tribune september 4 1990 p17 sept 27 28 29 30 be a part of it baby contest saturday september 29th 1990 9 am entertainment tent rules 1 babies must be born between july lst89 and june 3090 2 babies must be a resident of markham or whitchurch- stouffville area boundaries yonge on the west steeles on the south markhanvpickering townline on the east 3 limited number of entries accepted 4 deadline september 1990 application form baby contest babys name parents name address phone babys date of birth sex please submit your application no later than sept 1990 to markham fair baby contest 12 elizabeth st markham ont l3p 2b4 for info call cathy lee 2943179 trophies sponsored by stouffville progress club wlbioem boor moving sale one location only all hunt and pella windows and doors super savings 250 bowes road concord 6691 104 monday to friday 86 thursday til 8 saturday 93 hjtt windows and doors v v vxvxvx a grocery store for your pet store opens on sepu 1990 10 discount v- my- yyy- v 1 v planning act 1983 notice of the passing of an interim control bylaw the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville passed bylaw number90111 onthe14thdayofaugust1990undersection37oftheplanningact1983so19ffic1 and that the council of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville has directed that a study be undertaken to determine land use policies regarding the use of lands buildings and structures in specific areas of the town notwithstanding the permitted uses and regulations of zoning bylaw no 8734 as amended the council deemed it desirable to enact an interim control bylaw bylaw number 90111 to prohibit the use of lands for the purposes of crushing batching screening washing stockpiling storage and weighing of any materials in the areas defined or demarcated as exceptions in town of whitchurchstouffville bylaw 87-34- by subsections 1851 1831 184k and 1812f and that this bylaw shall be in effect for a period of one year council however has the authority to extend the period during which the bylaw will be in effect to a total period not exceeding two years and take notice that any person or agency may appeal to the ontario municipal board in respect of the by law by filing with the clerk of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville not later than october 15th 1990 a notice of appeal setting out the objections to the bylaw and the reasons in support of the objection a copy of the bylaw an explanation of its purpose and effect and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the bylaw applies are attached dated at the town of whitchurchstouffville this 23rd day of august 1 990 robert panizza acting clerk the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville pobox419 19 cjvic avenue stouffville ontario l4a7z6 the reasons must be given or it will not be considered an objection explanatory note bylaw number 90111 the purpose of interim control bylaw number 90111 is to permit the municipality to undertake a review or study of land use planning policies with respect to certain industrial uses in the industrial extractive zoned areas described below and their impact on surrounding uses notwithstanding the permitted uses and regulations of zoning bylaw no 8734 as amended the interim control bylaw bylaw no 90111 will during the period for which it is in effect prohibit the use of the said lands for the purposes of crushing batching screening washing stockpiling storage and weighing of any materials in the areas defined or demarcated as exceptions in town of whitchurchstouffville bylaw 8734 by subsections 1851 1831 184k and 1812f and shown on the attached key map the following areas as shown on the attached key map are affected by bylaw 90111 subsection 183 1 parts of lots 13 14 and 15 concession 9 subsection 184 k parts of lots 8 and 9 concession 5 parts of lots 8 and 9 concession 6 subsection 185 1 subsection 1812f 1831 sub lands parts of lot 9 concession 6 part of lot 9 concession 7 parts of lots 9 and 10 concession 8 part of lot 13 concession 9 parts of lot 16 concession 4 184k subject lands 1 permitted uses crushing batching screening washing stockpiling storage and weighing of materials acquired from offsite shall be additional uses permitted on the subject lands 1851 subject lands 1 permitted uses crushing batching screening washing stockpiling storage and weighing of materials acquired from offsite shall be additional uses permitted on the subject lands 1812f subject lands i i rn- iitrh rtrc iti y r 1 permitted uses crushing batching screening washing stockpiling storage and weighing of materials acquired from offsite shall be additional uses permitted on the subject lands rr2 thk 1 permitted uses crushing batching screening washing stockpiling storage and weighing of materials acquired from offsite shall be additional uses permitted on the subject lands