immmrfp r -srl- eldred king back dsybrk chdirffidri iwb yjyjtyvf sal bgmmarito staff reporter eldred king was acclaimed as york regions chairman after at least two wouldbe challengers unexpectedly dropped out of the running for the cov eted post v it had been rumored that george timpson an aurora council lor and former mayor and bob i featherstonhaugh the former mayor king of east gwillim- bury would challenge king for the job at least two members of regional council were also believed to be considering entering the race york region chairman does hot have to be ah elected official king theformer jbiayor of whitchurch- stouffvillei has been the chairman since 1 984 the 64ryearold resi dent of stbuffville is starting his- third term in the post following his acclamation king f was presented the chain of office and sworn in by madame justice jean macfarland of the ontario court general division an addressby king followed the sweafiiigincerempny about 150 wellwishers ihclud ing friends family and dignitaries crammed the regional administra tion building in newmarket to wit ness the ceremony which featured two members of the york regional police pipe band and an invocation by the rev lieut bill franco of the salvation army in his address king said regional councils priority in the next term is to complete yorks official plani in this forum we must and we will build a consensus this con sensus must be based on the inter ests of the total region rather thana collection of local and provincial interests he said at sfouffyille ibg police believe there may be a connection between a bank robbery in sutton and an attempted bank robbery which occurred wednes day morning in stouffville at tt aboutl 1 20 am a male suspect walked up to a female teller in the main street bank and held up a note which indicated he had a giin said insp ivars tins of the york regional police the indi vidual thentumed and left the bankr she said i dont have any money he appeared very nervous vitins said police are searching for a white male of neat appearance slim build and five feet six inches tall the suspect is between 2530 years of age and was wearing a red and black lumber jacket the individual smelted of gasoline said vitins around noon wednesday approximately 1300 was taken from the td bank on dalton road in sutton after a male suspect pro duced a note which indicated he had a gun although no gun was seen police said were looking at that the general description is the same said vitins when asked about a possible connection between the two incidents police there are also searching for a white male 25 to 30 years of age five feet eight inches tall with a thin build the suspect has shoulderlength brown hair and was wearing a baseball cap grey bomber jacket and blue jeans i have thoughts on the matter but im not in a position to say it is said a police spokesperson when asked if the same individual was responsible for both incidents emmerson recount sal bommarito staff reporter the man defeated by mayor fran sainsbury is accusing the town of impropriety in the nov 11 municipal election wayne emmerson who lost the race for mayor of whitchurch-stouf- y fville by 243 votes made the allega tion at tuesday nights council in committee meeting its the way the election was run the procedures done by staff and how the election was run said emmer son after being grilled by council lors after a fiveminute in-camera- session councillors unanimously rejected emmersons recount request sainsbury did not vote after declaring a conflict of interest on the item we dont want to set a precedent for future elections ward 3 council lor nick tatone who chaired the meeting said before the vote was taken you dont meet any of the requirements he said referring to tiie alternatives for recounts stated in the municipal elections act because emmersons request did not meetany of the acts provisions a resolution by council was required council is given the power to hold a recount at the- municipalitys expense if it is deemed to be in the public interest the committee adjourned into a special meeting of council following the meeting to pass a resolution on the item making it official ifs advised by chief administrative offl- f cer bob panizza rj emmerson was repeatedly asked by council to reveal the details of his request but he refused to do so if we dont get a recount i will go to the press with the details he said emmerson stated later he is planning to hold a press conference this week to reveal some of those details he said he has not ruled out taking the town to court i am very much interested in the allegations or reasons ward 6 councillor ken prentice said why do you feel its in the public inter est he asked emmerson emmerson would only say there was a 37 per cent of vote difference 243 votes is not a large number the public should have a second chance emmerson maintains there is a dis- crepancy between the total number of individuals who voted and the number of ballots cast for the office ofmayor he also alluded toa dis crepancy of 80 votes in ward 3 anybody can make general state ments said panizza after the meet ing in reaction to emmersons alter gations what were the discrepan cies he asked i panizza repeated the reason for the discrepancy between the number of people who voted and the number of ballots cast for the office of mayor he said everyone who cast a ballot on the evening of nov 11 didnt nec essarily vote for a mayoral candidate composite ballots as were used in last months election allowing voters to pick and choose whom they wish to vote for said panizza maybe some people didnt vote for the office of maybrbecause they didnt like the two candidates he said 92 aerostar 4072 hwy 7 jk ov m n m i 1 am iv m w i