fea to i7 ine inbune fo 104 no 24 a metrolahd community newspaper wednesday june 171992 wsum 50cehts ioix may sue province to keep but metro trash jyprk may sue ontario in an attempt to keep the region from taking metro toronto trash for the next 20 years rmorial chairman eldred king has stated york would be willing to accept some of metros trash but will not be the sole bearer of its waste yorkgion council met privately thursday with a lawyer hired to break down the provinces arbitrary waste manage ment law bill 143 f ifj the province has its way york would house a megadump three times larger than the already massive keele valley land- fm site in vaughan a site will be selected by the provinciallyappointed interim waste authority iwa in the spring of 1993 from 19 potential sites pinpointed june 4 york officials although not ready to publicly release a strate gy telireporters thursday that a legal report will be presented to council next month york region has unsuccessfully tried to persuade environ ment minister ruth grierte spread torontos trash among all regions in the greater toronto area gta however officials said grier has refused to look at any other waste management alternative which evades its own environ mental assessment actmandate wkmings not working for teen smokers bradley information sheets and warn ings against smoking are not enough to lure children away from the addictive habit said one official last week m ward 1 councillor i varika bradley said despite advertise ments and war in schools advising chil dren how addictive expensive and unhealthy smoking is many young adults are still buying tobacco about 95 per cent of the kids my teenage bradley daughter hangs out with smbkei bradley who quit the habit five years ago told offi cials tuesday the politician voiced concern after reading a fact sheet on children and tobacco prepared by the cana dian council on smoking and health for the council for a tobaccofree ontario which includes facts about the envi ronment tobacco and us the information bulletins are to be forwarded to all schools in whitchurchstouffville as well as to the whitchurchstouf fville public library and to the recreation complex but bradley said parents are left with a false sense of secu rity if they think these infor mation sheets will deter their children from smoking tobacco she said friends and their influence on other children is a far greater force than informa tion bulletins warning students see page 3 folk songs for canada the signal bonfire rages in the foreground as tion by the ontario equestrian federation inc a david and ivanka bradley sing folk songs at 125day crosscanada trek for canadasv425th whitchurchstouffville museumfriday the event the trek began on february 28 on both coasts signified the end of the ride for canada celebra- the signal fire represents a birthday candle youth giitr e public meeting planned for this thursday if the young people in tms community want something they should come forward and prove it officials said last ward 4 councillor cliff dunkeld told officials that despite what people think he cares about local teenagers i am concerned about youth but i am aiso concerned about where tax dollars are going dunkeld said the politician is referring to a recent survey of local students that showed nearly 80 per cent of teenswant and need a youth centre however officials lastweek are skeptical that the young people in stoufiville would support such an endeavor if it got off the ground dunkeld said he wants to see teens prove they are wor thy of a youth centre lets see some youth come out and volunteer their time to organize activities then theyll get 100 per cent support he challenged however mayor fran sainsbury said she is still skep tical that teenagers in whitchurchstouffville havent supported events in the past and wonders whether they would support a youth centre there was a dance at stoufiville district secondary school last weekend and only 18 people showed and a busintssman offered his building to the teens and there j was no interest there i dont know what they want sainsbury said a public information night is being held at the recre ation complex thursday june 18 at 7 pm to discuss the issue hosted by the recreation department and the 7h- bune everyone is welcome to attend and share their views youth are especially encouraged to attend if they want to prove their interest in having a youth centre s3 i fjrii svmv i