i sj j f lv a xn aw -v- y k service pirectory stouflfoille 6402100 uxbridge 8529741 quality painting painting rapering fully guaranteed completely insured 6404338 richards general contracting thermal windows doublehung tilt muliilttes casement vinyl aluminum installed forts littlo as 20 pr foot 4310016 4726463 5807887 paints plus painting wallpapering drywall repairs call 4717799 m marmac design construction additions renovations sunrooms decks kitchens baths basements rec rooms quality workmanship fully insured competitive pricing free estimates references available call 4775114 financing available to qualified purchasers stop water from coming into your basement specializing in basement leaks foundation cracks call 4728614 feldsteinantman chartered accountants accounting audit bookkeeping personal business income tax gst consulting weekend evening appointments bus 7643303 rob 7310673 contact mark feldstein free estimates reasonable rates boland masonry ltd tel john brick block new old 8408321 stonework repairs 6401407 fast friendly service tubman conversion of acrylic and marble tubs to whirlpools in your home bathroom renovations free estimates 9409643 dm home improvements basements drywall kitchens bectrical bathrooms plumbing painting wallpapering free estimates 2943959 ss painting wallpapering atouckofctoss professional finishes in sponging feathering top quality guaranteed fully insured free es 4716538 t drywall taping renovations carpentry residential commercial 25 years in business 8524172 lextttne hwdl eifatft texture spray drywall repairs suspended ceilings home improvements nights john davis 6404233 mylesplummer 6421872 days 3707790 dons roofing flat shingles repairs 15 yrs experience work guaranteed stouffvilleaurorauxbridgea markham newmarket areas 15534325 toll free david barkey painting and decorating professional experienced reasonable 2943026 in service to seniors need something done dont know who to call retirease home services spuing slpechall vital services to vital people tel 416 4729142 fax4164717873 6401428 jj en smurthwaite p seating ltd custom sheet metal rr 2 stouffville ont hinves construction custom homes cottages additions decks reasonable rates- free estimates 6404227 roger heath carpentry lie b3591 contracting designing basement finishing specialist bathrooms renovations free estimates references 2949786 evngs drywall professional nine years experience renovations rec rms and repairs small jobs done on short notice darren 4711878 waishtaintmg painting wallpapering drywall and stucco specializing in faux finishing ragging marblizing dragging etc quality service guaranteed kast cattjama 4725741 home improvements small renovations residential repairs wallpapering free estimates hardwood floors refinished bruce hall 6423955 free estimates 7 custom homes renovations additions r decks 0stpuction pte01 collect class ifieds are for vryonl glass window repairs sliding screen doors supplied installed tonys scbiin hisn service complete rescreening we repair all screens reasonable rates free estimates tony 2943682 bills painting and wallpapering interior exterior 1992 recession proof prices serving markham year round since 1979 bill frechette 2945415 wayne smith carpentry additions renovations cabinets decks 6406345 witsk ifiuun grrd6n v 30 off these items only until april 24 1992 see our store for more specials 175 cm 6 crimson king maple reg 25 br now17 br 175cm 6 deborah maple reg 22 br now15 br 175 cm 6 silver maple reg 20 br now14 br 60 cm 24 col blue spruce reg 40 pot now28 pot come in and see our excellent selection ot top quality stock youll be pleased we also sell large trees crane truck deliveries available most weekends ntftntntitftthtirrtfl greenbank garden centre located on ne comer hwys 12 47 416 9857667 416 9854862 prolawre residential commercial spring cleanups weekly lawn cutting fertilizing weed control dethatching aerating fully licensed insured 2671011 member jz landscape of 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sanlee top soil garden mix screened shredded same day deu very 416 2923899 lawn pros professional cut at low prices 8527883 class ifids are for eurorte i