it plan gormley news resident congratulations to miss mari lyn bryson who is in the grad uating class of emmanuel bible college on saturday april 21 held at the faith missionary church in kitchener mr and mrs frank bennett enjoyed easter sunday with their soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs ray winger at listowell mn and mrs russell heise spent easter- weekend with their soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs harry nigh in hamil ton mr and mrs vernon mcllroy of palmerston were weekend guests of their daughter miss ruth mcllroy mrs martha wideman was a sunday dinner guest of her son and daughterinlaw mr and mrs ej wideman and family in uxbridge mr and mrs john hawkins entertained the members of their family on easter sunday mr and mrs mark simpson entertained her parents mr arid mrs ray hawkins and her three sisters and their families on easter mr and mrs ed baker and boys were guests of her parents mr and mrs dave bennett at goodwood on easter sunday mr and mrs albert yake and family spent sunday with his parents mr and mrs george yake mr and mrs cam bryson were guests of mr and mrs mel baker on easter sunday mr and mrs ron elliott vis ited the missionary church in brampton on sunday morning a special missions confer ence will be held at the heise hill church on april 26 27 and 28 on saturday rev and mrs john sider who were mission aries in india and are now going to mexico will be the guest speakers on sunday rev and mrs graybill brubak- er former missionaries to africa and he is now the exec utive director of the brethren in christ world missions office in mount joy pennsylvania will be speaking the torchmen quartet will be singing at the missionary church at 7 pm on sunday april 28 this is your invitation to a miscellaneous shower for mr- kevin brillinger and his bride- tobe ellen mcneil at 730 pm on may 4 atthe heise hill church tribune april 25 j990 p13 for 2 million drug treatment program ken black ontarioy minister- responsible for the provincial antidrug strategy recently announced details of a 2 million treatment initiative the funding which is in addi- tionto the 50 million already spend by the government each year on drug treatment will broaden the base of existing drug abuse treatment programs for youth and permit thorough and rigorousevaluation of such pro grams mr black announcedthat 16 million has been allocated to hallingers briefing durhamyork mpp enhance 11 innovative treatment programs in ontario and improve access for youth up to 25 years of age an additional 400000 in fund ing will go towards extensive pro gram evaluation in november 1989 the govern ment announced an innovative communitybased strategy to reduce the illegal use of drugs in- ontario this antidrug strategy is basec on the premise that in order to reduce the incidence and impact of illegal drug use efforts must be concentrated on reducing demand through an emphasis on preven tion and education law enforcement and treatment are other important components of the strategy the recent 2 million in addi tional treatment funding which iwihbeused in part to evaluate existing treatment programs will be helpful to determine the most effective arid efficient way of allocating treatment resources to complement the funding a 12member treatment advisory committee has been established to examine methods of treatment for drug abusers look at treatment programs and recommend future approaches this committee is expected to present a report to the minister this fall mr black is confident that these initiatives will greatly enhance current treatments programs in our efforts to reduce the illegal use of drugs in ontario and ensure effective and innovative program in the future on a local note i was pleased to be a platform guest at the official opening of the markham stouf- fville hospital on saturday march 31 i also had the pleasure of pre senting a commemorative plaque to the hospital on theoccasion of the opening i was especially please that the minister of health the honorable elinor caplan was able to attend the historic event if you require any assistance or have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact my office at the following numbers queens park 5856418 or stouffville and uxbridge 473- 5103 1 once theyre sold there are no more until may 2 only puis the best warranty in the business plus poi freight tax licence all ncentives applied circle of excellence dealer award winner 6 years straight the complete cab centre offerwg you sales leaswg service parts body shop 91 yonge st south newmarket open monthurs 99 frisat 95 k mam anm am m t vtxw mvinf nuto ss rtusmi 9tt dave wood mazda i 8 7731717