p4 weekender august 28 1 993 stux show the poor that work is worth the effort a toronto woman made head lines this week by announcing her resignation so she can collect welfare and stay home with her children the issue has turned into a media circus helle hulgaard insists she will go through with her plan in spite of criticism from government and the public provincial progressive conserva tive leader make harris jumped on hulgaards bandwagon before his staff checked her figures shes quit a job that pays 41500 believing shed be entitled to wel fare benefits of 1973 per month by the time she factored in bene fits for clothing and gst tax credits she decided it was too close to what she was earning to make it worthwhile going to work hulgaard also points to the cost paula crowell of dressing for work public tran sit and babysitting fees whenever she has to work at night as rea sons for leaving her job this way she says she can stay home and care for her children ages 12 and 11 unfortunately by going public hulgaard has resigned herself to grief and misery she can count on having her benefits held up due to unforeseen circumstances shell also find herself scorned by both the workiner deonle and legitimate welfare recipients and poorer than she thought shed be but hulgaard has brought to the fore a sentiment that is sure ly felt by many why bother to work when the government will support you to stay home that perception raises the point that all levels of government must take a closer look at what can be done to help the working poor work done by the fraser insti tute and the cd howe institute should be put to immediate use an accurate scale to determine what defines poverty in urban centres and rural areas must be established and it should be indexed regularly to reflect infla tion then social welfare agents can decide who should be getting tax credits subsidized child care public transit allowance and the like give the working poor a reason to continue working make it eas ier for them to better themselves thus improving society as a whole for the nonworking poor work programs must be expanded to encompass all ablebodied wel fare recipients its often been said that the best way to find work is if youre already employed so even if people take work they dont care for theyre exposed to employment opportu nity among other working people markham economist and sun stouffville tribune uxbridge tribune weekender edition a metroland community newspaper patricia pappas publisher jo ann stevenson editomnctiief paula crowell editor andrew math editor debraweller director of advertising barry goodyear director of distribution vivian omil business manager pamela nichols operations manager markham 2942200 sales 7987624 classi fied 2944331 stoufiville 6402100 uxbridge 8529741 2918244 distribution and administration 9 heritage ed markham up 1m2 fax markham 2941638 stoufiville 640- 5477 uxbridge 8524355 the markham economist and sun stoufiville tri- bune and uxbridge tribune published every wednesday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distributing group of subur ban newspapers which includes ajax pickering news advertiser barrie advance brampton guardian burlington post collingwood connection etobicoke guardian the liberal georgetown inde pendentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week milton canadian champion mississauga news north york mirror oakville beaver orillia today oshawawhitby this week peterborough this week scarborough mirror the era banner contents not to be reproduced without written permission from the publisher j what if crooks were as wily as politicians is it a bigger crime to rob a bank or to open one a chap by the name of ted allen wrote the above i think mister allen had his thumb squarely on one of the elusive characteristics of crime its chameleonlike abili ty to pass itself off as something else when you think about it its really rather remarkable that so many people take up a life of crime considering there are so many legal ways to be dishonest we five in a time when political bumboys who have weaseled then- way into a senate appointment cynically vote themselves a mas sive pay raise smack in the face of a recessionravaged jpopulace if you can get away with scams like that legally who needs to break the law still break the law we do some of us at any rate take for instance the case of eugene butch flenough jr of austin texas eugene down to his last five bucks decided to knock 6ver a pizza joint- late one evening cleverly enough eugene reasoned that since there were several members of the staff still on the premises it might be a good idea to conceal his identity accordingly he donned his motor cycle helmet complete with tinted visor burst through the door ordered everybody up against the wall cleaned out the till and fled imagine eugenes surprise when the texas rangers were practical- basic black arthur black flick pick august 27 sept 2 in wgmm ha target newj na secret garden 4 risi sun 5 kifassicifark- 6 in the line of fire 1 ftoemm v 8 heart and souls 9tterrra critics average pg13 mififr i mpaa rating thriller r s r pjgh3 iv theme i much action drama mild thriller pg13 adventure iiiidiii7 iiiiiii thriller ipgi ipanh w thrilar ittiuuummm violence lots lots lots mm some w some lots coarse lang h mm lots none rtone lots mud some rone lots none some sex nudity none lots ww mild ssofti 10 sleepless in seattle pg romance buy one personal and get the second personampepperoni pizza free limit one food item per coupon per customer per visit please b resent coupon when ordering ot valid with any other coupon or offer valid until spt 12 1993 whdtyouwant rswthtyajqrt all markham locations focus groups share your views the ontario womens directorate wishfes to hear your thoughts regarding their plans to combine their wife assault initiative and their sexual assault prevention initiative community services council has agreed to host sessions around york region so that york region residents can make their feelings known below are listed the dates places times and hosts please choose the one which is most convenient to you and plan to spend time in discussion this is your opportunity to help shape the future of provincial programming re wife assault and sexual assault markham j milliken mills library tues sept 7 7 9 pm facilitator catherine fox markham milliken mills library thurs sept 16 79 pm chinese translation available helen li facilitator barbara moorhead opportunities to respond are also being provided to members of the black womens congress ettie rutherford and the markham feclcration of phillipino canadians mariene mogado ly at his door to greet him when he got home the rangers told him he had been positively identi fied by several staff members impossible thought eugene butch flenough jr how could anyone identify me when i was wearing my motorcycle helmet with the tinted visor and so he was the one with eugene butch flenough jr neatly stencilled across the front eugene was plain dumb daniel wakefield was dumb squared wakefield walked into a bank in pretoria south africa last year with a gun in one hand and a can vas bag in the other he was wearing a mask which cleverly enough did not have his name stencilled on it wakefield threw the bag at a teller and told her to fill it with folding money she did wake field fled so far so good for wakefield at any rate but 50 minutes later a bare faced dan wakefield shows up in the same bank he was still wearing the same clothes and car rying the same bag testified one of the tellers we all recognized him the minute he walked in and we called the police say goodnight mister wake- dumb but not dumb enough to hold a dunce cap to william saunders of new york in febru ary saunders stormed into an office of at t in manhattan armed to the teeth and threaten ing mayhem he took14 hostages police cordoned off the building swat units slipped into position on rooftops and in adja cent offices fortunately 13 of the hostages managed to escape on their own how they asked saunders one at a time for permission to go and get a drink of water they never returned saunders eventu ally surrendered to police thank the gods for dumb crooks imagine the shape wed be in if they were as wily as our politicians