p10 tribune november 18 1992 thanks to you jeniqua will inherit a better environment you see all of us working together have man aged to greatly reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by almost 25 thats waste our children will not have to inherit how did we do it by practising the 3 rs reduce reuse recycle like using ourblue boxes faithfully composting in over 800000 of our back yards cutting back on buying unnecessary packaging even small things like using a refillable mug instead of throwaway cups make a difference and thats just at home at work 7 out of 10 ontario companies now have a waste reduction program hundreds of new products are being created out of used paper plastics glass rubber we could go on so congratulations everyone ontarios waste reduction action plan is working but we still tiave a long way to go if we are to reach the provinces target of reducing waste by 50 by the year 2000 together wecan do it right jeniqua for your own personal waste reduction diary a seven day guide to reducing your waste please call the ontario ministry of the environment toll free 18005654360 waste reduction action plan thanks to you its working environment environnement