irgs- zisbmiiszzsssssbsbbsbs pig tiye december 19 1990 ffik phot oalan shackletom n foe sprf of givin danielle voipe left of family trust real estate in markham presents a dona tion on behalf of the company to jean lee of the markham food bank the food bank is located on church st across from markham district high school this time of year there is a great need for foodstuffs across york region announcement helen van veen congratulations to helen van veen who has successfully completed a title searching course and will continue in her 11th year with us in the real estate and appraisal department 40 years in markham realty philip mihorean associates ltd 4701 highway unionville 4771777 6223 main street stouffville ontario l4a 4j3 6404151 6491444 ijmay the warmth ok christmas abide in your home forever to ml from the staff at farquharson realty t limited is homelifei hht coventry real estate inc announcement m s s kr john pollard karen gerrard owneirmahager of homelife coventry real estate inc is pleased to welcome john pollard to their professional sales staff john has been very active in real estate in the markham unionville and stouffville area andmahy times the past year has been a top producer with another local broker john also brings to homelife coventry many years of sales and sales management experience and as a result has the expertise and professionalism to serve successfully his clients and provide them with superior results for professional full time service in residential or commercial investments contact john at 4722200 mm gillespie real estate peter gillespie shelagh mulvcney president 6493336 grace jorgenseri sales representative res 6493734 vpsalcs representative res 6493102 jocyoborn sales representative res 6421057 h 77k real estate ajyiuvs rijlu in yiur seqihbivirhtmhl 1692 central street chreniitnt ontario 4l66493j36 fm i 1 wamamimtmtk