jga p4 weekender february 20 1993 i i i i i j i j i i i our mmmmsimimmsmwxmmssmwmffmwmwm changes to ui nothing but a smokescreen the changes to the unem ployment insurance legisla tion proposed by the federal government are just another example of the loss of fore thought the tories are suffer ing in the twilight of their years in power the idea to cut off ui cheats is noble to be sure but the fundamental flaw in the idea is that we put money into the insurance scheme and by god we should be able to get our money back if and when the need arises the changes sent down from employment minister bernard valcourt last week are designed to soften the edges of a law that will ulti mately stifle the job market if such an animal ever returns viewpoint andrew mair ui is designed to be a bridge between employers but abus es as with any government program are rampant the new law is meant to look good for a doubting and governmentweary public but it will be impossible to enforce and a nightmare to disentangle the true cases of wrongful dismissal from the doleriders those aiming to take early retirement will be greatly dis couraged if they cannot tap the public system they have been paying into for years and once again those accus ing sexual harassment will be made the victim trying to prove they had the right to quit their job the new legislation con tains amendments that are already recognized by the courts this is a public relations campaign ladies and gentle men canadians will not abide a thief and everyone knows someone who is on the take by working under the table the government believes this lesson in humili ty for people quitting their jobs will improve their image in the eyes of hardworking and honest canadians good samaritan sought to thank dear editor i just wanted to express my sin cere thanks to a nice man in bal- lantrae who helped me out on jan 7 i lost control of my car on a flooded road west of saintfield and ended up in two feet of water and ice on the side of the road unable to move my car i had to walk to the closest farmhouse so i could call my husband after sev eral long hikes to empty houses i was beginning to get very cold and discouraged no cars had passed since i had started walking and i was quickly losing hope that any would finally as i was walking down another unsuccessful laneway i saw a yellow truck coming down the road i ran to the middle of the road and started waving my arms in hopes that this person would stop to help me i was oblivious to the potential danger that i may have been fac ing as this man stopped his truck after listening to my story through my teary eyes he offered me a ride and even tried to find me a tow truck he said he was on his way to bobcageon and since my house was on his route he could drop me off arriving safely to my house i offered him some money for his trouble but he refused to take any i was so upset and preoccupied by this time that i forgot to get his name and i didnt really thank him properly all i know is that he lives by teds towing in bal- lantrae it is my hope that he will read this paper and know how much i appreciated his help we finally got the car out with the help of another kind person from scugog township who had come to grate this dangerous road he pulled my car out with his grater and checked the engine for damage as my husband and i bailed the water out of the car with all of the unsafe people in this world these days its really nice to know that you can still trust some people im just extremely thankful that the man who stopped to help me was a safe person we hear so many frightening stories these days and i must admit that i was foolish to have risked my safety i took a chance and i was lucky thank you for giving me the opportunity to show my appreciation to this man and for reminding others that there still are some good samaritans around gloria morrison sunderland its our mtet invention tollbodfflonone side drivethru sldtmaphineom the other wm w ummmmmmm w m is by brian basset fcmuxuake but the simple fact is that for many the social safety net is fast becoming more appeal ing than earning a wage when your health care needs are looked after by the state why work for a compa ny that pays half your bene fits the loopholes have to be closed however as many pundits have pointed out the sieve that is our ui and welfare programs is airtight com pared with the waste in gov ernment spending markham economist and sun stouffville tribune uxbridge tribune weekender edition a metroland community newspaper patricia pappas publisher jo ann stevenson editomttchief paula cr0well editor andrew mair editor debra weller director of advertising jennifer hutt director of distribution vivian otjett business manager pam nichols operations manager markham 2942200 sales 7987624 classi fied 2944331 stouflville 6402100 uxbridge 8529741 2948244 distribution and administration 9 heritage rd markham l3p 1m2 fax murium 2941538 stouflville 640- 5477 uxbridge 8524355 the markham economist and sun stouflville tri bune and uxbridge tribune published every wednesday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distributing group of subur ban newspapers which includes ajax pickering news advertiser barrie advance brampton guardian burlington post couingwood connection etobicoke guardian the liberal georgetown inde pendentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week milton canadian champion mississauga news north york mirror oakville beaver orillia today oshawawhitby this week peterborough this week scarborough mirror the era banner contents not to be reproduced without written permission from the publisher jurisprudential jerks know no boundary the worse the society the more law there will be in hell there will be nothing but law and due process will be meticulously observed grant gilmore the law is a ass a idiot charles dickens you have to wonder about our legal system sometimes such as when it pops a repeat sexual psy chopath and convicted child molester like joseph fredericks back on the street just in time for him to abduct rape torture and strangle a 12year old boy such as when it wastes several days of court time and who knows how many thousands of dollars examining a beer spitting spat between an oafish 19-year- old hockey player and a bar wait ress not that canadian courts of law have a corner on jurispru dential jerkishness just cast your eyes on courtrooms south of the border where an arch thief like michael milken can bilk the american people of billions of dollars by peddling junk bonds he gets 10 years but escapes with a 22month sentence and a few hundred hours of communi ty work the american legal system put televangelical fraud jimmy bakker away for 45 years four years ago last month bakkers lawyers said that he might be eli gible for parole next year go figure and while youre at it go figure the treatment terry andersons getting from the us legal sys tem you remember terry anderson the sadeyed beard ed pawn in the middle east war captured by hezbollah fanatics beaten chained to radiators threatened held hostage for longer than mike milken and jimmy bakker put together well andersons free now try ing to put his life back together he intends to write a book about his experience as a hostage so he wrote to the us government for background information on the thugs whod held him captive no dice so far andersons request has been turned down by eight differ ent us federal agencies on the recommendation of their legal advisors basic black arthur black why cant terry anderson get access to information on the criminals who so grossly and publicly violated his civil rights for so long well according to the us department of justice that would be violating the priva cy rights of the terrorists not that the justice depart ment slams the door entirely andersons been informed that theyll gladly provide the infor mation he seeks just as soon as he supplies notarized personal privacy waivers signed by each of the ter rorists who held him prisoner including their full names and present addresses said anderson i just find it kind of strange that the us department of justice wants to protect the privacy of members of the hezbollah on the other side of the ledger there is the story of dejon dick son an auto thief in palm springs california dickson was out looking for work ie parked cars with a key in the ignition when police officer greg jackson cruised by jackson saw dickson dickson saw jackson dickson took off through a park on foot small problem dejon dickson was young lean and fast officer jackson well after 16 years of squad cars and donuts he was less lean and fast he knew hed never catch the fleetfooted dick son by running after him so he thought fast instead officer jackson reached for the patrol car speaker flipped it on and boomed stop or ill send the dog and after a tasteful pause offi cer jackson added in his best bassoprofundo woof woof woof dejon dickson skidded to a stop with his hands in the air ah me its a good job theyre still making dumb crooks it helps to make up for all the smart ones who are laughing all the way to the half way house i i i 1 iii