m the tribune june 27 1990 p29 births potter ron melody bradley curtis are pleased to announce the safe arrival of v james lowell v on may 30th 1990 weighing 7 lbs 12 oz proud grandparents are lowell lois brown and delia potter allof stouffville coming events the family of john alie hulshof wish to invite you to an open house in honour of their 40th wedding anniversary on june 30th 1990 from 35 pm at their home on kennedy and bloomington beit wishes only deaths smith elizabeth ann at markham stouffville hospital on saturday june 23rd 1990 ann smith of stouffville in her 87th year beloved daughter of the late henry and elizabeth smith loving sister of lillie predeceased by eliza and robbie fondly remembered by her many nieces nephews andneighbours rested at oneill funeral home stouffville service was held in the chapel on monday at 1 pm inter ment peaches cemetery walumer joseph at green gables nursing home stouffville on saturday june 23rd 1990 joseph wallner of goodwood in his 84th year beloved husband of mary loving father of wil liam and mary fierheller dear grandfather of marilyn joanne rose lynn william douglas karen and kenneth and greatgrandfather of william amanda shane and erica brother of william and johanna rested at oneill funeral home stouffville service was held in the chapel on tuesday at 230 pm interment goodwood cemetery in memoriams brilunger in loving memory of earl g brillinger who pas sed away july 3rd 1975 always a smile instead of a frown always a hand when one was down always true thoughtful and kind wonderfuirnemories he left behind always remembered by wife annie family jim judy lost found lost family pet beige cat with brown tail brown face and brown paws part siamese please call 6402874 between 9 am 5 pm reward yr reward leading to whereabouts of our lost purebred male boxer he is brown with a black mask answers to tyler call bonnie or paul j 47931 00 days or 642201 5 evenings tenders town of whitchurthstouffville contract no ws0990 sealed tenders clearly marked as per contents will be received by the undersigned until 1200 oclock noon wednesday july 11th 1990 for the realignment of stouffer street and the supply and in stallation of traffic control sig nals on main street at stouffer street and main street at market street mill street contract documents are avail able in the municipal offices clerks department at the address noted the town reserved the right to accept or reject any or all ten ders r panizza clerk town of whitchurchstouffville 19 civic aveue box 419 stouffville ontario l4a7z6 apartments flats for rent 170 large one bedroom main floor apartment den and laundry hwy 47 one km north of stouffville non smokers no pets 800month 6407431 new one bedroom apartment ground floor north of stouffville 650 month plus bonus lakeview apartments 6408089 one bedroom apartment heated utilities and appliances supplied recently renovated 1st last in advance stouffville area 600 month 6401525 stouffville a large 2 bedroom basement apartment no pets non smokers preferred available immediately call 6405697 articles for sale 310 full line of polaris atv parts and service 6 models in stock paisley acres 8523932 65 foot mobile home handyman special 6500or best offer 9853065 9859312 trampolines 8 ft or 14 ft 5 year guarantee from 499 9853065 9859312 articles wanted 315 wanted all guns military items highest confidential prices paid for all your new or old guns swords bayonets helmets uni forms flags medals books pro jectiles etc etc why not turn those unwanted items into ready cash call anytime 888- 1081 garage yard sales 320 garage sale june 30 july 12 sat sun monday rain or shine hwy 12 brock 1st line west greenbank blackwater signs posted snow plow solid oak antique table cos tume jewellery auctions sales 325 thurs june 28 630 pm at 0rval mclean auction centre lindsay about 200 shrubs trees blue spruce 7 pm brand new furniture auction name brand chesterfields bed chesterfields dining room ste leather 2 pc chesterfield mattresses box springs 1 yr old refrigerator stove auto washer auto dryer sectional chesterfield electric organ all likew new no reserve all must go orval barry mclean auctioneers 3242783 pets supplies boarding cocker spaniel pups ckc 8 weeks old 985- 3065 9859312 shaaibro dog grooming all breeds flexible hours no tran quilizers breeder of rottweiler and smooth fox terriers call bev 6492186 home improvements gill window cleaning co 25 years experi ence houses inside and out 416 8527700 daycare available your search has ended for a reliable babysit ter eager mother of 2 has lots of indoor and outdoor activities for children all ages are wel come very flexible summer relief available please call anytime carol 6421868 youll find it all in the classifieds daycare wanted 775 a licensed agency earn 15000 or more per year from your home and enjoy the other benefits of working as a wee watch daycare provider full insurance coverage payment for statutory holidays payment for the first 5 days of a childs illness equipment provided cau 6421906 to start immediately or in september general help 510 daycare available 770 the childrens house day care centre a home away from home 22 church st n stouffville 18 months- 5 years hours 7 am 6 pm qualified loving staff subsidy available enroll now 6402905 ajobwrth ftsaluhttieb mcdonalds is now hiring our daynight time positions are ideal for home- makers retirees or individuals who want to work but who peed a job with flexibility we offer onthejob training and valuable work experience along with a very flexible schedule stop by our mcdonalds restaurant- 16th and hwy 48 for more information call neil hetherihgtdn 4724655 r mmisl 7 your job works for you at mcdonalds m take a look chances are youll find exactly what youre looking for in the classifieds buying or selling in the market for a bigger home or a better job looking for a rare coin or a new car classifieds are the first place to go for immediate results the tribune 6402100