st tribune september 261990 p3 maintenance of highway 47 soon towns responsibility tracy kibble staff reporter highway 47 will soon be the responsibility of the town of whitchurchstouffville a road swap between the municipality york region and the transporta tion ministry mto council heard tuesday a report from town chief administrative office bob panizza and public works director paul whitehouse indicates the transfer of roads from hwy 47 to the town from hwy 48 to lincolnville is met with great enthusiasm from all parties involved the hwy 47 section from main street north to lincolnville is slat ed for reconstruction in 1991 and mto will upgrade the section from mcneil pharmaceuticals to the stouffville sales barn before the town takes over the report stated however the transfer will not take place until upgrading is met with satisfaction to the town and not until the westerly approach section of the kings highway is upgraded the report added a 50000 assessment study must be undertaken by town plan ning consultants giffels and asso ciates to determine alignment and costs to be paid for by mto but ward 5 councillor doug alles asked what direct benefits the town will reap from such a highway transfer mr panizza said there are no direct benefits in fact the town will now be responsible for the maintenance of hwy 47 but in return will be giv ing up the easternend town line which needs considerable mainte nance mr panizza said whitchurchstouffville mayor sainsbury said once the studies and approvals are in place from mto and york region the town stouffville mobility transit service studied a mobility transit service to transport disabled residents in whitchurchstouffville is being studied in cooperaion with york region council heard last week ward 6 councillor jim sanders a member of the whitchurchstouf fville mobility transit group has been trying to get approval from local officials to support- the groups cause since may but the issue had been tabled until all members of council could be present due to a split vote for support of the plan the service would be used to pick up and drop off disabledresi- dents at areas throughout the municipality on certain days but mayor fran sainsbury who agreed there is a need for the service said the project should be a regional undertaking i dont understand why were not going regionally with this to be part of a study to serve all of the nine area municipalities where we would all help pay for the service mayor sainsbury said but councillor sanders said he has already talked to regional offi cials who suggested the whitchurchstouffville group set up something to determine needs here the job of the committee is to find out how many people in whitchurchstouffville would ben efit from a mobility tranist ser- vice councillor sanders said he assured his colleagues the local group is just gathering information and is in full support of regional efforts to implement such a service but mayor sainsbury said data should be obtained through the region first were doing this backwards if the region undertook the project we would get all the data we need she said council voted to support the local group and to have the committee work closely with the region on the project bob panizza highway transfer needs to get tough on roadcut ting for service hookups which ultimately ruins the road she said no more cuts in pavement for anybody not bell canada not classicom and not hydro she stressed council supported staff recom mendations to have a hwy 47 assessment study performed as the first phase in the highway transfer between the region the town and mto stouffville considers recreation wish list whitchurchstouffville needs improvements in its recreation faculties town council heard last tuesday when the parks and recreation adviso ry board prab presented local officials with its annual report working in cooperation with town recreation director marlane mckeewetheral and public works director paul whitehouse the board has complied shortterm and longterm lists of goals for the towns recre ational future council went through each of the boards 17 recommendations with a finetooth comb which were reviewed and commented on by staff however council was hesitant to approve all of the listed recommen dations because there were no dollar figures presented we might be giving prab false hope because once i see the dollar figures beside each recommendation i might not approve all of them said ward 3 councillor nick tatone but ms mckeewetheral told council prab is looking for direction and said there are no binding financial commitments until further study is done and prab chairman dayle kennedy urged officials to keep in mind the recommendations were compiled through meetings held with the pub lic in whitchurchstouffville the people told us they wanted these facilities money has to be con sidered as do what the people want ms kennedy said some of the recommendations by town staff for recreational facilities in the town of whitchurchstouffville include outdoor rinks at memorial rupert and greenwood parks and an upgrade at vandorf park q a tobogganing and climbing hill be designed at the old arena site to accommodate a toboggan hill outdoor rink tball diamond and parking lot restoration of lehman pond with a link from main street to millard street basketball backboards be erected in a specific area at the rec com plex improved and expanded maintenance of town parks a multiuse trail system be considered when updating the master plan council voted to support the recommendations in principle but request ed a further report stating costs search still on for missing man the search for a whitchurch- stouffville man who went miss ing aug 4 from an ottawaarea campground has been expanded to include the toronto area says belinda burston regional direc tor of the christian horizons group home ian moody 53 a developmen tal handicapped man who lives at the whitchurchstouffville christian horizons group home wandered away from the logosland campground in ren frew nearly two months ago the group home staff had taken some of the residents there on the long weekend for a holi day after checking mr moodys tent at 745 am staff discovered a fond farewell staff at the stouffville post office bid a fond farewell to longtime employee joyce ewen at a going away party held in her honor last thurs day mrs ewen was a 22year employee at the local postal branch and was well known among local residents about 12 of her coworkers gathered for the goingaway party before work started on thursday morning him missing 15 minutes later mr moody who has wandered away from staff before but never for long periods of time left his tent aug 4 and has not been seen since because there were no sightings of the man in renfrew despite extensive searches in the ottawa area ms burston contacted the toronto police and media to expand the search area since he has not yet been locat ed in the ottawaquebec area ms burston suspects he may have been picked up along the transcanada highway and possi bly driven back to toronto both the toronto sun and the toronto star daily newspapers have published pictures of mr moody and ms burston said the christian horizon group home has had one false alarm last week a taxi driver in toronto thought he picked ian up but it turned out to be some one who looked amazingly like him this is encouraging though because at least people are look ing for him and at least he is being brought to the forefront of peoples attention she said the ottawa opp had originally ian moody still missing told ms burston and other staff of the group home that someone may be giving mr moody shel ter posters have now been dis tributed to police forces bikers and truck drivers in both areas were really getting worried because winter is coming ms burston said earn extra money become a carrier today call 6402100 attention flyer advertisers we can deliver your flyers for as little as 312 a piece so far this year we have delivered 16672608 flyers door todoor in markham unlonviile milllken stouffville uxbridge and surrounding rural routes we can deliver your flyers on the day you want in the area you want any quantity front 5000 to 35000 call advertising at 2942200 6402100 or distribution at 2948244 or 6402100 inserts for wed sept 2690 i steak express green dragon loc tite interlocking hy zels kidsworld shoppers drug mart moores the suit people eatons blg v pharmacy selected areas only