usaiubune march 21 4990 mtiae frdwderb beqnredalmarijiaa bi 16iteafaa exnentkttfiffoges rijsjj7e waf q 198990 fc the j pf cb oouxawno large 6 pot cinneraraa plant prices in effect wed maid 2190 until closing tues march 27 lothave 01 business hours montofri8ajn10prn sal 7am9ajn sun 9ajnaprn specials only ayaiiab1e only atthe markham rd16ih aye location product of mexico or usa canada no 1 grade tomatoes 218 kg produce of usa canada extra fancy granny smith product of california canada no 1 grade large stalk celery sgpr product of usa large pductdtargentina large wmpk ft a 74 kg 1 quality tender meats cut from can gr a beef boneless top round sirloin tip or boneless rump roost lb 725 kg 1 fresh v 7 chicken drumsticks 373 kg boneless boneless fresh fou round sleoks u cfcicken thighs sweet welphotor lb 505kg brand name groceries regular or diet pepsi or 7up 2iitre bottle umitof3 honeydew frojenj wmbm ispfejw coffee m ti 341 ml tin 25bgbag i saputo friulano cheese lb 725 kg brandt vienna cooked salami lb 725 kg schneiders wieners red hot skinless 450 g pkg domestic feta cheese lb 725 kg mariposa beef pa msffiwf ft 725 kg maple leaf polish sausage lb 395 kg tnstore baked muffins tea biscuits okgotsj due to an increasing unfair competition from other food stores insisting on staying open on sundays we have decided to reopen our stores on sunday to be abie to compete fairly in the marketplace thank you sunkist foodmarkets mve itcrre the rigm to limit qcintiitono alndi enok spedib edy tillable wui atumtitief bit specials available only at the markham rd t6th ave location we have a fully stocked butcher shop instoi