to take a chance on him until he approached williamson they agreed to try him out for 3 months and see how he does well no one ever had a chance to get back to richard after all he was too busy selling cars today richard is a gold level member of general motors highly prestigious sales marketing guild and perhaps one of canadas top salesman recognized by gm for outstanding product knowledge and customer service he has always subscribed to the theory that if you excel in customer service the sales will come naturally and they have profiles however richards preoccupation with customer service has its price at times hes become a oneman 24hour roadside assistance program helping out customers whove run down their battery gotten a 1 y w h flat or arc in a bind and need to borrow a car in fact his customers may have logged more kilometers on his car than he has but its all part of the jobone that richard would be happy to do for the rest of his life because as he says theres nothing like the look on some ones face when you hand them those keys and goodness knows in the past 13 years hes seen that look a lot williamson b aic i i f 1 tl 1 i v 00 tt- v who made sure their childwas in the right place at the right time the class representatives who performed many tasks during the last month and kept things under control backstage the ushers who volunteered their time hank kuttan mal colm gilderdale jim green and the audience who showed enthusiasm for each dancer lastly i wish to thank the dancers who always prove their dedication and desire to do their best the flowers were beautiful and the gift i will treasure always michele green the dancecentre stouffville dickson hill cemetery decoration day k sunday june 27 230 pm rev t soukup guest speaker m ffihoum fflboum investment services brokers of gics rrsps rrifs and annuities best gic rates r no es 7375w 675 475 5 years j b 3 years j f 450 1 1 90 days sl minimum 5000 jl k callable i certificates 560 1 1 year jj i 7875 ii rrif is it time to get out of equities and into safe guaranteed investments 1 raymerville drive markham 4725949 richmond hill w kleinburg 8845563 l hi 8930043 rates subject to change 64 water st 9851799 typn port perry jr jil open 7 days a week specializing in v antiques reproductions v home accents silk flower arrangements v unique gift ideas v wombles childrens books videos please drop by and visit us on the waterfront across from tourist booth foxbridge golf club hwy 47 just east of uxbridge 8527962 050 wednesdays play 18 holes for only 50 ri oor itf io tii ir nv 11 n t i v offer expires june 30 1993 gst extra vm 4