p8 tribune december 15 1993 st em decision canads decision 93728 compton cable tv limited uxbridge and port perry onl disallowed implementation of any portion of the proposed 168 fee increase you may read crtc documents in the canada gazette part 1 at crtc offices at reference libraries and at the licensees offices during normal business hours to obtain crtc public documents contact the crtc at ottawahull 819 9972429 halifax 902 4267997 montreal 514 2836607 winnipeg 204 9836306 vancouver 604 6662111 11 canadian radiotelevision and conseil de la radiodiffuslon et des telecommunications commission telecommunications canadlennes optometrist dr ronald s mcmullen providing you and your family zoith personal professional eye and vision care examinations prescription eyewear contact lenses evening and saturday appointments available 8523191 testa professional building suite 307 uxbridge i new years eve finance presented by tbe goodwood a 1 ww featuring 500 couple indbgfe ffijd single inclusive b can eat anp dtttnkl lii 6407040 hstmfpk tthiiu wl tickets gaijl j pfflciciipfeeil garynapier 8525733 uxbridge clairpeters jsw goodwood the place subijir pre- christmas sale where fresh is the taste this saturday dec 18 1100 am to 700 pm buy one get one x w buy any regular footlong sub and you will receive a second one of equal or lessor value free limit 3 specials per customer free sandwich platters u draws weekly details in store save big for the holidays with valuable coupon below 600 off nttua i fwtto i a 6 foot party sub or 2 jjgf platters 24 hours notice required 3 hours notice required h notto be combined with any other offers expires jan 1794 i town released evidence on wells from page 5 towns wells are particular ly vulnerable to any chemi cal contamination and that production of concrete cre ates large quantities of calci um hydroxide which can render the water unpotable st marys cement chal lenged none of this informa tion mr scott states the towns claim that the readymix plant poses a pol lution risk is completely unfounded and there is no possible threat of pollution the trust is a hydrologist for the ministry of the envi ronment swore before the court that there is a signifi cant and justified concern on the part of the town of whitchurchstouffville regarding the use of the property for a readymix plant mr scott states make no a christmas in stouffviie cheer the small town parade visit the nativity see the shepherds wise men and live animals thrill at the music drama presented by a cast of 150 tickets are available for the whole family springvale bapist church stouffville rd at kennedy rd 905 8875651 friday december 17 at 730 pm saturday december 18 at 730 pm mistake the towns efforts are concentrated against st marys cement the truth is the court dis missed st marys applica tion to quash the bylaw which prohibited the readymix plant on the grounds that it was directed against only them and their lands and found that there were good planning and environmental reasons for prohibiting the readymix plant on the st marys lands and 13 other sites mr scott challenges the town to release its evidence as to why the st marys plant is a hazard to the towns wells the truth is this evidence was released and st marys cement did not challenge it in any way that evidence shows that the readymix plant should not be permitted in correcting the informa tion contained in mr scotts letter we hope that the facts are clarified and the issues surrounding those facts are put in an appropriate per spective stan makuch legal counsel town of whitchurch- stouffville now is the time to start organizing the christmas and new year celebrations for your family friends or business associates at the comertiouse in stouffville we can help you do it better the corner house can prepare special or traditwnal menus for your party tell us your budget and special requirements and we will make menu recommendations and take care of the detaib there will be 2 sittings for new years eve ft gift certificates are available 6403 mam street stouffville for reservations please call 640 8494 boys haulage excavatio rr 4 port perry ontario l1g1n0 4169857788 our customers seasons greetings l i j ls n w stquf wl tlu 6422683 limestone products 34clear 34 gmshed mifidwravel agravel sancf4fdn t0ps0il 15 yd loads swmwhflrah j3a75kd fredlbpso8j evening and weekend deliveries prices based on full truck loads prices include delivery