p12i tribune octobers 1991 t 4 an october by kathleen ertman z- custom designs headpieces bouquets bbnbonnieres and hall decorations openhguse october 19 20 100 400 pm sandford road cong 6 9049 diane ranejula uxbridge 8523015 ju0i vdjmcta rcud jomqsl 30obiuie cue custom ready made v window coverings the regional municipality of durham durham the regional municipality of durham and the county of northumberland have agreed to jointly coordinate a gypsy moth aerial spray program in conjunction with the ontario ministry of natural resources to help control the infestation of the gypsy moth pest the gypsy moth is one of the most serious defoliating pests of hardwood stands in southern ontario- jn order to qualify for the 1992 program the minimum area is 10 acres of vulnerable forest areai which is subject to a prespray assessment landowners may amalgamate to meet the minimum requirement the biological insecticide bacillus thuringiansis bt is sprayed twice in the spring to help protect the trees from damage caused by the gypsy moth caterpillar anyone interested in learning more about the program is welcome to attend an open house at the bowmanville recreation complex on october 16 1991 between 600 pm and 900 pm or at the uxbridge library on october 17 1991 between 700pm and 900 pm for more information or to obtain an application for the 1992 program please contact lorraine norns gypsy moth coordinator ganaraska region conservation authority po box 328 port hope ontario l1a3w4 4168858173 gypsy moth aerial spray program while walking in the dark the rustling crack ling crunching of leaves under foot makes me feel like tiptoeirigv the only sound is the odd cricket calling and my footsteps ahead t see a beautiful maple tree illuminated by a street lamp the brilliant color con trasts sharply with the black night sky pausing underneath and gazing- upwards im surr rounded in a heavenly light s iffmmi breakfast meeting tues oct 22 79 a m af angies eatery guest speakers mayor fran sainsbufw councillor wayne emmerson ibpfcplatform for upcoming election 10 per person callchamber office for info tickets tel 6404227 1 beer and wine making supplies introduction to vvinemakiog october 24th 1 991 730 pm register early fall sale now on 6407864 6362imain su stouffville limited product line available at the meat merchant in uxbridge i i o limited product line available at the meat merchant in uxbridge filtered shades of yellow amber and red roof my temporary cathedral 7 j v a warm poignant breeze stirs the canopy overhead at the same time releasing cascades of leaves heavyhearted i realize that all too sooni the indian summer will be oyer already most of the trees are leafless like great lifeless skele tons they stand silently waiting iyv sheltered on every porch a plump orange pumpkin sits expectantly 22212 soon halloween will arrive v each and every person will be greeted by a grin ning scowling laughing evil jacktolantern the streets will dance with hobgoblins and shouts of trick or treat will echo do wii the street suddenly a dark silhou ette darts across my path with a shriek startled i come to a dead stop tw o iridescent green eyes peer at me coldly from the shadows then in an instant they have disappeared 2 once again the night is stih the street deserted and im alone tu r n i n g w i th a s i g h i head for home j ministry of the attorney oto general u can lose a lot niore than your licence associate impact auto parts would like to thank our loyal uxbridge and area patrons visit us sat oct 19 for our 2 aml 11- k75 rad antifreeze d windshield washer 1 antifreeze uxbridge plaza banffrd u ni