ii walking the beat in stouffville yotk rf0kn police hlmnjmill roger belgrave staff reporter f taking to stouffville streets oh foot recentlyydrkrregiolnal police police inspector ivars vittins the havebgenleavirig meircruisers and increased foot patrols were prompt edbyafewjdcdnipliaints ed a few tfyerturried flowers shrubsand gardens aretthe kind of occurrences the higher police visi bility aremeant to discourage but whilethe walking tours do much to discourage such vandalism r also dor wonders for public rela tions like many other local re si dents g wass e f believescrime levels oh main vstreet dont warrant a significant v police presence a although reports of tobacco breakf ins has him somewhat alaimledj those incidents are few and far between he concluded wassefsifamily has been operat ing houston pharmacjlfor 23 years and he ctranytroubleuiat required police assistance for tfie part his cbntact with police has been limited to the occa sional driveby sighting of officers issuing tickiss i m0y if nothing else the foot patrols are a good way to for people like wassefto meet the local constabu- lary f j if theyre there to increase acces sibility frpnr the publicto them jits a gqbdidea he said ithinkit is a good way to get the commu nity in touch with the police v force g as long as extra manpower per mits foot patrols should bej com monplace in downtown stouffville said lisp vittins but officer wiuwaysjibej encouraged to park their vehicles and patrol the area on foot he added i like to have officers walk through the street and talk to the lithinkitis a good way to get the community in touch with the police force people vittins said constable james- pfovis isgohr vinced local residents are happier to vseejthe police among the towns everyday strollers while on foot patrol- officers reg- ularly stop in local businesses and v said with vehicle enforcerhentf yoii j dont talk to people other ftahhen eyohystop people for minor traffic violations said provis when officers take to mestreetoh fppty they appear less intimidating he believes as a resultthe officers appearrncapprblle people would te more mclined to walk up to you and ask you a ques tion than they would when youre driving down the road he said the interaction with local presi dents benefits officers as wellas towns people there are good days and bad days for any officer but if one person comes up iahd says officer hayela nice day itmakesit all worth awhile said provis its nice to know agreed cph- stable john smithyes you dont get a chance to hear that when youre diving through town y veteran trustee seeks reelection and will not represent the interests of the ratepay- julie caspersen staff reporter i veteran school boardtrustee harry bowes will run for a position on the york region board of education whitchurchstpuffyille trustee bowes officially announced his intention to run in the november munic ipal elections bowes joined the board in 1975 and during his 16 years as a trustee was five times elected chairman of the board v v when he was first elected tp the board bowes said trustees were divided on many issues it was a split doard in 75 then it really improved when director of education bob cressman came in 81 he said but the board is divided again a situation that prompted bowes to once again vie for a seati hppe to- have a modifying effect on the board he said bowes fears some candidates are running on single issues ers tto have some singleissue groups run and get in 1 just couldnt live with that they dont understand the role of the trustee he said i have ah open mind and represent all the concerns it was the threat of eyen further conflict among trustees that was a deciding factor in bowes decision to run again for election bowes had brigihally hinted hed retire from the board after the current term to spend more time with his family now that many projects hes pushed for over the past years are in the process of being completed those projects ihcluded me addition to summitview public school and the track at stouffville district sec ondary school according tp theclerksdepartmerit bowes is the only candidate registered to run for public school board trustee in town garden centre dont miss our best buddy dog show this sat august 1 7 at 2 pm free with every entry one 4 kg bag martins dog food call for details fisifln science diet martins lams and burgham pet supplies we3et iver topsoif toptemix farmer jacks own wnlflma pbrmaam paving stones sand gravel and much mom montowed 9amto7pm thursfrl 9 am to 9 pm sat 9jtm16pmi pflfllpaimm 3 i