the tribune may 23 1990 uxbridge 8529741 6402874 fax 8524355 stouffvue 6402100 6492292 fax 6405477 ssssslfe- jsi announcements i 110th anniversaiy celebration of the uxbridge free methodist church comer reach franklin streets sat sun may 26 27 gospel sing saturday evening 7 oclock featuring heavenbbund and shiloh singers sunday 11 am 230 pm bishop donald n bastian will be guest speaker with mr ralph sider soloist come and help us celebrate tte most famous basket fa ttie warfe this is- a community let us welcome you phono 6403521 birthdays births boyoboyoboy thorne richard johnathan born may 2nd 1990 7 lbs 12 oz bill and sandra thank god the safe arrival of their third boy a new brother for joey geoffrey wed like to thank dr patter son and the great nursing staff at the new hos pital bolender dennis lorrie nee ramm are thrilled to announce the birth of their second child vkelsey breanne v arrived may 1st 1990 at 313 am weighing 7 lbs 12 oz big sister anikka is very proud of her new baby many thanks to dr kelly chapman and the great nursing staff at markham stouffville hospital special thanks to dr murray kroach our boss is nifty fifty fffi happy birthday brian family of elliott and marjorie hairing ton invite you to an open house celebrating their parents fiftieth wedding anniversary af itheir home wpodville rr1 on saturday june 2nd 1990 at 2 pm to 4 pm best wishes only personals forthcoming marriages mr and mrs robert reid of stouffville recent ly of port hope are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter cather ine elizabeth to christopher alan marsh son of jessica marsh of britt the wedding will take place on saturday may 26th 1990 at 3 pm in the stouffville united church business personals decorating business for sale in markham area small investment low overhead and ex cellent potential call 3226685 new diet disc program lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days safe natural and magicah7603361 coming events trinity united church women presents a tourof homes saturday june 2 12noon5 pm tickets 10 available at uxbridge drug stores or at the church for information call 8526213 legal notices notice to creditors and others in the estate of cecil newbury phillips deceased all claims against the estate of cecil newbury phillips late of the town of pickering in the region- al municipality of durham retired farmer de ceased who died on or about the 25th day of september 1989 must be filed with the under signed personal representatives of the estate on or before the 11th day of june 1990 thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed dated at markham this 4th day of may 1990 robert douglas phillips and james bowden executors by their solicitors cattanach mndson sutton hall 52 main street markham north markham ontario l3p1x5 canadian cancer society for information call president 2945860 6404375 477- 4021 patient services 4711667 640- 5672 4773163 in memoriams 2941853 6402461 4771626 can surmount 640- 2702 witness needed for car accident on may 16 1990 at 835 am at kennedy rd n of hwy 7 4718601 evenings 4757510 days tarot card reading 3barhara jfctmuan ba 2945817 scug0g rape crisis centre p 24 hr crisis line t 5798006 collect if necessary office hrs 95 tuesfri 9858850 out of town properties 120 furnished 3 bedroom country home near mabou nova scotia cape breton island for rent july 1st 200 per week call mary 902-945- 2455 lots acreages 135 41 x 247 lot barrie400 close to 400 water sewer also 3 bedroom house on lot 47 x 247 would be willing to sell as a package or lot only call 7057342225 after 530 pm lakesimcoe 820 ft waterfront over 900 ft paved road fron tage 13 acres proposing 9 waterfront lots 1495000 or best offer will consider trade 416 6408797 evgs 416 8955360 registration rts live located on main st unionvijie the summer day camp for integrated arts ages 612 years promoting individual expression creativity through dance drama music and visual arts different programs offered in 2week sessions 2918895 congratulations charmaine on your graduation websmgeb rsmssmmm goodwood baptist church is celebrating its 114th anniversary on sunday may 27 at 1 1 am and 730 pm rev dan filyer will be the guest speaker and mrs filyer will be bringing special music everyone welcome investmentbusiness property 140 highway 48 corner 210 ft frontage 1 acre new building potential plus north of markham 499000 pri vate 416 6408797 evgs 416 8955360 officebusiness space 150 attention small businesses retired execu tives office space for rent in heritage building in stouffville from 250 per month available immediately 4714350 officestore space available 11 laidlaw blvd 2949839 sublease 800 ft two floors of century home main st markham inventory for sale 475- 9461 business opportunities 160 no time to take course 10 years teaching the course has produced