ytftmburjay 9990 st shopping for necessities requires true skill in an age of increasing specializa tion with people taking courses on how to present themselves how to use body language and how to raise children i cant understand why no ones tackled the thorny topic of effective shopping im not talking about shopping for interesting stuff like clothes shoes or cds im talking about dull necessities like toilet paper soap toothpaste crackers and cof fee kate gilderdale you used to be able to whip around your local food or drug store at the speed of light instinc tively knowing where things were and what they looked like and be out of there in minutes announcement kimuragoodbrand wish to announce that they have dissolved their partnership effective may 11990 donald kimura will carry on his practice in association with joan m r emmons at 155 main street west sfouffville ontario l4a7z4 telephone 6405454 kenneth goodbrand will carry on his practice as a sole practitioner at 155 main street west sfouhville ontario l4a7z4 telephone 6405454 but the times they have a- changed for a start no store worth its salt ever keeps things in the same place for too long just in case you get complacent and you can almost guarantee that just as youve got used to it the way it was somebody will decide to improve it by rear ranging everything then theres the issue of choice i like to think of myself as pro- choice at least as far as shopping goes but you can have too much of a good thing remember when you went to buy a toothbrush and they came in soft medium and hard now they come with more options than a rolls royce you get compact heads little skinny heads with minute clumps of bristles which are so small youd end up cleaning your teeth one at a time velvet tips soft rounded tips and long bristles on the outside sur rounding short ones on the inside there are models called sulcular toothbrushes which sounds like a nasty disease but actually refers to the ability to get into the difficult areas between teeth and gums and then there are the handles youll find handles with spindly tops and strange lumps on them curved handles and handles with rubber tips on the bottom which prevent you from hanging your toothbrush in the toothbrush holder last week i tried to buy three toothbrushes one medium two soft each with four rows of old fashioned symmetrical bristles and nice straight unadorned handles i was still there 45minutes later in front of a walltowall display of ultrasoft shorthead and double action models i finally decided on two of the three but they only had them in medium or hard i found a soft one which was passable but my son wont use a pink toothbrush and that was the only color they had i almost inquired where i could get our old models rebristled after that i tried to buy some toi let paper did i want oneply twoply or threeply quilted or plain white peach grey pink yellow or soft beige scented or unscented final ly i just looked at the prices and went for the cheapest i was beyond caring what people would think when they visited the smallest room at chateau gilderdale i spent the rest of the day vacillat ing between crackers with salt or no salt whole wheat or plain cheese flavored onion flavored garlic fla vored with or without poppy seeds or sesame seeds tomorrow youll find me staring with glazed eyes at the coffee aisle id like to enlarge on the subject but weve run out of cereal and the store closes in three hours rec file summer programs set to go registrations for all camps aquatics and summer tennis com mences monday june 4 at the recreation complex registrations begin at 630 pm you can assist pur efforts by call ing the recreation department and provide us with general family for above ground vinyl poois automatic pool cleaner 39900 solar pool blankets 2 year warranty 1 2 mil plastic sale 12x24 6999 16x32 12625 18x36 15650 20x40 19185 15 round 4495 18 round 5995 24 round 9995 49900 questa 2000 automatic pool cleaner 10 off all test kits refills nbtwff r wp iga pit jm i liiririh rcvouiwhahy tkw deskhi ah concern mpoolcuumc bbz pools 6401424 taanmamf ma mfatar rmpmvw hmn xfcspo 59900 30 off inflatables games bring your pool to an analyst befoie it sends you toone if youri a lit lit- anxious about pwl cam maybe you iictdmilysisliuiird computerized wiler analysis just brint in a sample of your pool water well test and analyze it free then well prescribe a treatment plan just rijjllt for your pool our trained professionals can detect problems before they start and save you money on overtaatment lake the worry out of pool maintenance bring your pool to hwiuard we make swimming a heavenly experience enter your name in our draw for a bioguard 3 step program 174 kg stingy stick 12 bags burn out 1 litre algicide inhibitor 15839 value wui mmm iwroev wrm0u sir come in and see us bring your pool to bioguard betz pools ltd 575main street west po box 760 stouffville ontario l4a7z9 telephone stouffville 6401424 toronto 3641827 all prices are in store specials sales ends may 31 1990 we sell t- natural or propane series one pool a spa heater fuclrf by a wo ycativr yt awme pronation tsttfd wvrory aialiwr n drone iprt ipieon tiueui j u only at low ccmdumpcion tuning pot cfc ciut- or propane cs al bka en outdoor nwdrf irarpil copper finnrd rut he fxrlurgn affords motr rikrirnt he m transfer tor ptm merry ffinmy sing thnmowjt tewd r dul hnraouai donr1hnp coram syym t pool pa rna or fvrhrx tomrraonft ctatpi mufw ty cca havs v fruit nf vli jkoo tuxlnt1 laaks pool tiul pa btsltn ue designed co meei ihe demand of rornetppixary life uyles mttjy tilkttiky and butminj codes wfc bum optraitotul and i mainienancr rate into a brcud tiagt of modeft and um to sua mow popular appbeattont in store special epg250- 250000 natural or propane 129900 delivery installation available other sizes also on sale stingy stick chlorinating slicks work 24 hours a day slowly and continuouisy releasing statu ized organic chlorine reg 8995 spring special- 7995 plus receive 500 worth of betz bucks stowaway excellent pool cover cleaner controls soils and mildew stains reduces sticking when cover is folded and stored and deodorizes also cleans solar blankets boat covers and other canvas or vinyl products sale price 1095 summerizing kit chlorine algicide stain scale prevention reg 6026 ispring special 4995 72x26 polystyrene bead filled floating cushion permanenty filled with toft polystyrene beads to provide firmness end buoyancy vinyl coaled polyester cover remains cool and airy in or cut ol he water five connected sections conform to bodys shape or maximum support and oomlcrt double as a chelae lounge cushion an excellent mother- day cm 5995 sksrivi and luaoimativt imwatuhay aaansattonalnew watartoyemated for fun in the only water 995 ofvvomnuomatioi umts votm fun ask lis about cleaner drinking water bioguard information name address postal code phone number etc we will enter this information into the computer which will speed up the process to register for our programs spring tennis we still have a few spaces left in the adult tennis program in june why not dust off that racquef and join us registrations will be accepted at the recreation complex triathlon our third annual whitchurch- stouffville triathlon is set for canada day on sunday july 1 all interested triathletes are encouraged to participate registration forms will be avail able in midmay at the recreation complex anyone interested in volunteer ing for this event is asked to con tact the recreation office there will be a volunteers meet ings on tuesday may 15 at the rec complex at 630 pm pool opens its time again to open the whitchurchstouffville pool sat urday june 2 at noon is the sched uled opening the recreation department has undertaken significant renovations to this facility and hope you enjoy the new changes much music video dance as part of the strawberry festi val the recreation department in conjunction with much music is hosting a youth video dance at the recreation complex on wednes day june 27 all youths are encouraged to attend this will be an allrequest dance evening and participants are wel come to talk to the veejay and request the video of their choice skateboarding program attention all skateboarders our season is upon us season memberships are avail able through the recreation department the program begins this wedne- say may 9 remember helmets knee pads and elbow pads are mandatory there will be no exceptions