p4 tribune january 6 993 st stouffville wsmmmmmmmemssm ansss welfare drain must be plugged in 93 t n 1992 one of the saddest continuing stories the tribune covered was the increase in the welfare rolls in york region once one of the least dependent areas on the welfare system it appears the trend to spi ralling welfare costs mani fested itself to the very end of the year with little signs of abating for 1993 the gov ernments at all levels must make this a priority for the coming year there are few drains on the public purse more distressing and more preventable than the wel fare load the coming year is sup posed to see some growth on the job front and construc tion is expected to rebound somewhat this may help to lessen the welfare burden but tougher measures have to be in place to halt any abuse of the system murphys law was written after moving i have never been one to make ridiculous resolu tions which i know full well i will never be able to keep but barring any unforeseen circumstances with my bank account or by the handiwork of arsonists i resolve to never move again especially not over the christmas break i can safely say this because it is exactly what i did last week and is an act i do not wish to repeat however my wife kim and i have a home in this area in the country with many of the amenities we always dreamed we would have in a house in late november we began packing boxes wrapping valu ables and taking inventory and two days after christmas we were ready as ready as possible that is for the move anyone who has decided to relocate knows that murphys law was written shortly after a big move first there were the logistics of transporting three very ner vous cats in a very small car at one point driving up hwy 404 i had one feline wrapped around the steering column one wrapped around my leg and one stuck like a velcro strip to my shoulder the cats settled in amazingly well but much was left to minute with providence when it came to my own situation the movers were two hours late and were pressed for time to get to another job you do not want movers in a hurry when there is your inherited china involved then the driveway at the new house was glazed over from the freezethawfreeze we had last week and several large and important pieces of furniture wound up in the snow luckily i managed to cush ion the blow each time as the day wore on i discov ered i had forgotten the key to two bicycles locked in the old garage hence armed with hammer and chisel pliers saw and drill we sparked and chipped our way through a chain lock and made another trip boxes broke open dishes dropped movers swore i swore the cats swore once everything was in the house it all had to be moved around unpacked and reposi tioned moved again to make room for another box four days later i was ready to per form violent acts against the cardboard box industry but we muddled through missed christmas in the rush and new years eve in the unpacking but i am certain this home will be the scene of many christmases and many new years to come we can only hope stouffville tribune publisher general manager editorinchief advertising director business manager distribution manager operations manager patricia pappas andrew mair jo ann stevenson debra weller vivian oneil jennifer hutt pamela nichols stall reporters tracy kibble julia caspersen roger belgravo photographers sjoerd witteveen steve somerville real estate joan marshman classified doreen deacon debbie amundson uxbridge retail sales joan marshman doreen deacon heather hill gibson uxbridge distribu tion arlene maddock canadian publications mail sales product agreement 439010 published every wednesday by metroland printing publishing and distributing at 9 heritage rd markham ontario l3p 1m3 tel 2942200 the stouffville tribune published every wednesday at 6244 main st stouffville is one of the metroland printing publishing and distributing group of suburban newspapers which includes ajaxplckerlng news advertiser aurora banner barrio advance brampton guardian burlington post colllngwood connection etoblcoke guardian georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week markham economist sun mloiju express milton canadian champion mlsslssauga news newmarket era banner north york mirror northumberland news oakvllle beaver orlllla today oshawa- whitby this week peterborough this week richmond hllinrhornhlllvaughan liberal scarbor ough mirror and uxbridge tribune national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 6402100 6405477 fax iii if x resolutions made to be broken a nda happy new democratic year to you all my resolutions for 1993 are in the spirit of the times biodegradable nonanythingist environmentally friendly and unlikely to last more than half an hour ill start with recycling the tree which was murdered in the prime of its life to provide fleet ing hedonistic pleasure for smug middleclass selfindulgent non- disadvantaged persons i resolve to leave it in the garage until all the needles drop off then well gather them up and store them until next year when well stick them back on the tree with homemade nonpolluting glue all christmas wrapping will be carefully ironed and fold ed and put away in a safe place where ill eventually rediscover it in january 1994 when my son says something l j 1 hjju vv a pplg tjffait t fjss j fi kates corne fcal e ai id e rd a i wounding to my daughter just because she has broken his expensive new radio i resolve to recognize it for the sexist male imperialist putdown it is when it comes to his radio versus her selfesteem theres no contest my daughter will no longer be allowed to buy dippy teen maga zines which dispense sexist trivi alities about how to appeal to boys and getting your hair right for the junior prom instead i vow to widen her horizons with a subscription to canadian business or oil well weekly to reeducate myself cor rectly i resolve to enroll in an assertiveness training program preferably at the same time my husband is attending a series of sensitivity seminars so he can drive me home no list of resolu tions is complete if it doesnt ruin the pleasure of eating with a sensible diet plan the last for mal weight control method i tried was cosmopolitans drink ing womans diet in about 1982 although it involved but a modest tipple of wine i now realize it was taking me down the slippery slope of substance abuse my resolution to diet in 1993 is not a matter of looking good which merely panders to mens preconceived ideas about beauty but of being pure in body and mind that way i may well be eating lentils and carrot sticks until im 99 what a sobering thought if s just as well that resolutions were made to be broken a m j