s3v a helping hand photoannette buchkowski from unicef volunteers the whitchurchstouffville public library is once again this year helping unicef with its annual fundraising drive to help third world nations a stand featuring attractive greeting cards for sale has been set up at the library here local unicef representatives dianne post left and nancy gille spie display what the group is offering in the annual christ mas campaign the card go on sale nov 1 best rates better service todays interest rates min 5000 5 years 1175 3 years 2 years 1 year 11625 1200 12125 1215 90 days trust company gics rrsps rrifs call today 4725949 new location se corner mccowan raymerville markham richmond hill kuenburg 8845563 8845563 investment services inc rates are subject to change mmmmmft hffibimfffi h s3 is tij ldf i l breast of chicken pie steak pie 9 995 all natural gourmet treat galco foods chicken fingers 100 white breast meat 1099 22 lbs stuffed chicken breasts r ham cheese butter chives 1149 4x6 6z oven ready roadhouse ribs 5 lbs yzljj approx 10 racks italian stole veal 20x4ozll9 gourmet frozen soups clam chowder minestrone i veg beef cr of broccoli j many more 1049 4 lbs yield 16 8 oz servings your christmas party gift store oilihivpwnes- chips cheese punch dips j s gs endless steak lobster shrimp baskets hlledvwth sauces jams other goodies victors sirloin tip steaks 1999 8x66z bacon wrapped filet mgnon 3699 1 12 x 6 oz 3 lbs chicken breasts skinless boneless 1699 fish sticks i oven ready 5 bs 10991 fes assorted ihorsdoeuvresi trav- 2599 110 pieces oven heat eadte xofid gourmet i harvest apple cobbler pie deep dish serves 1899 thaw serve w turkey fillets skinless boneless 1999 312 lbs bake stir fry bbq visa v t uifttthttrlwirir