su own league might be best for goodwood as the pucksters put away then- sticks and skates to celebrate the holidays the folks who run the kids softball program in good wood are a little less than excited with what they found in their christmas basket this year it would appear- that all the rumblings weve been hearing for the past several years about the inevitable cutting of the go od woodwhit church- stouffville minor softball cord are about to become more than groundless speculation for 12 years the goodwood people have been allowed special status within the whitchurchstouffville softball association the avid softball types in that little durham hamlet have been afforded for the most part the same rights and privileges as the taxpayers of whitchurchstouffville they provided their own diamonds equipment and um pires of course but in every other way they have been includ ed in the schedule in the same manner as stouffvilles own satellites of ballantrae and vandorf and they always enjoyed a sport notes bruce stapley great measure of success in fact perhaps a little too much having coached against good wood teams in my years in the stouffville ball program in the early to mid1980s i remember getting a little miffed on occasion at the intensity displayed by goodwood coaches and players my sand castle building tball crew was routed by a crack goodwood unit in my debut as a no limit financing up to h8 months on all instock new 1990 and prior year models of chevy cavalier pontiac sunbird chevy corsica ponfiac tempest chevy beretta chevy sprint pontiac firefly and selected instock new 990andprioryearmodekofchevygmcfullsizepickup trucks compamthesavingstogmacsskindardfinandngrale in thechartbekw 15000 financed 48 months 89 vs 165 monthly payment 37256 42895 total cost of borrowing 288288 558960 total payments 1788288 2058960 total finance savings 270672 osol dec 111989 mogmmopptojimfl9s9ondl990mcxihakjinttylbkiztfondcom- podsithvda nol hltdat ttgbl for b9 financing off vthdt malbfpufdxntdaod owndfromparsopatkmdtcsmtrtoryfro jbuumtdcmbijfjivtirhrthvppfyn 90doyjwhwfortarfogmacrofwoccru mtxxidu your 6m dealers right here for you chevcourpontiacousmobuebuick cadiuacchtvy a cmc trucks xompwsomorcortradnopaynitclktf90ondisooofmktdlofttr r gof monty to cutfcxnec for fktl 90 dayt h 55824 mopoymti1hs4405toljcodolhroigh6u784c coach in 1381 and things never really got any better who is to say that a small part of the reason the goodwood con tingent is now being told to go find another league isnt because of a lingering bad taste left by that highly competitive win at all costs approach i would be remiss not to add that the only examples of ques tionable behavior that i ever witnessed from both parents and players in my coaching years was in games involving good wood teams which is certainly not to sug gest that there was anything more than a small minority of undesirable types among a strong collection of kids moms and dads but the memory lingers now in one way however goodwood has never been any different from vandorf in that both towns have traditionally entered repcalibre ball teams in to what is meant to be a lower level house league program that situation may well be starting to change now that the stouffville folks have taken steps to upgrade the quality of their teams but the point is that vandorf as a part of whitchurch- stouffville- has the inalienable right to stay on forever as for goodwood they may find it to their advantage to seek out a few small durham region towns to form a league with areas with the same hard posed softball tradition right now having goodwood in the whitchurchstouffville pro gram is a little like mixing apples and oranges for goodwood i feel just isnt a house league hamlet far bet ter for them to wear their town colors as they take on other serious minded ballplayers and coaches from built up rural areas like their own in the long run the improved competition and the in dependence will make for a much better softball program for goodwood petri tops bowlers stouffville bowling monday night mens league for dec 18 bill petri 811 glenn jackson 770 tom lehman 761 donte benlncasa 757 jack blasco 730 mmnuewyotas athlete of the week