trd30ne c h m r e r r y i s t m a s- j may all your holiday memories be cherished from all the girls at sears uxbridge santas on his way what better time to say thanks to you for your support have a very happy holiday from the staff at uxbridge bank of nova scotia nil warm thanks to all of you whove shown your trust by choosing us i the management and staff of red rose gardens chinese food restaurant and tavern 5460 highway 7 2946565 famous since 1972 would like to express their sincerest gratitude for your continued patronage and wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year we will be open every day during the holidays except christmas day a complimentary chinese calendar will be available per order wynewmiq mm hi scouts canada seasons qreetings 1st uxbridge scouts ah the best and thanks for your continuing support seasons greetings our hope is for a world filled with peace and joy now and forever texas burger toronto street n uxbridge 8525050 wishing you and your families a winning holiday season we appreciate your business uxbridge bowl 69 brock st w uxbridge hristmastim la gard 3 poinsettias phone orders accepted hanging pottings baskets soils 12902 10th line n 6403727 iungiass company and many met m xjjps off nil lower level seasoned hardwood delivered 2838785 hon tm xd for free belli gojle with sunjuti piinsi holiday gift certificates available woodys firewood by bush cord all hardwood cut split delivered 4164762203