st tribune january6 1993 p5 editors mail readers object to columnists depiction of holiday dear editor re cultural coexistence lets cardmakers spread holiday mirth by bruce stapley dec 26 issue as educators we are cog nizant of the need to respect the beliefs and practices of the various rehgions that constitute our multicultural society and indeed we recognize the need to compromise and share giving equal opportuni ty for the expression of diverse faiths however we strongly object to the dilution and commercializa tion of significant religious fes tivals in an effort to culturally coexist in his article bruce stapley referred more than once to the dear traditions of his chris tianscots heritage and expressed his appreciation for the abilities of cardmakers and friends to successfully mix such christian traditions with his wifes jewish traditions apparently though mr stap ley has forgotten that the chubby guy in the red suit and the christmas tree laden with ornaments and lights really have nothing to do with christian significance of christ mas christmas is about the advent of christ believed by chris tians to be god incarnate come to redeem the world it would seem then that mr stapley hasnt compromised his beliefs if his beliefs are in the likes of santa claus but if he espouses the chris tian religion and its traditions as he claims to then what has become of the celebration of christs birth that is the foun- helping the world write now code selfsufficiency ihrough literacy in the developing world please send me more information about code literacy programs name address phone mail to code 321 chapel st ottawa onk1n7z2 cnmimrmwmhwl investment services brokers of gics rrsps rrifs and annuities best gic rates 7750 5 years 7250 3 years callable certificates 7375 after 60 days 6875 1 year 6625 90 days minimum 5000 get your rrsp loan from us at prime and earn more than prime 1 raymervi lie drive markham 4725949 richmond hill wl kleinburg 8845563 l rsffl 8930043 rates subject to change o a christian resource for meeting human need secondlook household items jan 5 jan 23 6280 main st stouffville ont 6401410 store hours tues sat 930 am 530 pm fridays 930 am 900 pm dation of this holiday season for christians mr stapley is not the sole source of our discontent con cerning the watering down of religious traditions particular ly christian ones in an effort to be less offen sive to people of other faiths christians have allowed com promised in mr stapleys words christmas to be reduced to jolly old santa claus whooshing down the chimney delivering presents under an ornamented tree one only has to attend a holiday concert well ignore the irony in such a santa diane made christmas bright dear editor many thanks to santa dianne peak and the stouffville progress club for your christmas gifts and visit thank you also to the lions club for the lovely bus trip to see the lights and to parkview home for the aged for the yummy refresh ments the tenants of 325 elm road want you to know how much we appreciate your kindness florence pearce stouffville label considering the root of the word holiday in a public school or shop in a local mall to see that this is so now more than ever there is a need for christians to share the story of the birth of christ since we have made light of the trappings and indeed compromised our beliefs paula and blair pike stouffville farrier stouffvuu ontario bys 5809914 the host famous basket to ttie worfd this is a p community let us welcome you phone 6403521 happy daze restaurant tavern in ballantrae s elvis the impersonator friday jan 8 saturday jan 9 hours 11am1am monsat fully licensed 6425195