fox p yc tvjptr pi jrlfeune ffibruart 13 1991 st traffic in front of the net photoanneite buchkowski newtonbrook block goalie brent meyer has to contend with some heavy traffic in front of his net during whitchurchstouffville minor hockey association novice house league action satur- day morning at the recreation centre newton brook was playing rand pools in the game and meyers goalkeeping must have made a differ ence as his team skated to a 42 win stouffville atom clippers skate to two game lead in playoff versus cobourg the stouffville boyds sports atom clippers skated to a two game lead in their bestoffive playoff series with cobourg last week the clippers led by the acrobatic goaltending of jason brown bested the lake ontario crew 52 at the rec centre monday before heading down hwy 401 to take a 72 decision friday it was rob spytz from ryan king and dan tardella and matt turner on a solo effort giving the qippers a 21 first period lead monday shawn carruthers kevin hackert and kyle harrison went on to score for the winners with assists from jeff hassard carruthers and tardella friday rob tilley netted a pair to pace the qippers win with solo markers coming from tardella king spytz and hackert assists went to grahame smith and hassard each with two tilley carruthers tardella evan cain turn er and brad johnston the clippers played to a 44 tie with bowmanville in an exhibition match up saturday tardella king hack ert and carruthers looked after the stouffville scoring while king hackert and andrew hutchison drew assists m the regional municipality of oris road improvements the council of the regional municipality of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing a the widening and reconstruction of bloomington road yr 40 from approximately 250 metres west of warden avenue yr 65 to approximately 260 metres east of warden avenue yr 65 in the town of whitchurchstouffville to provide a basic width of 360 metres with additional widenings at the intersection with warden avenue yr 65 to provide two through lanes and a left turn lane and right turn taper in each direction b the widening of warden avenue yr 65 from approximately 170 metres north of bloomington road yr 40 to approximately 200 metres south of bloomington road yr 40 in the town of whitchurch- stouffville to provide a basic width of 300 metres with additional widenings at the intersection with bloomington road yr 40 to provide one through lane and a left turn lane and right turn taper in each direction c the construction of a roadside drainage ditch to 425 metres south of bloomington road yr 40 d the provision of partial illumination and the installation of traffic control signals e the carrying out of all related works and undertakings required in connection with the above and f the acquisition of the necessary lands and interests in lands for the works described above pursuant to section 301 of the municipal act the engineering committee of the regional council will at its meeting to be held at 1000 am on the 5th day of march 1991 in the council chambers at the regional administrative building located at 62 bayview avenue newmarket hear any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard anyone wishing to be heard is requested to advise the office of the regional clerk telephone 8951231 or 3622464 extension 287 if any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed in his absence and he will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings the proposed bylaw and plans showing the proposed works may be inspected at the office of ronald gee director planning and design branch at the regional engineering building located on woodbine avenue yr 8 one and onequarter miles north of aurora road yr 15 telephone 8952303 or 3648731 dated at newmarket this 25th day of january 1 991 robert n vernon amct cmc regional clerk 62 bayview avenue newmarket ontario l3y4w9 leroux appointed new general manager of eglinton equestrian club michele leroux has been select ed as the new general manager of the eglinton equestrian club replacing martina pracht leroux s appointment was announced by the clubs board of directors earlier this week she will leave her position as corporate pee wee clippers eliminated in playoffs the markhamstouffville credit union pee wee clippers ran into a brick wall last week losing two games to port perry to drop the bestoffive playoff series three games to two with one game tied the clippers fell 50 monday in the scugog town then returned home for more of the same on friday going down 60 against the stronger port perry squad but the stouffville outfit went on a scoring rampage of their own in a 90 exhibition game win over oak ridges tuesday brent avery counted a hat trick with will hunter netting a pair singles went to david hutchinson john mckinnon roger mcmann and tim smart assists were earned by mcmann with two steve wilcox mckinnon hutchinson mike underwood and don wilkie manager of cardiology services at toronto hospital to take the new position leroux has been active in the pony club both as district commissioner and at the regional level she has been involved on a vol unteer basis for several years with higher level shows including world cup qualifiers her experi ence includes jump judging dres sage writing and serving as the main nonstaff organizer of the tournament of champions at the eglinton club leroux has served on the board of directors at the club since 1984 and was formerly the chairperson of the clubs board administration committee leroux who has two children riding with the club will assume her duties feb 18 club president john mclninch has also announced his decision to step down as presi dent but will remain on the clubs board of directors his successor will be elected at the next meeting of the board the eglinton equestrian club is a nonprofit organization which aims to develop riders in the three major olympic disciplines the club located at cedar valley would have been the location of the equestrian events had toron tos 1996 olympic bid been suc cessful r recently riders from across south central ontario gathered at the davis drive site to compete in the first show of the winter com bined training series the everit which included a dressage test and a show jumping course was held under permit issued by the canadi an equestrian federation mvmmmmmsmmmmmmsm ladies slopitch stouffville ladies slopitch fun leaguwill be having their registration for the 1990 season tues feb 19th at the rec center 79 pm tues night league for further information call jamie 2940388 or barb 6404620 whitchurch stouffville soccer club early bird registration for ages 7 15 boys girls is due by february 15 pick up forms at the rec centre during regular hours regular registration for ages 7 15 boys girls will be held on saturday march 2 and saturday march 23 from 10 am 2 pm at the rec centre