this easy to follow manual a simple manual for starting and operating a small business 1895 tax in cluded money order please send to pat mur phy general delivery uxbridge loc 1ko apartments flats for rent 1 70 bachelor apartment in adult building partly furnished would suit pensioner non smoker abstainer close to bus and train service 1st last available immediately main st stouffvil le 6404585 bright 2 floor 2nd floor studio apartment fridge stove 3 pee bathroom parking near new hospital hydro incl 900 oil heat extra 2940636 danforth danforth area 2 bedroom upper level laundry facilities 2 car parking available may 1st call 4236543 leave message exceptional large furnished bachelor base ment apartment in markham quiet single nonsmoker 650month utilities included 2943616 evenings free apartment for active responsible retired couple in exchange for light groundskeeping maintenance duties nonsmokers abstainers references box 4479 co economist sun 9 heritage rd markham ont l3p 1m3 large one bedroom living room dining room parking close to go pool fridge stove utilities one person only 700 available june 1st stouffville 6403713 newly decorated basement apartment pri vate entrance fridge stove hydro cable in cluded suit single professional 575 first last 2946463 newly renovated basement 2 bedroom apart ment close to main st markham and trans portation 750month inclusive first last 6402068 one bedroom basement apartment brimley steeles private entrance prefer female avail able june 15th 4794634 stouffville main st 3 bedrooms stove fridge 775month plus utilities call sandy 6406072 victoria park mcnicoll split selfcontained lower level apartment in house air condition ing cable and utilities included parking non- smoker available immediately 700 4927583 condominiums for rent 180 main street davis drive newmarket 2 bed room 2 bath ground level underground park ing close to 404 immediate occupancy call anytime 416 8532989 houses for rent 185 executive new home markham 3 bedroom short or long term available june 1st 4741 667 or281-8556- hwy 7kennedy rd in unionville 3 bedroom s appliances family room bright and dean 1250 4794315 houses for rent 185 markham close to new hospital 3 bed rooms 2vi baths family room with fireplace 5 appliances available june 15th 2944560 markville area 3 bedroom house 5 ap pliances fully broadloomed vh baths main floorfamily room no dogs 1075 4723781 stouffville area waterfront 1 bedroom perfect for single person 850month call allan mountford 6422006 stouffville central location 3 bedrooms appliances walkout to yard garage available july 1st 1100 per month plus utilities call 6402374 unionville beautiful large home 4 bedr rooms 3 bathrooms central air plus many ex tras established are oh quiet court east of war den must be seen 1870 per month available now 4771441 uxbridge spacious well maintained 3 bed room home walkout basement large treed lot close to elementary schols available june 15th 1000 month plus utilities 8527213 after 6 pm unionville executive 4 bedroom 3 baths near schools shopping and transportation two year lease preferred 1950month john hutton re ltd 2813242 rooms for rent wanted 1 92 brimley steeles basement self- contained room for rent nonsmoker 400 plus month please call 4706173 large furnished room in lovely home in stouffville share facilities tall 6420000 shared accommodation 194 one bedroom basement apartment markville area appliances utilities included private en trance nonsmoker available june 1st 325 month 6404127 after 5 pm shared accommodation in markham would suit professional nonsmoking male 475 month 4742295 three bedroom country farmhouse to share holistic lifestyle tree lined yard running brook in back 45 min to toronto 8 min to go stouff ville available immediately rent 440 plus call chris 6420531 third nonsmoker needed to share 3 bedroom house kennedy hwy 7 washer dryer dis hwasher 400 utilities available immediate ly 4708257 after 6 pm unionville nonsmoking professional for elegantly furnished home air conditioning cleaning utilities included 4801 st last re ferences immediate 9408610 wanted male or female to share large home in markham would suit young normal profes sional ramyerville area 550month inclusive 4724603 after 5 pm wardensteeles to share 2 bedroom luxu rious condo full recreational facilities 598 month 4958875 vacation properties 200 cabin to rent for sea son may 15thoctober 15th trent canal sys tem 70 mi ne toroq- to fishing swimming golf course and riding stable nearby 1-416- 8953278 or 1-705-426- 7742 boats supplies 235 1988 185 ft skeeter bass boat top of the line gt 150 hp johnson 1224 thruster bot tom line tournament graph tandem trailer with brakes mooring cover this boat is loaded and is in mint condition used only 6 times 22995 or best offer call 2942200 ext 308 or 7053243945 after 7 pm