fiablne0ctoher3t399ft p3 phatosannettebuchkowski halloween hams stouffville area youngsters turned out in all their halloween finest at stouffville place mall on saturday for a costume judging contest held there mall officials organized the con test and had quite a task in selecting the winnersl top photo justin lawrence 2 poses for the judges en route to taking first place in the up to age 5 category below- mascot jj bird offers a hug to preschool mutant ninja turtle jerrica loyal 3 who came in third in the same category stouffville library expansion to cost taxpayers 1 million tracy kibble staff reporter whitchurchstouffville taxpayers are being asked to chip in about 1 million for a proposed 10000 square foot librarygallery addition council heard tuesday night that would total about 50 per cent of the 23 million tab needed to construct an addition onto the pre sent 7000 square foot facility but the library board said the 1 million cost to taxpayers works out to about 20 per capita a year less than the cost of one hard cover book or about five cents a day the balance of the funds would come from the province 777000 and a fundraising scheme 500000 said keith sutherland a member of the library planning committee he asked council not to faint when it learned of the costs needed by the municipality to construct the expansion we want to work together with the town to investigate the different ways in which we can find resources rather than have the money come directly from the taxpayer the funds should be well within the means of our library committee and the town mr sutherland said operating costs would total about 500000 a year another 351 per capita an addition is needed because the whitchurchstouffville public library and the latcham gallery facility is currently below provin cial recommendations and standards and is not meeting provincial norms according to population said mr sutherland he said 45 per cent of whitchurchstouffville residents borrow 102000 items each year and has 6100 members that use the facility in 178000 different ways according to studies undertaken by the library board and consultant group fox jones he added a large percentage of people in adjoining municipalities also use the facility our studies indicate that the repu tation of the library is attracting peo ple regardless of where they live he said the addition aimed for comple tion in 1995 would mean more ways the library can be used by the residents including the designation of more quiet rooms the addition of a meetingconference room more stouffville council kinsmen granted 3500 residents at westfield estates in stouffville who claim work on their subdivision has been incom plete for the past five years said they will wait until next spring for work to be finished ratepayers representative lorenzo orsetto told local offi cials last week weve waited this long another six months wont kill us he said the residents dont want to be caught in weather con ditions and have to start the work again next year he also thanked town chief administrative officer bob panizza for working with the resi dents to get the work done clear bags only please the town of whitchurchstouf fville will collect only those leaves in clear plastic bags and will buy five of the seethrough bags for each residence in urban stouffville as part of york regions new leaf and organic waste collection program the program began oct 22 all of york regions leaves and organic waste are being trucked to a 15acre compost site in rich mond hill the town will purchase 2000 clear plastic bags and offer them free to residents and will be offer ing a special leaf collection for the first week in november the leaf composting facility located on the south side of bloomington sideroad between leslie street and bayview avenue will be operated by miller disposal and will be open monday to friday from 8 am to 4 pm and saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm for residents to drop off leaves free of charge whitchurchstouffville resi dents are encouraged to compost leaves on their properties leaf waste is being banned from landfill sites thanking the town cliff aiken a representative of the canadian national institute for the blind cnib thanked whitchurchstouffville for its support during the past 12iyears last week k mr aiken said the town through efforts at the whitchruchstouffville public library has helped many blind people to read by providing talk ing books and large print books for the visually impaired the cnib presented mayor fran sainsbury with a plaque to honor the town and its efforts parade grant the stouffville kinsmen club expects the 1990 santa claus parade to be bigger and better than ever council heard last week the club asked the town to donate 3500 to the parade this year which will contain the theme winter fun whitchurchstouffville coun cillors voted to provide the money to the kinsmen childrens programs and provisions for more gallery space the library board wants the town to approve the building addition in principal to commit 150000 to the library reserve in 1991 and to have the town finance director investi gate other avenues of funding to cover the expansion plan costs to 1995 council voted to refer the 150000 request to its nov 12 cap ital budget meeting and to support the building in principal for comple tion in 1995 york lags in study whitchurchstouffville is ahead of york region in its study to determine current and future housing needs said one member of the regional commit tee in attendance at the town offices last week townhired consultant the starr group recently presented council with its first draft and one regional staff member came to hear the results however some local politicians are worried the region which lags in a provincewide initiative to accommo date housing for its residents may undo or change what whitchurch- stouffville has already completed y im concerned that once the region implements a housing study that ours will have to bexhanged ward 6 councillor jim sanders said but barbara jeffrey a senior planner at york region and ccordinator of the regions affordable housing statement assured council mat york is working with the area municipalities to ensure housing strategies at the region do not conflict with initiatives at the munici pal level mayor fransainsbury said the con sultants recommendations which include a provision to encourage more v industry to ease the burden on taxr payers is well founded but said the towns future depends solely on sewage availability and plans at the region she also stressed concern that an august 1991 deadline by the consul tant for putting some of the recom mendations into action is not possible we cant do much in 1991 because of the planning process i would like to see the time extended to 1997 she said recently after the starr group pre sented council with its first draft a 36page report outlining suggest ed policies strategies and monitoring systems the town undertake to accommodate a comprehensive hous ing mix has council concerned some local officials and staff say nothing can be done until more sewage allocation is available earn extra money become a carrier today call 64021 00 attention flyer advertisers we can deliver your dyers for as lilllc as 312 a piece so far this year we have delivered 16672608 flyers doortodoor in markham untonville mlillken sloulfvllle uxbrldge and surrounding rural routes deliver your flyers on the day you want in any quantity from 5000 to we can the area you want 35000 call advertising at 2942200 6402100 or distribution at 2948244 or 6402100 inserts for wed oct 3190 shoppers drug mart eatons furniture mall john vtnce foods selected areas only