pia yeekejhpridgbm8eim jj mst community festive gift program helps brighten christmas season a record number of requests for gift boxes this season has the al bistro left the festive gifts program struggling to meet the need there are so many deserv ing people in our community who really need the cheer that a festive gifts box brings says lynda goodman festive gifts coordinator for the canadian mental health association york region branch cmha people like mary a single mother who is suffering from such severe depression and anxiety that she is unable to leave her house a personalized gift box from festive gifts will enable mary to have gifts to give her chil dren and also a few special i book your qtirstmas parties now catering specialists lunch 6061 hwy 7 east tuesfri 1130230 markham dinner nr trro tuesthurs 5301000 472lddo frlsat 5301100 fleamarket darmer v market mvlt 4181 shcppard ave e scarborough fun open every sat sun 10 am 6 pm sms i- o sssssss t finch ave ui 5 o wxmiiimlif q ul z ootnto 3 ill mzs sheppardave 5 j fh fsss hvy 0t limited space available before xnias booth rental 3219701 legendary qimuty through the years kitchenaid fthjlti- funaion mixer shop now and receive a free 3 qt stainless steel bowl value 41 95 compare at 49999 saveat w c i free gadget to first 1 00 people each day with this coupon i tmillpopowinotoiiiwo btnocim i vinyicioset stobageaccessortes c0krakatlfff31m tiowoumiasmm 499 r corrugated storage products compmeat 799 3199 uowovrraasfrom 2 9 dinnerware 20 pee sets finchlnoovi dishwojhtr miaowavtsof many patterns to dnomfrom compere 5999 mvtat i y get up to 70 warehouse savings savings for everyone i markham ar et0b1c0ke s01aldemro 1w kuhgtoh ave 9468320 cejwm 2368837 uuutokai a investment opportunity excellent opportunity to invest in markhams upcoming highly advanced swan lake seniors development there are 3 shares available for resale in the partnership that owns this most prestigious project the share besides the lucrative profit return also carries with it a high priority choice to purchase a home at a preferred price call howard s lee at 4772223 or 4758210 for more information sun weekly ill have you seen this free chinese language newspaper at your door step every wednesday 0112948244 the sun weekly is published every wednesday by the markham economist sun ones for herself just having a gift to give to my family and a few things for me to unwrap on christ mas morning got me through a hard time wrote one of last years recipients now is the time to share your holiday spirit and make a donation of cash new cloth ing for children or adults nonperishable foods or toi letries to cmhas festive gifts program your dona tions will be used to provide personalized gift boxes and baskets to people in york region experiencing mental health difficulties call cmha at 905 898- 7466 or 905 7732305 for information and the location of a dropoff point near you moms and babies course being offered tired of 2 am feedings feel like youre the only one sup port is available for you through just for moms and babes york region public health department is running postna tal classes throughout york region for new mothers and their infants up to the age of 6 months community health nurses offer a series of six classes on topics such as family adjust ments infant feeding growth and development coping strategies infant illness and safety community resources toys and infant stimulation babies are welcome interest ed mothers should register in advance by calling the public health office in their area at 8822081 a 15 fee will cover the cost of materials j4mimcu specjcu f annmh ewri5tmas sale 1 your one stop shopping for quality home decorating products brand name carpet custom vertical venetian blinds custom roller pleated shades hardwood flooring quality ceramic tiles area rugs brand name wallcoverings custom made kitchens v backed by over 50 years of floorcovering experience home colours decor ltd 4261 hwy 7 shoppes of unionville beside bb bargoons 9055131657