seen a good film lately tribonb june 20 199ft video viewing according to kate theres nothing i enjoy more than the prospect of an evening in front of the tube with a couple of movies ive been longing to see the older i get however the more i find that movies are depressingly like life itself antic ipation is often the best part and if its hard to pick a movie for myself its harder still trying to please my cantankerous fami- iy- my husband is quick to point out that he doesnt like movies anyway before settling down beside me to deliver a blow-by- blow critique of the film im try ing to watch clare likes movies with soppy kleenex endings and romance this despite my attempts to raise her feminist consciousness to the correct levels while malcolm prefers science fiction and talking turtles there are some things we unanimously agree to avoid these include movies starring dudley moore whose ego always seems bigger than his tal ent andanything featuring eddie murphy because if you deleted allthe expletives and laid them end to end theyd go round the world twice and what was left of the script would fit into a 30-sec- ond commercial theres no surer way of proving that your memory plays cruel tricks than to rent a classic from your youth rave endlessly to your children about it and then watch it with them ive suffered in silent embar rassment through everything from the sound of music to the party which starred peter sellers kates corner in one of his less memorable and best forgotten roles the real stars of this 1968 movie are the hilarious laminated hairstyles with flicked up ends whose lacquered perfection could withstand a forcenine gale these fascinated the children which is just as well because nothing else in this tedious film did they were soon snoring peacefully in front of the set as i pondered my generations youth ful lapses of taste also best avoided are movies youve never heard of even when the plots sound interesting we rented one about a boy who inad vertently killed his brother with a gun it wasnt long before we were wondering why while he had the opportunity he hadnt dispatched the entire cast to that great b movie in the sky then there was the one about the legend of king arthur whose credits prominently featured sean connery id never heard of that one either which should have tipped me off after all wellknown actors have been known to be desperate for work even if it entailed a script as dire as this was connery s part lasted about five minutes although it seemed longer fiarhfl gardens inc centre main st w stouffvbe 6405080 m m annabelle hydrangea reg on sale 17 28 12 99 weeping pea snrubs reg on sale 54 42 hjgf paving stones curbs retaining walls ask for our doltyourself video we also carry seeds unilock pavers curbs retaining walls top soil grass seed bark chips garden tools clay pots triple mix potting soil portland cement patio slabs masonary cement peat loam peat moss sand limestone screenings gravel railway ties which enabled him to reattach his head to body after king arthur who looked like john cleese doing miss ann elk cut it off as his head rolled onto the floor his body strode towards it and it bounced obligingly back as the green knight he was into place possessed of magical powers the family verdict everyone -v- kale gilderdale involved in this clunker should have been beheaded in every movie theres at least one redeeming feature its just unfortunate that in the ones i pick you have to plough through about 90 minutes of singing nuns or faked fights to find it its called the end frtotto hxbrtfe em caitf 44 brock st w box 961 uxbridge ont loc 1ko 416 8527035 everything in the store on sale in many cases 1 and less gem stones custom made jewellery watches gold silver fixtures for sale x engraver power head hand engraver vice diamond grinder jeweller showcases light fixtures cash reqister yl ii glass shelving jewellers bench polishing equipment antiques vvs