ihe lribune vol 104 no 15 a metroland community neivspapeik wednesday april 15 1992 28 pages 50 cents conflict act invades financial privacy town tracy kibble staff reporter local officials dont want the province to know their personal financial status it was decided last week whitchurch-stouf- fville council is backing the town of auroras bid to elimi nate a section of the provinces conflict of interest act that requests financial information about local politicians the issue was raised by york regional officials several weeks ago in newmarket during a visit by municipal affairs minister david cooke cooke had told officials that the questionnaire which requests information about local politicians and their familys eg assets liabilities financial interests sources of income cash on hand and pension rights will help reestablish honesty in politics and faith in democra cy but many towns are uncom fortable about revealing such personal information regional councillor fred cox had told cooke that asking this detailed information would discourage good people from running in local politics cox also told cooke that it shouldnt be important to the province if local politicians are rich or poor and whitchurchstoufiville offi cials said last week that they will back auroras bid to boycott the section of the act which requires answering financial information ward 3 councillor nick tatone told officials that no other organization requires detailed personal data on the people they hire tatone sug gested instead there be a test people should pass before run ning for politics to ensure they understand the basic fundamen tals of the system maybe there should be a prerequisite before running and then be given a stamp of approval tatone said cooke had also told regional officials the conflict of interest amendments which now require this information will force politi cians to clean up their acts he said while most people become involved for community betterment there are a few who run for politics to line their pockets something has to be done to gain the voters confidence back in the political process cooke said local officials voted to sup port auroras resolution which calls for cancellation of the sec tion asking for financial data youth centre results coining in from questionnaire tracy kibble staff reporter wsf now setving 1300 children s nearly 50 per cent of the residents that line up at whitchurchstouffville foodbank wsf are children council was told last week wsf coordinator robyn magee told officials that 48 per cent of the 2719 people needing the local service are childrn and added this is a high percentage magee said about 40 per cent of most other york region foodbank clients are children and that stouffville must get behind the wsf to ensure kids arent going to school hungry magee said the wsf has spent nearly 25000 buying food since it opened its door january 1991 in the basement of the churchill baptist church she told council that wsf clients come from all kinds of categories and the sagging econo my is making it impossible for people to find work everyone here knows someone who uses the wsf its not just for people on welfare she added that many clients who had lived pay cheque to pay cheque have recently lost 70000ayear jobs and are forced to turn to the foodbank see page 3 the results of a survey of all town youth is being tabulated this week to gauge the need for a youth centre in whitchurchstouf fville the survey was the end result of a 77nesponsored forum in december of last year the questionnaire was circulated by the towns recreation dept and program coordinator peter arnott said early results indicate a very strong support and interest from youths in this communi ty for a youth centre the surveys were presented to all intermediate and senior grade youths attending schools in the whitchurchstouffville area to ensure results would reflect the needs and wishes of the younger population and not simply what adults would like to see arnott said results from ballantrae whitchurchhighlands orchard park summitview public schools st marks catholic school and sdss are being tabulated and combined before a final report will be presented survey questions included where youths would like to see the centre located suggestions for hours of operation which programs should be available whether memberships are a good idea and whether the centre should be operated year round to in prizes see page 9 h ww nl