vol 102 no 26 metroland community newspaper wednesday june 27 1990 our a real people person has been chosen the stouffville tribunes 1990 citizen of the year joseph nighswander executive administrator of parkview services for seniors in stouffville was cho sen last week after sifting through entries submitted during the annual campaign mr nighswander long a propo nent of seniors services in town arid a founding member of the mennonite home association which brought the first of several parkview facilities to local seniors was the clear choice among pan elists on the selection committee i appreciate the good wishes of citizen of the year 36 pages 50 cents honored bythe fe the people he said of the honor in ari interview last week although i believe there are many people in the community worthy of the award im certainly honored mr nighswander whose work in providing care and accommoda tions for whitchurchstouffville seniors spans nearly three decades is retiring this year as executive administrator of parkview services for seniors and it all began in the early 1960s when a group of- local resi dents banded together to begin the work that resulted in the construc tion of parkview home since then he has been heavily involved in other projects that has seen the development of parkview apartments parkview village and parkviewjcluster homes currently he is overseeing a 35 million reconstruction project at parkview home which is sched uled for completion next year but despite his accomplishments mr nighswander remains modest im still suffering from the schock he said its really great to be able to live and work in the whitchurchstouffville communi- ty- meanwhile local politicians and service groups will pay homage to mr nighswander at the annual cit izen of the year ceremony at sdss on thursday night it takes place at about 9 pm fol lowing the miss whitchurch-stduf- fville pageant a kickoff event for the annual strawberry festival mm joseph nighswander clear choice mcneil has to remove all pcbs tracy kibble staff reporter local officials want to be sure mcneil pharmaceutical removes all of its onsitepcbs once the business is vacant or sold the company which employs about 100 whitchurchstouf fville and area residents has decided to close its main street location to realign its activities with a sister compa ny ortho pharmaceutical canada ltd by jan 2 1991 im concerned now that mcneil is selling the busi ness that pcbs will remain on the site stressed ward 5 councillordoug alles at a- recent councilin committee meeting town of whitchurchstouf fville cao bob panizza said there have been similar con cerns following an environ ment ministry waste storage guideline letter sent to the town in regards to the compa nys move when mcneil moves out they should take their pcbs with them mr panizza said and although the ministry will allow pcb wastes or pcb related wastes to be stored on the site town officials will ask staff to report on what can be done to have them removed it would be incumbent on us to see when mcneil is vacated that all pcbs are gone coun cillor alles said