p 24 weekender may 7 1994 stux cycling d ornellas mountain bike race sunday organizers are expecting as many as 200 riders for the first annual d ornel las mountain bike race tomorrow the race takes place in the durham forest start ing on cone 7 six miles south of uxbridge stw novice expertelite and sport riders will be participating the novices get underway at 1030 am and will do one loop of the 11kilometre course which is made up of roads and hiking trails the sport class which starts at 3 pm will do two times around the course while the expertelite class begin ning at 1230 pm goes three loops the ontario cycle asso ciation sanctioned cross country event costs 20 to enter cadets 15 once day licences will be avail able for sport or novice racers for a 10 fee uxbridge competitive cyclist adam ruppel who is organizing the race is optimistic it will be a well- attended event global pel foods were expecting a good turnout he said its a good time of year for it because riders are anx ious to get out and ride racers can register on race day up to one hour before starting time the starting area is on cone 7 just south of durham road 21 between brock road and durham road 23 into on pet supplies sale ends saturday may 14 1994 coupons must be presented at time of purchase we reserve the right to limit quantities good while supplies last no dealers please errors and omissions emitted global pet foods f 9lobol pet foods i glebol pet foods j global pet roods i j global petfoods j coupon expires may 14 1994 msm iams ftffim chunks coupon expires may 14 1994 science diet canine maintenance 20 lb limit 1 bag per person with coupon global pet roods i coupon expires may 14 1994 canine plus wl3m natural i formula mm 40 ib coupon expires may 14 1994 technical maintenance 1 18 kg coupon expires may 14 1994 science diet urmi feline ffissf maintenance 10 ib coupon expires may 14 1994 iams cat food 8 ib limit 1 bag per person with coupon global pet foods coupon expires may 14 1994 pro plan 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eeogmj umlt 48 cans per person wmitoupon coupon expires may 14 1994 dr ballardsi dog food coupon expires may 14 1994 cuddles clumpmo cat utter pmuf mt9 i 1 650 gm i limit 48 cans per person with coupon 16 kg limit 3 lugs per person with coupon coupon expires may 14 1994 house brand cat litter 189 18 kg limit 3 bags per person with coupon coupon expires maym 1994 cuddles 99 dust free scented litter i 99 fi89 10kg j v 18kgj limit 3 bags per person with coupon hwv7 o s c e a jc n t global pot foods a c i 7k ki markham 6605 hwy 7 west of 9th line 4715593 n store 009 spoomns hours mon wed 900 am 600 pm thursday 900 am 800 pm friday 900 am 730 pm saturday 900 am 500 pm do you meed advice on personal bankruptcy personal bankruptcy can be a trying experience but you dont have to face it alone to discuss your financial situation in confidence contact murray h kideckel tyustee in bankruptcy 416 8822436 ala eimer society of york region presents coping with challenging behaviours guest speaker doctor guy proulx director department of neuropsychology baycrest hospital loronto date thursday may 12 1994 time 730 pm place greenacres home for the aged 194 eagle street newmarket ontario all welcome no registration required an exceptional opportunity for families caregivers and professionals to learn more about coping with disruptive behaviours in the cognitively impaired for more information please call the alzheimer society of york region at 8952381 7756404 exl2j2 acknowledgement thb pognm is jforeand by i new fbrtans gran rem the don valley north lexus toyota athlete of the week karlna senior karlna senior had a great day in the elite ontario gymnastics competition at centennial college last weekend entered in the national open division the markham gymnastics club performer earned a firstplace overall finish a markham resident senior finished the event with an overall score of 71050 this was 225 points better than secondplace finisher nicole myers of mlsslssauga in individual events senior was first on floor and bars fourth m vault and seventh on beam don valley north lexus toyota 3120 stoclcs ave e 4o 4750722