courses offered in variety of disciplines uxbridge and stouffville area residents can learn ballroom dancing oil painting and spanish this fall as part of durham colleges continuous learning programs classes which begin sept 12 are among 30 being offered at the uxbridge campus of durham college they include bookkeeping country crafts keyboarding personal com puter overview and successful small business management among others check the durham college continuous learning fall calendar available at uxbridge library for details registration is on a firstcome firstserved basis and interested residents can register by phone call toll free at 18006685843 for more information i tribune september 12 1990 p7 tffe3g furnace oil gasoline diesel fuel lawrence perry fuels agent for ultramar canada inc your heating comfort is our business in the uxbridge area we offer 24 hour emergency service automatic home delivery budget payment plan home farm industrial commercial senior citizens discounts furnace maintenance lawrence perry fuels 35 toronto st n box 1718 uxbridge ontario loc 1k0 8526845 res 29 young street uxbridge ont 8526206 aikviite shopping centre hwy 7 mccowan mt we against fsoshj at newmarket honda the smile on the face of a new car owner can speak volumes about the joy of driving one of the worlds most loved automobiles but it also says something about the care and con cern shown by newmarket hondas salespeople and how they make buying a honda such a joy in itself and because your smile means as much to us as it does to you we hang a picture of every satisfied new car owner on our wall of fame its our way of saying welcome to the family it