p12 the tribune wednesday november 15 1989 hydro forecasts will come under close scrutiny norah stoner durham west mpp at the request of the minister of energy ontario hydro will soon be presenting the government with an important document it will contain hydros forecasts of electicity demand and its plans for meeting ontarios electricity needs over the next 25 vears the government has given assurances that these plans will be subjected to thorough and comprehensive public review before any approval is given the review will provide all interested parties with an opportunity to study and assess hydros plans and forecasts it will also provide an opportunity to weigh the en vironmental implications of any proposed option or mix of options for meeting electricity needs ontario hydros and the minis- ty of energys load forecasts in dicate that new supplies may be needed by the year 2000 however not all interested par ties agree on this large electricity users m m rjrusam s3 mvmafev officiall open photorick madonik mayor fran sainsbury cuts the ribbon to officially developed by bjs investments ltd joining open the new imperial centre located at mayor sainsbury for the opening were peter sandiford dr and stoiiffville rd last thursday headecker bjs project manager at left and the new fourstorey office building was louis kocjancic bjs president represented by organizations such as the association of major power consumers of ontario point to growing demand and contend that new generating facilities will be needed as early as the mid1990s on the other hand some consumer groups and groups such as energy probe argue that conservation and energy efficiency measures can reduce the growth in demand and defer the need for new facilities until well after the turn of the century during the 1970s forecasts of high growth rates for electricity demand led to greatly increased construction of generating plants when the predicted growth rates failed to materialize hydro began to mothball plants in order to reduce costs the utility also launched major marketing pro grams aimed at increasing sales and gaining maximum value from its surplus capacity more recently hydro has responded to an upturn in the growth in electricity use and government policies which place increasing emphasis on the need for conservation and is laun ching a major conservation campaign the government has asked hydro to make electricty conser vation its first priority in plann ing to meet the future needs of the province in response hydro has set itself the goal of saving 5500 mw by the year 2000 from electricity conservation energy efficiency and parallel genera tion measures which i have talk ed about in earlier columns the government introduced amendments to the power cor poration act empowering hydro to intensify its efforts in electrici ty conservation and efficiency the amendments were also designed to make hydro more responsive to goverment policies and public concerns the government also introduc ed the energy efficiency act which sets minimum standards for energy efficiency of household appliances and energyconsuming products we have also launched a number of energy conservation programs the government recognizes that ontario hydrd faces a com plex and difficult set of choices in developing its plans for all available demand and supply op tions have environmental economic and social impacts the task facing the people of this province is to ensure that the electrical power system develops to meet their needs in a manner compatible with ontarios en vironmental goals and objectives a comprehensive public review will take place given the impor tance of the decisions being made public discussion is crucial it will help to ensure that the decisions on ontarios elec tricity future are both timely and sound local update i would like to congratulate the towns of ajax and pickering which will each receive a municipal recreation grant of 5820 to provide assistance in supporting recreation programs in both communities i would like to remind my con stituents that if they have any questions they should contact my office at 2 randall dr pickering village ajax 6836707 anytime recycling week contest share your success stories on reducing and recy cling the township of oxbridge is awarding soilsaver home composters as prizes for the best stories which will also be published the week of november 27 for all to use contest theme how i make a difference categories objective prizes deadline eligibility submission reduce less waste through use of less materials reuse use an item again for the same or different purpose recycle at home or at work describe in 100 words or less what you do to protect your environment this should be a personal testimony as to how you use the three rs of waste management 1 soilsaver composter in each category 1200 noon friday november 24 1989 open to all residents of uxbridge township mail to recycle township of uxbridge ro box 190 uxbridge ont idc 1k0 or leave at township office 20 bascom st