jtif iiiti6itiii p14 tribune may 2 1990 tl w i takes top honors in hi tilth jmi andrea graham is an avid amateur photographer who has received several awards for her past work her most recent success is top honors in the first annual claremont winter carnival photo contest graham earned 50 for her winning photo of the carnivals snow golf tournament as seen through the mirrored sunglasses of participant darron kew another claremontarea photo buff dr ron myhr took second and third prizes of 30 and 20 his two colorful parade shots were in keeping with the contest theme carnival fun in claremont entries were judged by tom tsuji of stouffvilles speedy photo image the contest was sponsored by ken mulveney associates photography and rural roots claremont talent show singers dancers and a number of other performers can strut their stuff at a talent show saturday may 12 at claremont branch 483 of the royal canadian legion talent nights are always popular so we decided to try one at the legion explained spokesman frank hendy of the event therell be prizes as well as lots and lots of good music he promised fm showtime starts at 8 pm anyone wishing to take pari in the talent show should contact mr hendy at 6495549 or sue johnson at 64922v claremont legion is located on old brock road south in claremom v li f j l