more editors mail the tribune wednesday february 14 1990 p5 arrogant feds paint ugly majority picture dear editor the worst thing that has hap pened to canadians in the past two decades is majority govern ments they are insensitive ar rogant spendthrifts that fail to heed the cries of the taxpayers ottawas gang is a prime ex ample where mulroney caters to quebec power with 500 million a year on french while here in on- tario premier peterson squanders hundreds of millions on french for a small minority when peterson was questioned about the millions spent on bill 8 the french services act his reply was its only peanuts he spent close to 50 million in 28 ministries before the act came into being in nov 1989 mpps were missing when the act was sneaked through in british columbia a premier in deep trouble with the new free enterprise party saw his way out by opposing meech lake suddenly when he was low in public opinion he said meech lake is unacceptable to the peo ple of bc jean chretien is playing his cards with those opposed to meech lake pierre trudeau even approves his speeches the carnival sideshow of robert stanfield richard hat field solange chaput and stephen lewis hits the road pushing quebecs demands for meech lake the road to disaster just like the cancelled road show duo of pepinrobarts that toured the country pushing bilingualism it was so divisive that it had to be cancelled it caused more resentment than unity boo boo bourassa wants peanuts peterson to run for the federal leadership of the liberals birds of a feather you cant buy unity no more than you can force a language on someone remember the tower of babel what the country needs more than meech lake and language divisions is housing hospitals and highways power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely to paraphrase winston chur chill never have so many been taken in by so few dean j kelly port perry reader angered over stand regarding computer business dear editor this is my first letter and perhaps my last to any newspaper it is only because i perceive another injustice being done that i do so now i read in your news and with which you seem to agree that a small business is being denied a permit to operate there has ap- parently been some misunderstanding of what is re quired by council one of the council members whom i shall not misname as a lady insinuates these misde meanors were deliberate without knowing the people or visiting the premises i know that laws are made and there should be consistency in government but surely cases are different this site was formerly a dirty smelly potato business that was operated from this building for many years not a word of protest was ever heard about trucks blocking the road or piles of refuse around the building people recognized that a living had to be made and mind ed their own business but things have changed we now have a nice clean building soon to be landscaped we understand and a small quiet clean businss and people object i do not understand why coun cil would deny the town revenue and cause a building to be unused while a family business could fail perhaps we are sitting on the sidelines too much if we as older people were confronted with the endless red tape many younger people endure to get a start in life we would be forced to speak up before election day comes around sincerely g smalley rr 3 stouffville photoandre wolbert going going gone auctioneer frank stapleton uses his skills to keep sales brisk during an auction at the stouffville recreation complex last sunday afternoon on the sales block for visitors to the event were a number of art pieces it was organized by dave and jean rudichuk of main frame art gallery in stouffville sainsbury responds to christmas costs dear editor i thank councillor emmerson for assisting as acting mayor during my recent absence i am writing on behalf of members of council to humbly apologize to our retiring employees staff and the volunteers of our town as it relates to christmas party costs held mainly to honor others i am very proud of our staff and volunteers the merchants who provide services give us a cost break almost all the people we honored are also whitchurchstouffville taxpayers their time is worth money time was given freely by them these many years in the best public interest the flowers on the 30 tables for 278 guests are won by lucky draw or spot dance prizes so they serve a double purpose all other prizes were donated so generously by 17 companies for which we are most grateful if you personally have a con cern there are answers which i am sure you will find satisfac tory after so many years of this onecorporation party the public relations budget is approved by council annually when anyone volunteers to help organize any function using the same format as previous coun cils they leave themselves vulnerable i truly appreciate our whitchurchstouffville volunteers and staff i fully understand good staff morale and it is councils wish to main tain it the format for the party could have been questioned or changed any time during these past seven years perhaps due to growth it is time the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville notice to close stop up and sell portions of ram forest road and norbett drive take notice that the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville intends to pass a bylaw to close stop up and sell those portions of ram forest road shown as blocks 16 and 17 on registered ran 65m2107 and those portions of norbett drive shown as block 14 on registered ran 65m2107 and parts 1 and 4 5 6 and 7 on plan 65r13357 town of whitchurchstouffville and further take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of whitchurch- stouffville shall at the hour of 800 pm tuesday february 27th 1990 in the council chambers of the municipal buildings at 19 civic avenue stouffville ontario hear any person who claims that heshe will be adversely affected by the bylaw and applies to be heard dated at the town of whitchurchstouffville this 10th day of january 1990 patricia g oakes clerk town of whitchurchstouffville 19 civic avenue sox 419 stouffville ontario l4a7z6 published a first time the 24th day of january 1990 published a second time the 31st day of january 1990 published a third time the 7th day of february 1990 published a fourth time the 14th day of february 1990 most sincerely f fran sainsbury whitchurchstouffville mayor os c rrsp flexibility ft variable plan keeps pace with current interest rates monthly deposit plan available fixed plan offers security of a guaranteed rate of interest security it your rrsp with the credit union is 100 insured through the ontario share and deposit insurance corp all this and no front end load or administration fees stoufrville district credit union 96 main street west stouffville telephone 6402811