st- tribune 0ct0ber17 1990 p9 patrick continues of stouffville support teams in his 33 years as a main street stouffville business man neil patrick never lost sight of the need to combine the promotion of his car dealership with the sup port of the towns youth pro grams especially as they related to sports patrick who set up his neil patrick pontiacbuick operation at the corner of ninth line and main street in 1955 where stouf fville rentall now stands was approached by the youth for christ folks for a donation a year after opening his doors he complied seeing it as a good way to get the kids into some thing positive in the mid1970s after he had moved to his north side main street west location he picked up the sponsorship of the stouffville novice clippers then there were the softball and soccer sponsorships at the house league level through the years today despite the fact he sold the car dealership in december of 1988 patrick is still backing the youth time radio outfit which sprang out of the youth for christ program and his name remains on the back of the novice clip pers patrick said it was simply a mat ter of civic responsibility he saw himself as being a part of the community and as such felt that since he was deriving a living from the town he should put something back in besides being a longterm thinker he figured the kids he helped out would some day grow up and buy cars of their own and that maybe they would remember him patrick said by backing the youngsters he was making the most of his sponsorship dollars i felt they needed the help the most to encourage them to get going anything you can do to help the youth use their bodies and their minds for a positive purpose has to be worthwhile patrick who remembers playing farm hockey outdoors as a kid has watched his novices win their share of championships through the years and has always reward ed them for their successes whether it was a banquet at a local restaurant or specially made jackets the 198889 zone champion clippers he reached into his pocket to give the kids a little something to help them cele brate their triumphs patricks own sports involve ment has diminished through the years he admits and its been a while since his son ken played hockey as a boy in weston although he maintains he used to be an avid follower of the local sports scene but while his personal interest may have taken a different direc tion in recent years his cheque book could always be counted on to keep the kids in hockey sweaters and he didnt feel his responsi bilities were gone just because he sold his dealership to scott rown- pickering community services and facilities you are invited to attend a x public meeting to discuss your views on the town of pickering ice facilities feasibility study which will determine the need for an additional indoor ice surface and outdoor skating rink date wednesday october 24 1990 time 730 pm location council chamber pickering civic complex one the esplanade pickering ontario sport notes wscepy tree it would have been easy to see rowntrees generous contribu tions to the local youth sports programs as a changing of the gtfard with rowntree being the new patron who was picking up where neil patrick had left off but patrick has continued to back the clippers saying he didnt want to put the team in a position where they had to spend time hunting up another sponsor and while he said he really doesnt give a lot of thought to his decade and a half sponsorship of the towns youngest rep hock ey team he has no intention of withdrawing his support you dont just drop off because you got out of business at least thats how i look at it the cubill is here again higher interest more flexibility easier cash access available oct 15 nov 9 1990 markham stouffville community credit union umited 6245 main st stouffvilu 640281 1 wv m- when turning off the lights is a bright idea 4 save energy there are a surprising number of ways that you can easily save energy around 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